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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Whatever happened that shit is nasty. I am sure that left a little scar.
  2. Nice pic OffWhite, I haven't seen many pics of that area. Last I heard that one should be aware of thieves and drug runner/growers in that area. It looks like some great climbing though. There is a small single pitch sport crag between Rosarito and Ensenada (just south of San Diego). This crag is a one minute drive to some good surf. Rock and Ice did a mini guide for this area several years back. Pico de Diablo, has some great backountry alpine climbing. It is about 2 or more hours south of Ensenada. Though during the winter one can definitely expect snow high in the mountains. From the eastern side there are some great looking ridges, canyons and plain fun backcountry adventure travel with maybe upwards of 9000 ft elevation gains. I don't know of any guidebooks or anybody that has done some exploring. I read a book long time ago about it though and it has peaked my interest since then. Cabo san Lucas supposedly has some climbing down there, but again I am lacking info on it. Though I do know that the main fin of rock is off limits, too back since it is a really cool feature. Just north of there is a great surf destination called Todos Santos. It used to be really cheap and unknown surf destination, though now-a-days I guess that has changed. Then Barancas de Cobre, has some great big walls down there. The most famed one is El Gigante with several wall line up to 3000 ft long. Nearby a 10 pitch 5.12 was put up next to Bascheaci Cascade. Paul Pina and company has spent some time down in the canyon developing sport routes on this ranch. I met the owner, but don't have there contact info. There is a ton of untouched potential down there, but it is a massive area, no surf nearby though.
  3. Since I was pulling them for someone else here you go, I'll save the work. Angry Baboons Little Switerland of Rwanda Mt Kenya
  4. As cj said I have posted a few reports, one TR from 2 weeks on Mt. Kenya, and few TR's on climbing in Rwanda. I have also posted some links to websites such as the Mountain Club of Kenya and Planet Fear, Poi article. I can possibly hook you up with some folks in the Nairobi area, but the Mountain Club is first place to start. It is also easy to hook up with partners at the clubs pub nights on Tuesday, directions on ther website. Depending on when you are are out in this area, if you were in Rwanda I hook you up with a place to stay, that is if you want to see a tripped out country. Also another destination that I have been wanting to get to is the Mountains of the Moon otherwise known at the Rwenzoris. Very cool glaciated mountains on the Uganda and Congo border. If you are going to just Killi, then you don't reallly need any technical gear. If you do Mt. Kenya proper (Batian or Nelion) you'll want gear. If you go to Rwenzoris if you just do the trek (7 days) then you don't need technical gear, but if you want the summits then I would suggest at least minimal gear for glacier travel, but there is more to do than just glacier travel. I don't much about the climbing in Tanzania, but there is rock there that I need to explore at some point.
  5. No way, that is funny I never noticed that. I wish I could have made it, life is just too busy right now.
  6. So what's up Dave is this the only forum you have figured out how to use. Why is it that you are always asking the mods to move your post. wid dat?
  7. Ha suckas, all you got going on is some silly rope-a-dope-up thing. How lame, I got you beat by a 8 miles. I am spending my weekend flying in a plane. Ha suckas, yep thats right I get to spend 25 hours on a plane real time, no time change shit, not including airport layovers and shit like that. Hell if I am lucky and get all ronery, I can probably get a cavity search thrown in for free. I know I will definitely hear crying babies, have some kid kicking the back of my seat and asshole in front of me cramping my knees cause he is trying to lounge. Maybe even get to sit next to some fat fucker that is taking up half of my seat as well as his own. I guess the only thing that would make this better if I got to do both, the trip and rope-da-dope-up thing, but if I had to choose one............. . . . . . . . . ...........well ok maybe I would prefer to join you all at the 8th mile. I think I will especially miss the prana top love-fest.
  8. Damn, that's the first I've heard of that. Guys like John Long recommend tying into their primary with a figure eight loop then clove hitch to any additional pieces. I guess there is a very good reason for this. i think it'd be pretty hard to untie an 8 if you went factor 2 onto it... That may be true, but it would be less likely to actually melt. Sista pleaz....I don't think rope would actually melted. I think he was using 'welded', as a term meaning couldn't get it untied. Sometimes I don't know about you CBS.
  9. I am working on one here in Rwanda. What I have chosen to do is to take photos of the cliff and draw in the lines for the routes. Myself I have always liked guidebooks that have real pictures of the cliff, I've thought it was much easier to find routes in the past. My favorite guidebooks are The Gunks by Paul .... and the Cathedral and Whitehorse guide by Ed Webster. They start each section with an overview picture, then do detail pictures with routes drawn in. Ed Webster, did the best job though with great commentary; history, funny stories, and/or commentary with a theme that matched the route name. He would also include pitch grade, seriousness and length for each pitch, very useful I thought, some might think it was a bit too much info, but it made me get on some 5.10R climbs cause I new the R section was only 5.7. Still he managed to condense all the info into a small book that I actually drilled a hole into it and would clip it to my harness.
  10. ken4ord

    Hey AlpineK

    Sorry man, I didn't have my camera, but you would have gotten a kick out of seeing a Rwandan arborist. I was sitting out have my coffee this morning when I looked over next door to see this guy climbing straight up a trunk of tree that was 40 feet up and no branches. He had this hemp rope tied around his waist that knot every so often so that it would reach where he was going, but rope wasn't for protection. Instead he was using it to tie to some upper branches to direct the fall of the tree. He also has some ratty hemp rope that was tied around the trunk and his feet and a machete strapped to his back. The shit was crazy. He was down on the ground before I got back out with the camera. Maybe next time.
  11. What no bolt kit, no community service bolts placed, long run-out, damn do you got a deathwish? Purty place though.
  12. At $2200 minimum to get back to Seattle, I don't think it will happen for me. For the most part, though I been out with some pinheads that ride really fast
  13. If a person did that to me, I would be thinking of kicking their ass or throwing rocks at them while they were on rapel. Fuckers. Real lame, I doing that to a friend as a joke, but some you don't know is pretty rude.
  14. It is really funny how the topic that it takes longer to switch over always comes up. I rarely go out into the mountains race up the hill and immediately switch over to blast down the slope. Most of the time it is nice to switch, grab drink, scope a line out, and munch on something. I guess those exception are when it is plain out misserable up high and/or you got limited day light and want to make it back to the car before night sets in. I guess the other exception is when I am completely stoked to yo-yo the slope that I just rode. Basically I think this argument comes froms those who don't want to try split riding and are struggling to come up with as many excuses as to why they think split riding is a bad idea.
  15. Haha your so whipped! I have to admit it though, given the choice I would be making the appolgy, even if I didn't mean it, too.
  16. Sorry Wayne your a cool adult, now that you are re-parenting. This time it will be open to cool adults too, especially since I have enter the adult realm, damn it, oh well. Oly do ever sleep? You seem like your the first and last to post each day. College Inn sound good for the folowing week, though I have to check with the boss to see if I can make it. I want to hear all the stories of chicks kissing, who couldn't hold there beer and what was climbed at the Rope-up.
  17. I found once I was proficient at it, it didn't take any longer to switch modes than it took my ski buddies. Damn I miss snow and riding on snow.
  18. Hmm I don't remember micro pickets, but I do remember fireplace bouldering 's. Then again it might have been some other time. How about a Pub Club when I get back to Seattle? I'll be back next week. Last time the Tannedsnaffle and I show up to the Ballroom and all you lame fuckers were not there. Well we had a good time with you, maybe we don't need you. Anyways a few nights before that we the uber cool private Pub Club, yeah most of you weren't invited only the cool kids at that one.
  19. Damn right that looks like a nice route. What does it go at?
  20. Holy Shite! They let you become one of those cracktoprators? What is this world coming too? Yeah......I think I will be staying as far away as possible from those specialty exams. mountainmatt and cj001f if that is your thing then have at..
  21. Cool Ketch, now I have a good idea of what I need for supplies while I am back in the States. So is the texturing polyester resin with sand? How has the texturing held up? I really like what you did with shaping the exterior of the crack, maybe I will have to bring back my sawsall for that. Originally I was also thinking of just leaving it unfinished and just screwing little foot chips to the outside, hmm will have to think about that. Does the crack flex a bit or is it pretty solid? Right now the idea is to attach it to the side of my wall, which is adjustable, but not the easiest thing to adjust since it weighs so much. Usually a two person job, which not a problem since plenty of people come over on beer and bouldering nights on Tuesday and Thursday. bwrts hmm not sure if I want to add it as a feature on my wall, I would think that it would get in the way of moves, plus it is a small wall. I am curious to see some pics though if you have it. Right now I am thinking the side of the wall and extending higher than the wall so that I do some bouldering moves into it, though thinking about it then I would be always going into the crack from the left, hmm. Maybe I will have to put cracks on both sides. I am definitely curious how the crack features are kept adjustable in the middle of the wall. oly how's yours coming along? Mister E got pics?
  22. Alright since I didn't get any responses in the fitness forum, with the exception of "don't smoke it", I figured I'd ask here. So I am looking for ideas, plans, whatever for making a crack for my climbing wall. Basically what I have is 8x14 foot woodie. I want to stick a crack on the side of it so it doesn't interfere with normal bouldering. I also want to make it adjustable as well. So you guys have any ideas, drawing and/or pictures to help me out?
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