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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Damn man that is awesome work you did on your rig. I been wanting one of those for a longtime, though here it wouldn't be so good unless I lifted and had 4 wheel drive. Have fun traveling, and good luck with the move.
  2. That is very mild hijack. I also looking into that right now, it is damn expensive, but I think I found a place that will do the Machame trip with transport from Nairobi and back for $1100. I have been in touch with another guy who will do from Moshi for $1100, it is crazy to think these are the budget trip. I saw some for $6000 spending lots of extra days on the mountain, private toilets and private showers. Crazy.
  3. Holy crap, damn she is major mix. That is cool she is sleeping through the night. Simone sleeps good too, it is awesome, ocassionally she'll and sit there talking 'blah blah blah' even though it wakes me, it just too funny to get frustrated. Have fun back in the states.
  4. Right now my dream climbs are finding some routes in the Ruwenzori's in Uganda, checking out Poi in northern Kenya (600m+ wall climbing), and getting down to Malawi to climb the 1700m standard on Mt. Mulange. A long time standard dream climb is to go and climb Cassin on Denali.
  5. Good to see everyone is appears to be doing well. So how is going being a dad? I know for me it is going much easier than I ever expected.
  6. G-spot that one is a classic video montage.
  7. :tup: Freaking great record, one of their best.
  8. That is some pretty cool stuff.
  9. Frick yeah Kurt!!! Awesome news. Good to hear your skull replacement went well. I had do PT for a while cause of an injury, my sole focus was to come back stronger than I was going in. It was great having a goal and seeing the progress, though slow at times. When I did get back out it was on WI4 ice climb. Hope your PT is just rewarding, you have kicked ass so far.
  10. The sole concessionaire contact info and general info. Ruwenzori Mountaineering Service
  11. Sweet, this is really cool historical TR, great picture and good links. Italians Centenary Climbing Website for the Rwenzori's
  12. Here is some more. Uganda Wildlife Authority site on Ruwenzoris EWP trekking itinerary with some good pictures.
  13. Yep off to explore some more potential for climbing, this time in Uganda. If you got any info, ie links to climbing in Uganda please post it up. Especially in particular that I am interested in is Ruwenzori's, I will hopefully be there climbing this year. Climbing TR
  14. Hmm the best acid trip was not a straight up acid trip. That night Adam and I broke out the chemistry set and threw together a wild concoction of several hits, chased with shrooms, and enough weed and beer to take the acid edge off. After our peak and when I was able to find Adam, who hours ago had melted into the furniture after the fish tank opened up a released the oscars to swim freely around the room, we then took a 4 wheeler went cruising around the woods at night. I am not sure how many times we wrecked, but somehow we survived. When we were done we just completely forgot about it and left it out there. Then later I came to and we were in some country western bar, not really cool place to hang out when your a punk with 14 inch spike mohawk. I was at the taco bar shoving tacos in my face when it struck me, needless to say we hightailed it out of there really quick. Then later we were walking by this hotel where these two freaking nuts were staying while they were working on a construction site. They invited us up to drink, sure why not. They were drinking, I can't remember what, right out of the handle and playing the most fucked up version of chicken I have ever seen, still not sure I believe what I saw. Their version is a cord plugged into the wall, each person grabbing a wire, then grabbing each other and the first to let go was chicken. Later in the morning I woke up in a field next to a car, one guy was crashed on the hood, the other dude was walking around, and Adam was lying across the backseat with the door open and his head hanging out. The trip was over. It was by far the most fucked up and strange experience I ever had and one I probably don't want to repeat these days.
  15. I agree, but it was nice, when I showed up to a 4 way intersection I could automatically assume I had the right-a-way since all the Seattlites were busy waving each other on to go first.
  16. Damn man sounds like one hell of an adventure. I look forward to seeing pictures. I am jealous, maybe some day I'll get to do something like that, though I will pass on the seasickness.
  17. A friend of mine use to have a problem with his elbow and the doctor diagnosed it as tendonitis. He had him tape a band around his fore arm just below the elbow. I have tried that a couple of times and it seems to help but I wasn't sure if it was psycological. Hey Mike, I probably would go to get it diagnosed if I had access to someone who could. I am still next to the heart of darkness, not many good doctors around these parts.
  18. pee-stopper tree-hopper pea-popper T-stopper ghee-slopper be proper tea topper pole smoker
  19. Just by the fact that the city closes when there is snow on the streets say something. I think they do the same thing in the south as well. I remember NC they close the city if the was a dusting. During those snow days when I would head up to the mountain, you'd see washingtonians driving single file at about 20-30. I would pass them like they were sitting still at a blazing 45-50, the scary part wasn't the snow, it was the drivers.
  20. Ed Zachery! That is what I am talking about.
  21. While were on the subject of elbows, here is one for you all. So I set up my bouldering wall awhile ago. I started easy on it only limiting myself to 2 times a week any hold, but mainly big holds. I still limit myself to max 3 times a week, maximum 3 hours per session, but setting problems some that can be done some that can't. Lately I have been developing a strange pain in my elbow. It doesn't hurt moving it or pulling on the wall, but on the forearm side of my elbow on my right arm (I'm left handed) there is a figerprint size area that is super sensative to touch after bouldering sessions. Right now it doesn't hurt if I touch after 4 days off, usually it is just the evening and the day after a session. Anybody got any ideas?
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