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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. My guess is the North Grove. next year man!
  2. nope. just went to africa to study native music...
  3. the lower approach slopes are melted out, but one can get on the ridge by going A) around to the left of the toe of the ridge or B) climb near the rocks and hope the seracs don't fall on you. there isn't a lot of evidence of them being active recently though. either way the Coleman is still navigable.
  4. more importantly, the atc-guide does not develop a sharp edge from "standard" usage like the reverso does. trog - both the reverso and guide are releaseable as is the b-52 and other autoblocking devices. the BD just looks easier since it has that silly little loop in the bottom...that's not large enough for a biner or most stoppers.
  5. I've got tomorrow off. anyone want to head out tomorrow to squamish? i'm in bellingham, willing to drive if you split gas $. 208-301-4181 call before 11pm... kurt
  6. was it clipped with a neutrino? no sign of it on Monday. sorry.
  7. minimal snow. no axe/pons needed as of yesterday.
  8. nice work getting after it this summer guys!
  9. i dropped a bd viper ice tool from high on the NR of Baker today. It probably skidded to a stop a ways below the ice step. for it's return if it didn't end up in a slot. Kurt
  10. it looked good this morning. i have a one washed out photo... the NR is in good condition as of 12 hours ago. Neve more or less from camp to summit and back.
  11. I was up there a couple weeks ago. 6.10 I believe. it looked like this: the rock was fine n dry. snow was easy and didn't require crampons. quite a schrund to contend with where one raps onto the first glacier.
  12. the road is gated about 1.5 miles before the Boston Basin TH at a hairpin. it should be open in a few weeks according to the rangers since there is snow just before the cascade pass TH and there isn't "enough parking."
  13. the approach couloir isn't looking so hot already this season. just a heads up. no pics though, sorry.
  14. last week it was minimal postholing, however. a little snow isn't that bad.
  15. take boots for the approach to Das Toof. I got stymied on an attempted trail run/climb up there yesterday in tennis shoes.
  16. From the USFS as of 6/1 "80 Mt. Adams Recreation Paved - One Lane 06/01/2006: Open. 8040 South Climb Gravel - One Lane 06/01/2006: Open to near Gotchen Creek Trail #40, then closed by snow. "
  17. good to see you're getting out guys. i'll be in touch for some stuff later this summer....
  18. i'm in the same situation. bivying in the subaru is getting old... I'm only going to be around a few days/month.
  19. the NR is in good condition as of today. we had 4 screws.
  20. tied together with a yellow cordelette? that was our rap anchor...
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