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Everything posted by marylou

  1. Hillary Clinton has managed her political career brilliantly, IMO. No surprise she's slaying the competition. I think it's really hers to lose, and Newt Gingrich pretty much said the same thing earlier this week. Depending on who the Rs put up, I would not be surprised to see them put Condi on the ticket for veep. I don't think anyone can beat Hillary.
  2. Amen. ---------------------- Are we sure it is a federal judge? ---------------------- Blake, I feel your pain. Keep up the good climbs. Breaking the law in an NP is going to be heard in Federal court because the Park is Federal land, so yeah. Same deal for not displaying the parking pass, it's Federal land. Like it or not, that's the deal. Being bold, special, and a climber written about in the national climbing mags changes nothing. I regularly tread on public land for administrative purposes (stocking fish as a volunteer for the State of Wa) and I still have to get all the damn permits. Same deal for real-life paid gummint employees. I heard a story from a guy just this week of some Fed fish bios getting busted for doing legit admin work in the Olympic NP without permits. They were just too damn lazy to get the permits and they got nailed just like the rest of us. EVERYONE has to get the damn permits.
  3. Ok, well he told me about being ticketed for illegal camping at Lake 6305, so that's all I know. If ya knowinly break the law, things like htis are going to happen. If you have a legal history of doing same, the judge is going to care what your reason is that. much. less.
  4. That was the point I was trying to make. That and Blake's been busted for not having a permit in the park at least once before. Judges generally don't care for people who think they are above the law.
  5. Did the judge know about the prior tickets for same offence? That might not have helped. Also I wonder if having full knowledge (no ignorance) of the permit system helped or hurt your case. That's a steep fine. Makes me glad I didn't appear in traffic court in Twisp last week.
  6. No sure if you're serious, but I've never had that problem. No plates in me though.
  7. Denture cleaner (Efferdent) works great for cleaning bottles and hydration systems. Or, instead of cleaning, just rinse and store in the freezer when not in use, and nothing will grow in them.
  8. marylou

    MS Word

    I think there's a patch on the MS website for that. here
  9. Yes, bones can and do re-break. I am having four screws taken out of my ulna week after next and am having to take the full six weeks off of work to let it heal because there is apparently a very real possibility of a rebreak if I don't completely leave it alone while it heals. You're pretty lucky the hardware doesn't bother you. I can totally feel the resistance of the screws in my ulna just by rotating my hand, and the screws in my talus (now gone) affected how the bone flexed. Plus all the pain when the barometric pressure drops suddenly.
  10. I'm perma-banned over there, so don't blame me.
  11. Ken are you joking? That would be awesome, but no, they still use metal.
  12. I bought a set of Bridgestone Revos for my Xterra this year--best tires I've ever owned. Even pretty good on ice.
  13. I don't want no little piece of string fouling the device. Bad idea. Learn to do a Munter, you oughtta know that one anyway.
  14. Jaee, why not have that stuff taken out? You're spot on about the hardware being more rigid than bone. Personally I have found surgery to be totally worth it to get hardware removed.
  15. 1986 Split the tip of R radius. Pin still in place. Took a fall in an alley and landed on elbow. 1990 Broke 3rd Metatarsal right foot. No surg/hardware. Slipped in rain and dropped motorcycle on foot. 1996 Calc/Talus right foot, 4th Met L foot. Two screws to stabilize calc, removed in 2003 to increase flex in bone, it did help. Lead fall on bolts. 1999 Split head of R Radius again. Required very little as original hardware still in place. Bone broke in exact same place as last time. Slipped on black ice crossing street. 2006 Sprial Frac of R ulna. 4 screws, coming out soon. Work accident. 2007 having screws removed from wrist and a bunch of bone spurs removed from talus. Climbingwise, I'd say bones with hardware in them don't bend quite right under stress (metal's more rigid than bone), they can be more temparature sensitive (metal/cold) and more barometric pressure sensitive. At this point I would always be inclined to remove hardware after one year even though it means more surgery. I have brittle bones and I'm a bit of a klutz so my stats are higher than average.
  16. Couple of problems with that. One is that the wrist is L/I, and I'd imagine splitting the bill between my private insurance and L/I might present problems. The other is that they don't have sugery priviliges at the same hospitals. I don't think it can work. I am leaning toward putting them 4 days-week apart to mitigate the mobility challenges. I got a feeling I'm not going to be able to drive for a while for one thing. Should be scheduling the ankle work tomorrow AM after seeing the ankle guy. I'm a little scared since scheduling the surgeries makes it more "real" and I don't want to do it because really who likes having sugery?
  17. That recipe OW put up works. I had to do that to a mildly moldy tent once and it kills it good.
  18. One of the guys I work with fell off of a stage about 10 years ago. He is in so much pain still now that he now has a dotted line with pair of scissors tatooed all the way around his lower leg. I feel for the guy but boy howdy that tat creeps me OUT! The ankle was from a fall at Skaha, the wrist from a very heavy piece of electrical cable being pulled away me very abruptly. The break's a clockwise spiral, just like the lay of the offending cable.
  19. The wrist is getting four screws removed, quite a bit of metal in a pretty small bone/area. I actually had to wait at least a year after the original surgery so the bone would not be as vulnerable to breakage given the voids the screw removal will leave. The ankle thing is also fairly minor yet a bit delicate. I have bone spurs on a couple different faces of my talus, will need multiple incisions including going under/around the Achilles to access the talus/heel joint. Hurts just thinking about that business. I'm trying to put the surgeries as close together as possible also because the wrist is L and I, and I don't get PTO at my job. I can shorten overall recovery and recover the ankle on the wrist's L/I. I wish I'd thought of getting the ankle worked on last year when the wrist kept me home from work for five months. D'oh!
  20. That is the calmest that dog has ever been in his life.
  21. Dammit, Porter, I'm so sorry. Welcome to our sad little club. I'll keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery, and am heading in for ankle surgery #3 myself in a couple of weeks. Obey your doctors, and let that baby heal!
  22. Wire rope that thin may very well cheese slice footwear. The Spectra idea sounds like a better thing to try first.
  23. Patagucci's worth every penny IMO. Stuff lasts forever.
  24. Different surgeons. Right hand, right ankle. Fortunately I am left-handed. As far as my personal mobility is concerned, I'm not worried too much having survived having casts on both feet at one point. I still don't think it's going to be a lot of fun though.
  25. My ankle surgeon is retiring in a few weeks. I need to have him do a certain procedure before he retires. My broken hand/wrist from last year is due to have screws removed any time now. I'm thinking of doing the surgeries back-to-back in order to minimize time lost. Anyone ever tried something like this? My thinking is it's going to hurt either way so why not do them as close together as possible to make it all hurt at once. Any words for the foolhardy? Thanks!
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