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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Tbe stimulus and record spending sure has done a great job. What about that 10% unemployment we would avoid? Thanks Barry! Somehow you didn't have an issue when previous administration was spending 1.3 trillion on a war? a collapse bridge on a federal highway also did not raised a red flag? And when did this crisis start?
  2. KKK-for a shellac gu golder throat charmer you are just another wank stain with zero insult vocabulary.
  3. Showing us your breakfast?
  4. glassgowkiss

    thanks W

    "The Princilpes are Sound" How is this for #1? #1 poverty rate among all industrial countries!
  5. You mean the two wars that Barry and the Democunts told us we'd no longer be involved in as empty campaign promises, and for which they continue to willingly spend billions? Those two wars? These deficits are all on B-HO and the D's. Take responsiblity motherfuckers. for a man who so stringently hates commies, you have an amazing ability to be brainwashed into repeating idiotic political saws all the deficits from 2000-9 are the dems? uh, what? it was a rep president AND congress for 6 of those years and its been less than 1 year for a dem president. campaign promises? 8-ball swore to end hte war in iraq but not precipitously and has to whit set a deadline for next year for removing all combat, and shortly therafter all-period, forces. it's still after that gonna be hard to turn off the tap of aid-money that bush so wisely set up. on afghanistan he was very hawkish, saying that's where the real fight was all the time. anyone who voted for the obama-lama and is suprised he's putting more chips into that shithole is a fool - he never was the perfect candidate, and this issue shows it clearly - he still was better than grandpa and the chick w/ the angry snatch. hey, have some faith! i'm sure this tiger-woods feller will get things reasonably patched up in time for another republican to thoroughly fuck it all up again. the left wing self delusional circle jerk continues at least it's entertaining to watch you fucks go through contortions while your Lord and Savior proves himself a charlatan you make a perfect politruk, who are the same as you- indoctrinated assholes, incapable of a shred of logic.
  6. fucking-A! kk, watcha thinking? No, the question is what are you dumb fucks thinking. This is Barry's budget and reckless spending, not Bush's. Barry is the one choosing to send this country straight to the shitter with record breaking fiscal irresponsibility. Your attempts to blame Bush for this show the depths of your mental illness. Can you even read? Do you read anything besides headlines? From your brought up source: "Tax receipts for the year fell 16.6% overall, while spending soared 18.2% compared to fiscal year 2008. The causes: rising unemployment, the economic slowdown and the extraordinary measures taken by lawmakers to stem the economic meltdown that hit in fall 2008." Maybe not mental illness, but a complete lack of ability to comprehend- but what would you expect from republifuck?
  7. There is a trade off between the range and holding power. Aliens used 16 degrees on a cam lobes, Metolius uses 14. The bigger the range, the lower holding power. BD uses somewhere in between, 15 degrees and dual axle on bigger units, which in itself can twist and pop the cam out (particularly with sizes 4 and above). There are numerous instances of BD cams braking the plastic triggers during a larger fall. CH had also issue with quality control- up to date they did not implement ISO 9001, worldwide industry standard. There is also reason REI and MG pulled CH out of the stock- some of the units (during independent testing) were failing at 800-900 lbs range. For this reason I don't tie with people who bring Aliens for the rack, unless it's an aid route.
  8. Metolius already has Mastecams, so no chance of such deal. Doug has a computer file documenting Alinen's design problems. My condolences to the family
  9. I would be very, very careful- this traverse was done for years, so I would execute extreme caution before any claims.
  10. yeah, 60% of people in the US are either fat or obese. Millions die from illnesses related to this condition: hypertension, coronary heart disease, stokes, diabetes, and the list goes on. Somehow 32 000 people who die from influenza every year (let's not mention a vast majority of them have other, frequently severe health conditions) seems to be small potatoes compared to obesity related deaths. AMA still recommends universal precaution as best method to avoid infections. This rant is full of semi fact and pseudo scientific spew and is nothing more then another promotion of drug companies trying to beef up their accounts.
  11. Stop the "climbing press" bullishit! load of crap So they climbed 630m out of 1300, icy cracks stopped them, then they place bolts on rappel and call it a new route!. In the mountains, unless you stand on the top you don't call a new route, specially if you end it in a middle of the wall, having Half Dome size icy face above you! Sorry, but this is a self promotion bullshit to the max.
  12. you mean republican base? because that's the true picture of now-republican voter!
  13. it's all assumption till a legal agreement is signed.
  14. Usually this theory backfires vide Hidden Forest Cave near Bend. Only if you negotiate legit legal agreement will ensure the future of the area. And having no people to support this always ensures the other side wins. It happened before and it will happen again.
  15. Rudy, who cares what you think- you are fat and turning old.
  16. Rudy, don't diss something you haven't even seen. AS far as WWI Wall, which one do you enjoy more: lines of tourists pointing fingers at you, dirty death ledge, ever present moss or greasy holds? No, the routes don't suck, but by far Fire Wall has better quality rock, with better moves in nicer setting. And instead of insisting on "high quality of climbing" at Index or WWI you should mark your calendar for a weekend and check it out or at least move your ass out of shithole city
  17. Which part of Index? Rain? Moss? Saturday gun club shooting or every 20 minutes of shaking from cargo trains passing by? Both areas have esthetics of broken down still mill.
  18. It's by far the best crag in Washington.
  19. Passat TDI has the same engine capacity as regular Passat. The only reason these cars get better gas mileage is not some superior drive train efficiency, but energy content in diesel fuel vs regular gasoline (which is close to twice). Popularity of diesel in Europe is due to the price point of diesel, which is cheaper. In the US diesel is only slightly cheaper, and the pollution created by diesel is much worst then pollution created by gasoline. Going towards natural gas/propane systems would make much more sense.
  20. No, we, will not, unfortunately. We'll get a turd wrapped up in pretty wrapping paper. Now what is exactly the republican proposal? when i heard the speech of your idol last night (cardiac surgeon) the system is fine as it is. of course he did not mention almost 47 millions without any insurance. so what is the exact proposal. last time this nation listed to wise republicans we ended up in a biggest crisis since a great depression. so why should we listen now?
  21. fixed that for ya my wife can bench more then your fat lazy boy ass weights. I would watch it, as you might be called on it (she is reading this bb from time to time)- just a fair warning
  22. that's good, because under Obamacare, you'll pay $800 / month I think you are mistaking health care proposals with how much your mom charges.
  23. You better get busy and find a mechanic, who knows how to work on a diesel VW, as they are notorious for hard to diagnose electrical problems. Owed 2 of them and never again. Also good luck starting a diesel in a middle of winter in Canadian Rockies at -30C. There is a reason truckers don't turn their engines off in the middle of winter when they park their riggs.
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