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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. There are many sites out there where people never meet. We are one of the lucky ones.
  2. DEVO RULEZ!!!! we're through being cool eliminate the ninnies and the twits going to bang some heads going to beat some butts time to show those evil spuds what's what if you live in a small town you might meet a dozen or two young alien types who step out and dare to declare spank the pank who try to drive you nuts time to clean some house be a man or a mouse waste those who make it tuff to get around if you live in a big place many factions underground chase down mister hinky dink so no trace can be found put the tape on erase rearrange a face we always liked picasso anyway mash 'em
  3. Check your PMS If ya got room for a message in your fluffy...er...I mean busy inbox.
  4. EWolfe

    for rumr

    Almost enough to make ya take up the skis.... Nah, not quite...
  5. Not Poolin' cars like Bonzo, I hope. RIP
  6. The price of gas is killin me. Carpools anyone? 22nd gets mine too.
  7. Nice send, and great pics, Gents. See, the key is: You have to be enough of a masochist to be a purist. Then perspective is omnipotent. The unfortunate side effect is that, the masochism goes away, but not the puritanism.
  8. Where is that man, lately?
  9. In a place called Condomnation all you think about is protection.
  10. Man, I gotta bring some Uncle Tricky back. What a great writer!
  11. That cat wants to be a blonde, it just doesn't know it yet.
  12. Poor Saps. Mo money, Mo 'O' Yo' Time... Bobby Peru has it right.
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