FYI - You can buy the Whisperlite aluminum windscreen for a couple o bucks at Second Ascent. They also have the Markill cannister stoves there. They are about half the price of the MSR (devil = $20) and only weigh a little bit more.
The mounties shut down Seattle VW at 7:00 pm for their "intermediate climbing class". Do they know that you can climb outside too? There was easily 50 of them getting in the way of the rest of us. What bastiches.
Careful there. It takes a certain kind of guy to rock earrings effectively. Maybe you just can't handle it. Some of us can.
BTW - is this ever going to spray?
I don't remember the word "baby" being mentioned in any of the lyrics for their first four albums, but somehow, it's found in all of their old classics. Maybe they replaced Hetfield with a Country/Rockabilly singer?
I can't believe how much this album sucked ass. Sorry, my opinion. Right now I'm listening to OffWhite's compilation.
It's nice to know that we all like the music that the industry tells us to like. the man!!!!
"Excuses are like assholes: everyone has one, they all stink, and nobody wants to hear about yours."
"I'm so happy I don't know whether I should shit or go blind, so I will close one eye and fart."
Is there any worthy cragging to be done in Northern California? I will be headed down that way over Memorial day to hike Shasta with some friends and wanted to take a detour to do some climbing. I'm looking for some lower level stuff up to 5.10, but not above. (I'm a noob)
Would it be best to hit Smith on the way home?
It doesn't compare. It's a neat relic, but not really for modern climbing. It was designed for climbing in mountaineering boots. I'm not even too sure that it would be difficult in plastics.
The drive in this morning was "God Hates Us All" from Slayer. What better way to deal with the road rage? GregW can probably better expound on the virtues of Slayer than I can.
Earlier this week I had some break beats and atmospherics from "Anokha sounds of the Asian Underground". This stuff is all over the map from simple drum and bass to almost classical. A big bonus with this disc - most of the drums are acoustic. Talvin Singh (lead collaborator) plays the tablas.
I had Soundgarden's "A-Sides" in the deck yesterday morning. Yesterday afternoon brought Nina Simone for the commute home.
Right now I am listening to the enitre catalog from Slipknot on my I-river .mp3 player. Slipknot is 9 guys going absolutely apeshit with heavy, aggressive "tunes" like people=shit and Wait and Bleed.