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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. It's for fat old guys who aid climb.
  2. Sr. Limon is also in Tlachichuca. He is a good guy with a lot of fun stories to tell. A more personable operation than Sr. Reyes.
  3. I think Kevbone is cruising for a little strange.
  4. I just wanted to say... well, you know... http://whywontgodhealamputees.com/god5.htm
  5. Beta is like bolts. You can choose not to use it if you like. The amount of beta needed to complete a clmb changes as you gain experience. When I first started climbing I spent a lot of time making sure I was on route by analyzing every bit of data I had with me. These days I take a quick look at a topo and climb through what seems to be the easiest line.
  6. Paseo's in Fremont rocks my world. They do Cuban sandwiches. They don't have a sign. Look for a small storefront covered in corrugated metal. 4225 Fremont Ave N El Chupacabra makes the mission style burritos that Taco Del Mar wishes they made. Not to mention excellent gringo enchiladas and a passable house margarita.
  7. there are numerous pullouts between Bridge Creek CG and the Stuart Lake TH. I've also heard about bivvies on Chumstick road.
  8. That's a mighty nice choad-atar you have hemp.
  9. He is very loud and has a fragile ego.
  10. That guy has got to be the biggest choad in the history of climbing in the Cascades. I'm not talking about Chad Kellog or Craig Hill.
  11. Happy old man day Kenjamin!
  12. 3rd pitch Heart of The Country above GM at Index. Big Science area.
  13. bummer.
  14. Dude, you can't call "dibs" on routes or areas.
  15. No fair! it's a handcrack for him! BTW - awesome!!!!
  16. http://www.stanford.edu/~clint/index/roadmap.gif
  17. Tchaikovsky was a metal head. Just listen to that shit. Orff, man, that guy rocks out. Most pop, rap, R&B, etc is based on the pentatonic aka "Blues" scale. Most metal, death metal, doom metal, speed metal, your mom's metal, etc is based on the heptatonic scales, frequently the harmonic minor. For Metallica, it's almost always e minor. Chug chug chug.
  18. I couldn't help it. I know the corner you are talking about. The route goes up those loose looking flakes if you want it to go at 5.4. As you said, the corner feels more like old school 5.8+, but I don't know what it's called.
  19. Neither did your ex-girlfriend.
  20. not spray... Is chalking while ice climbing typical?
  21. bluish white
  22. Be thankful that the gorge doesn't host metal shows. A lot of metal fans are true dickbags. Before you get worked up, I know this because I'm a metal fan.
  23. Yes, the Cascadian Couloir. Aasgard is a joyful walk in the park by comparison. Why in the name of god would you walk up the Cascadian Couloir? Some mountains are better climbed when you have skill to climb them instead of suffering to the top.
  24. I was there aerlier this year, but I can't remember the rap situation. We had two ropes and used them, but I don't think they were required.
  25. We know who you are
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