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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the social aspect alone is well worth getting your license. get on a repeater and yakity yak about your antennae and your rig.
  2. KD7OKN monitoring...
  3. Is the accessory a handbag, a hat, or a nice belt with rhinestones on it?
  4. those are fuxcking disgusting finger nails
  5. Not easy, not particularly speedy or reliable, nor legal. yes, not easy for people who have trouble figuring out this gull dern internets. if you want speedy you aren't running a netbook. reliable....psssft, what do you know about reliability? legal??? WUT????
  6. Sure it does - pop an OSX in the dvd of a Dell, install and you're set - righty mate. its not exactly that easy, depending on the model you might need to fiddle with the drivers...but if you want to do it, and with little effort it is possible. i see hackintoshes everywhere, especially popular on cheap netbooks. RIGHT-EE O! I CHISEL TABLETS CRUNKERS
  7. OSX has run on those systems for a long while (ever since shortly after Apple switch to the Intel chipset). I PROGRAMMED THAT BY CHEWING HOLES IN PUNCH CARDS BITCHES
  10. pssfft...before REAL COMPUTERS. GET A LIFE MORAN!
  11. Don't worry. JayB says they are fucked. I totally believe him. They aren't capitalist! Jeez, didn't you get the memo?
  12. We started out with an Apple ][ and then an Apple ][e. Still have the ][e. Upgradede to a dual disk drive so we didn't need to swap the OS and application disks. CORE BITCHES.
  13. DX? I bought the 386 SX (for SUX NO MATH CO-PROCESSER 4 YOU!) for my first computer. Splurged for the 16 MB HD. Spent most of my student loan on it, and then did shitty on all my classes while i spent all my time fucking up the hardware and connecting to terminal sessions with the campus servers and downloading mods (Amiga music files WAY before MP3s). FUCK YA GEEKDOM!
  14. Straight BALLIN
  15. Hey people, if you need a boot fitter for your ski boots (or any kind of boot) then I have a great recommendation: Dr. Happy Feet (AKA Kelly Timmons) (206) 547-7879 for Appointment Kelly is in Wallingford, and I highly recommend him. Great guy, and he really knows feet (in a non-fetish Doctor sort of way!). I dropped a blog post about him here: http://cascadeclimbers.com/blog/ though all you really need to know is right here in the post!
  16. Also...for those in Canada: *Although British Columbia Shell stations are not participating, you can purchase 10 gallons of fuel at participating Shell stations in Oregon and Washington and SKI FREEĀ® at Whistler Blackcomb.
  17. Good point. Here are a few of them. A good deal if you were planning on skiing these locales on the particular day I guess! I didn't list the Oregon locations... The Summit at Snoqualmie - WA SKI FREE on Mondays Only. Offer valid 1/31/11 thru 4/4/11. Blackout days: Feb 21 Stevens Pass - WA SKI FREE on Mon. & Thurs. Nights, 3-10pm. Offer ends 2/28/11. Mission Ridge - WA SKI FREE on Thursdays. Crystal Mountain - WA SKI FREE on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, from March 7 thru April 13, 2011. White Pass - WA SKI FREE on Tuesdays Only Whistler Blackcomb - BC SKI FREE on Sunday thru Friday. Not valid on Saturdays. Valid: Jan 3 thru 14, Jan 18 thru Feb 4, and April 4 thru End of Season.
  18. http://skifreedeals.com/ buy some gas, get a lift ticket. seems like a good deal, someone try it out.
  20. olyclimber

    "That's so gay"

    its all about semen-antics dudes
  21. olyclimber

    "That's so gay"

    its makes me happy, but it doesn't give you a mandate to call me gay
  22. olyclimber

    "That's so gay"

    sometimes, when i'm alone in the house i only wear the spandex knee and arm warmers. all black of course! it puts me in the mood to listen to my Mary Poppins soundtrack.
  23. Here ya go: Ulee's select team officially starts practices next week!
  24. olyclimber

    "That's so gay"

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