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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. sounds like a great trip guys! I'm pretty jealous...
  2. The whole bridge collapsed? Was this on the Bakerhorn?
  3. Hwy 20 closed for season. wsdot
  4. finals. go the next week and I'm free. anyone want to go to Cody for 7-10 days?
  5. no pics chris? come on... give them up.
  6. it just seems to me that with such important events going on, there might be things that took presidence over logging onto cc. alternately, I understand how this can be a stress release.
  7. but you have time and desire to spray?!
  8. billcoe, I'll be there with CKouba if you need a partner for something. PM me if you're interested.
  9. Surely a bummer, but perhaps mother nature is saying something.
  10. We saw that tree on Saturday too. It looks like it fell quite recently. We rapped off a smaller slung tree off to the left of the last step. I think the tree halfway up Hangover will suffer the same fate relatively soon. Double check your anchors before using them, even if they are huge trees!
  11. just burn everything to DVD, add 512 ram or more (just make sure that all the sticks of ram are of the same size), and reformat the original drive. if that doesn't fix it then buy a new drive. The ram is likely a culprit if the processor is 2.8ghz IMO. what is the speed of the hard drive? 5400? 7200?
  12. Booty! Nice to meet you. I'll let you know when I'm coming back over. No Land of the lost for us -- I was too pumped after doing Dielectric to consider leading anything else for a little while.
  13. Climb: 21 Hours in Hyalite- Dielectric, Over Easy, G2, Hangover, Lower Greensleeves Date of Climb: 11/4/2006 Trip Report: With the horrendous weather forecast, Matt (NYC007) and I decided to escape the northwest by heading to Hyalite…for the day. After driving the 400 miles on Friday from Spokane we arrived at the trailhead in the dark. We were psyched as we could see a bunch of routes illuminated by the full moon. Soon we were packed up and off to the Genesis area. G1 was lean and very wet, so we did Lower Greensleeves to start the season…by headlamp. After a couple laps we decided to call it a night, but apparently Matt still needed a little more of a pump. Matt getting some last minute training in. We got up at 6am and were soon chatting with locals about conditions. We decided to head up to the Corner Climbs to do some mixed stuff, but they were out of condition. Eventually we ended up in the Slot Corner area. We started on Over Easy, a nice WI3 that led to a manky bolt anchor. Curtains was a sketchy pillar, so we skipped it. Me leading Over Easy Then I went looking for other climbs up there and I soon found Dielectric Breakdown, mistaking it for Slot Corner (which isn’t in). A party was just finishing it up and the route looked great. After they were down, I lead up. Pumpy, but easier at WI5 instead of 5+ like the guide suggests. Highly recommended! Me leading a fat Dielectric Breakdown With daylight to spare we headed back to the parking lot, grabbed some food, and headed up to G2. Matt lead the driest line up the center to a tree belay below the top step since the ice wasn’t very good up top. Matt leading G2. We finished the day on Hangover (still quite thin) and got back to the car at dark. Uneventful driving, did I mention that the road is almost entirely snow free?!, got us to Bozeman and I-90. 400 more miles home… The climbs won't last long if these warm temperatures keep up. Lots of stuff fell down yesterday. Hope everyone had a good weekend in the gym! Gear Notes: Ice gear Approach Notes: Subaru. Very little snow on the road
  14. looks like a good time. perhaps I should be more specific...any photos of the NF of Colfax with the ice routes?
  15. Thanks Donn! Good to see you're getting out!
  16. Copper falls, Chilco Falls, Wizard Drips, Pyramid lake Falls... all in northern Idaho. Sadly, your best bet for good panhandle ice is Gibralter Wall, in BC.
  17. That's a sweet new route Mark. I look at that face every time I'm up there, wondering if a route would go and why it hasn't...now it has.
  18. holy beta overload batman! Nice format though. oh, Givler's Crack is not also known as Classic Crack.
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