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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. of course that is wrong too LOLOLOOLOL http://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/pacgot.php?cmte=C00236489&cycle=2010
  2. Well the Koch people are just being economical by only buying one political party instead of both.
  3. so serene. and peaceful. she's probably on hardcore drugs.
  4. you could hose her down, probably cleans up nice
  5. these hippies are threatening my way of life
  6. fixed
  7. is that a big time wrestler?
  8. note: there is an activity badge for rockclimbing. they charge a little more for it than the other ones, but it does include "REI keychain" type 'biner so you can easily clip it to your harness.
  9. olyclimber


  10. I can drive a train.
  11. Check out this article on some photos Steph took of lenticulars! http://www.komonews.com/weather/blogs/scott/124333544.html Keep with the photography Steph, you are talent for sure! I hope your recovery is going well.
  12. This isn't mine, someone I know just came across it. Mind the note about methheads. http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/zip/2455986100.html
  13. Found on Mars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Most of them are too busy getting drank and stealing cars
  15. geez, watch out for those mighty nationals
  16. wow! impressive!
  17. 1/2 game back! and the bottom rung of the NL coming up, though the nationals have won 8 of their last ten.
  18. anyone talking about actual issues is clearly "fringe"
  19. sounds pretty obscure! this is from an actual lame stream media article!
  20. I missed it. How did it go? Who looks SUPER ELECTABLE!??
  21. I, for one, welcome our new goat overlords.
  22. This is an exciting thread. My guess is that the closures have to do with bird in the area. Nest, babby bird, that sort of thing.
  24. [video:youtube]GXJpy8dYF_4
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