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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. Beyond the rest of this isht, putting a price ($45) on a link to an E-Bay listing is a bit misleading. Us dirtbag cheap-ass climbers don't like being fooled.
  2. Posting e-bay auctions in The Yard Sale forum sucks.
  3. The mounties say that the Emmons and the DC route are both 5/5 for "seriousness/strenuousness" I thought Glacier Peak(Sitkum Glacier route) was quite a bit nastier. More approach, more ice, more exposure, more choss... Just my 2 cents.
  4. fenderfour


    Does anyone know who that guy is? Do you think he would be flattered?
  5. I've got Lowa Civettas (no Gore-tex) Lover 'em, but then again, no other plastic is made in size 15...
  6. I might be there later. I'd like to meet some other cc.com folks. Look for the big guy with a beard, piercings, and a celtic knotwork tattoo on right forearm.
  7. Not quite the Camp jobby-jobs, but cheap and aluminum: Cassin Raid Lite $50
  8. Drugs are aid. Except...
  9. Dare I Say it???? REI has them too.
  10. Check out the GoLite Gust. It really doesn't have suspension, but it's damn light and rides nice if you pack it right. They retail for $100 new, but I found mine for $70.
  11. I left my entire overnight kit in my car fter an aborted attempt (and rescue) on Little Tahoma. I was a bit spent from 10 hours of first aid and carrying a climbing partner out on a litter and I didn't feel like dragging my gear inside. Some bastard got in my car and took it all, including my digital camera. sons-a-bitches... All one week before my first attempt on Rainier. Luckily the renter's insurance ponied-up at the last second.
  12. Thanks. I hope I don't have to carry one of these beasties...
  13. Can anyone tell me where I can find inexpensive 11mm ropes? Or maybe where I could buy spools of 11mm climbing rope? I know, I know, 11mm is overkill, but it's not my choice. I'm running an errand.
  14. eight-six-seven, five-three-oh nieieien.
  15. But don't they look cool?
  16. I saw Dimmu a year ago. It was aight. Nothing like the Meshuggah or Machine Head shows, though.
  17. The ultimate trailhead vehicle. Hell, you could drive all the way to the crag, no matter where it is http://unimog.net/sales/radio/camo/
  18. straight the fuk out: you cant blame the 18 degree boulder session in the middle of nowhere on your partner. I can also see that you have on the extra-special shoes that make all climbs at least one full grade more difficult. Is that a new rubber compound?
  19. It's probably good that anyone under 30 receives a decent ass-kicking on a regular basis, regardless of what they may or may not have done. Sorry about the rant. I'm just tired of seeing garbage in the parks.
  20. I've looked pretty hard at these. The $100+ price tag is keeping me away right now. As you pointed out, they are very light for a technically rated axe. The slightly curved shape should work for basic ice climbing. The pick is better than most other axes, but is not ice specific. You don't necessarily need this axe for Lib Ridge. Any axe with a decent pick would do all right. The only axes I wouldn't recommend are the Black Diamond Raven and Raven Pro. Their picks really suck in ice. I was on Glacier Peak late last season, the glacier was pretty much bare, and I couldn't get my Raven to plant at all. It just bounced off. My 2 cents...
  21. $30 flat rate for the whole year. No extra charge for extra climbs. You do have to show up at the ranger station to get a permit on the day of your climb. The second permit is free, but they do issue limited numbers of permits for the various camps (or camp locations)
  22. what do you call a one-legged dog? It doesn't matter, he won't come to you anyway.
  23. Speaking of Dick Head, there is a guy who works at Boeing named Richard Head. I'll bet high school was tough for him. Maybe it's Mr. Noggin here...
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