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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. How about "I just had my operation, and I'm dying to try it out!"
  2. I wouldn't worry too much. By your knowledge of the topic, you seem pretty casual about it. Chances are you will be in the car driving her to The Met, and forget yourself as you pass your own meat flavored wind.
  3. Is that some sort of fat crack!!!????!! You're lucky this computer is holding me back buddy!!!!
  4. Sorry, Muffy, You're fired. You have violated a few of the rules. 1. You are not properly equipped (sausagefest) 2. No Alpine!!! (you break my heart, really you do) 3. You probably don't smell of ass.
  5. I could take a pretty impressive exposed phot form the top of Mt Si, but it doesn't make it tough. I still see aid in that second photo. Another thing. Last night at Vertical World in Ballard I saw the manager (owner?) start a V4 problem from the rope hanging in the bouldering room. He swung over and stuck the first hold, then proceeded up. Too funny. Is it considered aid if it makes the problem harder?
  6. I'm Obese!!! (31.5) Running, lifting and all the other fun just isn't paying off. I wonder how many other obese people can move and climb like I do. The only person I know who has ever rated "Helathy" is a friend who is 6' 8" and weighs 220. Even then, he just barely makes it in. I have a friend who works with the Department of Health. I have asked her about the BMI and she told me that on a single use basis without proper interpretation alongside other factors like bodyfat percentage, it is almost useless.
  7. Topic? Topic? Like why don't boulders try climbing bigger things? -<grin>- BTW - Aren't crash pads aid? I just like harrassing people.
  8. Ok, this is for you sausagefest, cold-loving, long-term, hardcore, ass-smelling alpinists out there: What's your favorite after climb food? Mmmmm. Hot open faced sandwiches with mashed potatoes and gravy..... I suppose roq-joqs and boulderers have a favorite after climb food, but who really cares whaty they eat after a hard day hiking a couple of miles to the crag/boulder? BTW - beer is a given.
  9. It's interesting that just because we haven't run out of the resources that are described in this article in the time predicted in 1972 that we should continue to voraciously consume the planet. Hmm... Fuck the world. I'm off to buy a Hummer, eat a bunch of McDonald's food, and dump some oil down the storm drain.
  10. I hope you left.
  11. Did you just fart, or is that your breath? Hello son. Is that it? -<excitedly>- My herpes is in remission. My ex just got paroled today. You got a purty mouth. What got you into she-males, anyway? So, I was at the salon getting my back waxed... It's great to finally meet a man who understands the complex inner workings of a psuedo-feminist culture that is working toward… blah blah blah...
  12. Thanks. Youze guyz are great.
  13. I thought I had posted this before... Oh well. What do you think about the DMM 4CU's? I'm pretty new to lead climbing and I would like to get a rack together, I just want to do it right. I noticed that the DMM cams were lighter than most of the others, but I couldn't find any user info on them. What is a decent canister type stove? I curretnly have a Whisperlite, but I am looking for a lighter weight compressed gas type stove for my summer climbs. I will probably be using this stove for everything up to about 7,000'. Thoughts? Opinions?
  14. I remember a game that we lovingly referred to as "Smear the Q-U-E-E-R". Get the ball, run like hell and get the crap knocked out of you by one of the other 20 kids playing. Good times... Good times...
  15. Here's a climbing suit (dirt cheap): http://www.mountaingear.com/pages/product/product.asp/level1_id/359379/level2_id/56/level3_id/75/item/261066/level2_title/Men%27s+Technical+Wear+Clearance/level3_title/Clearance
  16. fenderfour

    chatter time

    Have you ever had one of those "Hey! That's not a fart" farts? No good... No good...
  17. Then again, maybe certain people wanted to take this opportunity to get a little sympathy and feel good about themselves...
  18. As if breaking stuff for Jesus wasn't cool enough, we now have break dancing for the Pope. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=518&ncid=757&e=10&u=/ap/20040126/ap_on_re_eu/vatican_break_dancing
  19. I use an old toothbrush to apply Sno-Seal to my leathers. It works pretty well and gets all of those hard to reach places. Sno-Seal will seep into the leather if you apply it to a warm boot or warm the boots after you apply (I use the oven on low). It will maintain waterproofness so long as you reapply after every trip.
  20. I found a great way to get rid of chest congestion. It involved a 32 oz can of pickled jalepenos, a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups and a lot of water. By the time I finished about half the can, I was coughing up all kinds of foul crap. In case you're wondering, the peanut butter cups were to cool the heat every now and again. Worked like a charm.
  21. fenderfour


    You know, I decided long ago that I would live forever. I just wasn't going to die. So far, it's worked out great. I can't see it changing any time soon.
  22. Something twisted this way comes. Not your typical lesbian-serial killer romp in the park. This movie really left me feeling dirty and depressed. It was an excellent movie. Charlize Theron looked horrible with the extra weight and the makeup, but she did a damn fine job.
  23. Thanks Gents. I appreciate it.
  24. I went on a little hike a few weeks ago to the Rattlesnake Ledges in North Bend. I couldn't help but notice the boulders along the trail leading up to the ledges. They were only a few hundred yards away from the parking lot. Has anyone gone bouldering there? They were looking pretty mossy to me, but I bet you could find some new problems under the crud. What is the ettiquette for such things? Would it be wrong of me to clean off parts of the boulder to give it a shot? -Thanks y'all
  25. You can get Ti and aircraft grade aluminum at the Boeing surplus store in Kent. I have seen some extrusions that look a lot like an 8 foot long picket. You might even get lucky and find a little CF lurking about.
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