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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/1029405/
  2. no. that was a penis.
  3. yes. alone. on the internet.
  4. Drew ran away and blocked me because he didn't want his friends to know the truth. HE CENSORED ME ON THE FREE AND OPEN INTERNET LIKE A FACIST NAZIST! UBB Buddies is a cult you can join here on CC.com. I'm not sure if that is my son. There were a couple nights where I can't really recall what happened, so who knows.
  5. What is Google Plus? I know you got your panties in a bunch because I dissed you in front of all your friends and you couldn't take the heat so you ran with you tail between your legs back under your mom's skirt.
  6. Its just me and u dru.
  7. My UBB Buddi campaign is going pretty well. I've got a lot of new buddis and bud time is hella good right now. Join the buddi explosion by clicking on the Buddi link in my post above and adding me to your UBB Buddi list.
  8. does it contain the shire weed?
  9. they make killer pup tents. humble backwoodsman approved.
  10. Dawkins:
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14677286
  12. What I'm saying is you don't watch the sunrise asleep in bed. If you're out and about, and it is a great time to be outside. And it just takes a single moment to etch a great memory. Sunsets are nice, but sunrise comes with the possibilities of the day ahead. I'm must be getting old to think of such platitudes.
  13. i love the early morning...watching the sun rise has always been my favorite time of the day. however, for whatever reason, i always gravitate to being a "night" person...and this totally screws with getting enough sleep and getting up early.
  14. Patogonia capris (purple is my favorite!) are the perfect piece of gear for that activity! Made of recyclables and socially conscious! Whats not to like?
  15. E-Rock!!! Thanks for the add! Longtime no talk! How you been? Here is a picture of my kid, he has grown quite a bit eh???
  16. rawr....der rat is looking RANDY! fun little hunk of rock
  17. sounds excessive
  18. i'm walking on air [video:youtube]yg-TqEFYcfM
  19. Hi Andi! Check out the layout of our forums. You'll see that we have it organized so that you can find information for particular areas in particular forums. In the Permit Exchange forum you can trade/sell/buy climbing permits. Information for particular mountains and climbing area can be found in the appropriate forum for each area. That is where your question needs to go. Thanks.
  20. its a popularity contest.
  21. olyclimber

    UBB Buddies

    Hey, I'd like to be your UBB Buddi! Please add me, and I'll add you! http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/users/4214/olyclimber
  22. olyclimber

    oh my!

    Great post! Did you know you can watch the episodes here? http://drunkandondrugs.com/episodes/
  23. Uranus just got a moon too.
  24. Just found this post. No one cares about it though.
  25. Great post Kev. What is a Ceiling Debt again?
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