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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. I was there a few years ago, a few people I was hanging out with had dogs. One Jack Russel was unleashed and had no trouble with the coyotes even though they were everywhere. We even saw the coyotes darting into the dog owner's tent to get the dog food. Your mileage may vary.
  2. fenderfour

    Morning music

    Pete Philly and Perquisite Kevbone - you need to come to 2008. There are contemporary bands making good music.
  3. fenderfour

    Morning music

    Check out Throwdown. They are Pantera2
  4. fenderfour

    Morning music

    Devil Driver, Machine Head, Isis, and a smattering of Brother Iz have already been played.
  5. fenderfour

    Morning music

    Was is hard to tell your parents you are gay? Jack Johnson sucks. wow, did we have to get all bigoted here?
  6. There aren't a lot of cracks at E38, but I have seen some good gear placements here and there that were bolted. There are a couple of cracks at E32 that don't have bolts.
  7. In the future, I suggest coming right out about the real reason you posted. There's no reason to be coy in a semi-anonymous forum.
  8. p.s. that metallica song sucks ass.
  9. Hating takes too much effort. If you really hate something/someone, you have to make it a point to do things to destroy that person/thing; mean, spiteful things like shitting in mailboxes and killing pets. I don't think you have it in you. You are probably having feelings of "strong dislike" and confusing them for hate.
  10. Partay! Arch - Wanna get beers afterward?
  11. Kong Eagle Light Petzl Tam Tam Ebay has a few things Barrabes has the Thor The Grivel Compact Black third tool looks a lot like the THor. PMS Another cheap ice tool that can be modified
  12. Good on you backcountrydog. I'm not going to get involved in bolting ethics, but I will say that it's good that you showed up and presented a reasonable argument for the new bolt you placed. Prepare to get flamed by everyone else, though.
  13. You found a motorboat smiley? Yuck Feah!
  14. I'm starting a new thread. Someone here can stump Tvash, I'm sure of it. We can put something in this thread that the vast powers of google can not answer.
  15. fenderfour

    I'm done

    What doesn't Tvashtar know?
  16. Boy am I glad that Pink discovered animated .gifs CC.com will never be the same.
  17. I have an old Forrest Mjollinor and a Grivel Rambo straight shaft. Oh, and GOOGLE: Link for the Thor another at Spadout
  18. push it out a week and I won't plan to climb at Index that day.
  19. I doubt it. Index is known for pig heads and bolt/grease wars. It also has one of the burliest belays evar on GNS. Last tiem I was up there, I found a trail of MGD cans leading to Private Idaho, keeping up another important Index tradition.
  20. You bitches owe me a beer.
  21. Back in the 1970's it was a first knuckle pinky crack all the way. Then Kit Lewis did the whole thing via lie back (in Galibier Super Guides). He pulled so hard on the edge of the crack that it actually opened up to its current hand-jam size (and is now 5.8+).
  22. The first bit is thin and rated .10a to the intermediate anchor below the bouldery .11a move
  23. fenderfour

    I'm done

    It's always a great day for bacon.
  24. I will drink beer and talk shit. Wenizzit?
  25. your mom, calling out my name.
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