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Everything posted by fenderfour
How very flatulent of you. Thanks for the posts. I just needed a little abuse to get me through the day.
Hmmm...I go to the health club/gym four to five days a week, there, fuck-o. Try a new theory. Mommy didn't love you?
So climbing makes your dick bigger? Maybe being away from the comparisons in the health club locker room make HRoark think that his dick is getting bigger, when in actuality, he is just further from the testing "stick". It could be why he's so bitchy all the time.
I'm sure that she will be more than entertained by your poetic use of the english language.
It's hard to climb in cyberspace, so we talk. We all need a little something to do while at home, so here it is. BTW - Fuck off, I'm Irish too.
Right on Distel "It's bloody good fun." -Joe Simpson Going outside and playing could be soccer or a hike. Instead you choose to risk life and limb. Dammit climbers are cool.
Let's try: April 9 Cary, NC Madstone Cary (Theatre?) Found here:http: //www.ifcfilms.com/?CAT0=3127&CAT1=4309&SHID=19906&AID=5408&CLR=red&BCLR=CC0000
I like the way climbing pushes you. It pushes the limits of your body and the limits of your fear. It hasn't been a good day climbing unless you 've scared the bejeezus outta yourself at least once.
I'm not asking why you climb, just what you get out of it. A group of my friends was discussing this the other night. It was pretty interesting to hear the responses. Everything from a puzzle to solve to an opportunity for solitude.
Did you ever see MTV's Liquid Television? They had a cartoon on there called "The Head" it was crappily drawn, along the same lines of Beavis and Butthead. There was a kid with a huge head, really, it was immense. Every time he got really mad or got in trouble, an alien would blast out of his head and kick some ass.
Yeah, the starburst works like the hood latches for the old muscle cars. Pull the pin through drop the ring on and insert retaining pin. For more fun check out www.bmezine.com
Poo story - I had just gotten back from my first alpine epic. My roomate had a couple of friends over as i stumbled into the apartment with my bulging pack and an armload of extra gear. I was looking absolutely haggard. There was a horrible stench in my apartment. My roomate said to me "dude, go look in the toilet, you gotta see this." I remembered a time when his toilet broke at his old apartment and he couldn't flush for a week. That didn't stop him from using it though. I slowly lift the lid and I see a turd the size of a 20 oz Coke bottle. Most of it was sticking out of the water, leaning against the side of the bowl. I fell down laughing. They then pawed through y pack, knowing that my digital camera was in there so that they could get a picture. After the shot, the toilet was flushed. The water swirled by leaving the mighty bomb unshaken. I was worried that someone would have to chop it up with the plunger. The second flush made it shudder. The third finally knocked th efoundation out from under it and sent it into the abyss. Later, I tried to get my pictures off the disk in my camera. Apparently the pure evil of the turd corrupted the disk. There was nothing on it. Even though I lost all of my pics from my epic, I was more upset about losing the shots of frankenturd.
Know ye not of body peircing?
Sure, my post sucked, but it spurred on greatness.
give birth to another spineless manager drop a boneless brown
Everyone has to start somewhere. With many years of practice honing my skills, I may be able to be half as cool as Catbird. Until then, I will have to be as cool as I am, which is rather lacking.
Ok, I'm trying here. Let's get more entertaining posts and less political agenda. I get enough of that on the news. Do the same people who post this crap on cc.com inundate coworkers, loved ones, acquaintances, and strangers with the same regurgitated bullshit? Hypothetical situation: two parabolic mirrors, with surface coating are absolutely perfect. They are placed like this: () so that the reflective surfaces of both are touching along their theoretical perfect edges. Let's assume that there is ambient light present, but no source. Let's also assume that there is a way to see in there without actually having anything in there. What do you see?
What would Dan - say?
What about grueling Alpine Epics? Don't they count? 18+ hours hauling a big pack over steep terrain has to amount to something on the new bastardized climber's BMI.
Rugby? Who do you play for?
My the fat inherit the earth!!!!! BWahahaha!!!!
I didn't really mind carrying out 10 lbs of skis for someone who wanted them, but you really should tell your nephew not to leave his shit in the park. I don't care if he left behind a Snickers wrapper. It's damned bad form to leave any trash in any park, unless taking it out could very well kill you. Really folks, this is exactly the kind of crap we need to consider. Have you been to the Ape Cave to see all of the garbage that people leave behind? Why? because there isn't a trash can every 20 feet? I'm going to wager a guess that Browntoe's nephew isn't a climber. Probably just a casual user of the hills near Portland. I say this because climbers don't leave crap behind. Browntoe - Please tell your nephew to learn to clean up after himself. It's pissing other people off.
You could wait for a particularly romantic moment. That way she won't expect too much from you in the future. Valentine's day is coming up...
Sheee-ot Will knows how to live!!