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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. What I think is that you're so full of shit your eyes turn brown from a turd overload.
  2. Finally we have a nice weather! Life is fun again!
  3. too bad yours didn't. At least you wouldn't have internet access to post venomous shit asshole.
  4. I'm no expert, but have worked on a couple wildland/urban interface fire projects, and here's what I gleaned from that expereince. For the homeowner the two items of importance are a defensible space and non-combustabile features of your structure. This inculdes decks - as you point out, but also roofs and walls. So yes, metal roofs can make a difference. At the frontal assault of the fire - likely no, on the fringes, yes. Are folks stupid for living up in the hills? - I don't know. What I do know is that fire cycles have changed dramatically in the west over the past 50 years because of supression management and now climate change and the corresponding cumulative effects. And it's going to get worse. I certainly would not live up in those hills now. Mill Creek in WA? Very differnt fire cycle and not so much a threat and likely to remain so even with climate change. Take a look at the UW Climate Impact Group webpage for some good summaries. Government ineptitude? I'd say we've gotten the government we've asked for. Could 40 more firefighters made a difference? If you lived in that neighborhood what would you have preferred - more or less boots on the ground? The government, decided not to deploy firemen for 2 days until they could hash out who would pay for it. THAT is ineptitude. Also, I live in an URBAN environment and almost lost my house. This is not "mountain living," its urban/suburban living less than a mile from downtown, and right next to 3 major military installations; one of which almost burned to the ground. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED- SMALLER GOVERNMENT. this what is what it looks like street level. your house burns, no fire fighters to fight it. you voted for it, you've got it!. So don't complain now you republican puke, because this is the end result of the policies you support and enforce.
  5. You have no idea what you are talking about. Metal roofs would have done nothing to save these houses. Also, the sites that these houses were built on was like any subdivision in the PNW. You think that Mill Creekers are crazy for living where they do? . Actually I do have a pretty good idea. I lived in Bend for 8 years, had my place burned down (non-forest fire) and my roommate for two years was the chief instructor for hotshot crew in Prineville.
  6. #9 tricam on a sling would make a mighty nice weapon for a bar fight.
  7. I know that placing lines underground is $$$, but for fuck sakes how many earthquakes do you have on east coast and how many tornados and hurricanes rip these puppies off several times a year? not to mention snow storms. I am not talking transmission lines, but I bet if you count total cost of repairs in these areas over past 30 years, an underground grid would be half the cost.
  8. glassgowkiss

    No power

    wtf? Can't power companies just run the power lines underground? So stupid to keep repairing lines after the storms several times a year.
  9. and cedar shake shingles, i always laugh when i see houses in colorado with them. yeah, like mazama or leavenworth are any different with building codes? just wait till later in the year!
  10. Al;so building codes suck, something like mediatory metal roofs would prevent these structures from burning. also another thing are decks- all these surfaces provide landing site for hot ass and allow ignition of the structure. Also just issuing building permits for these areas is questionable. Reminds me of building homes on flood planes and then getting pissed because you get flooded.
  11. hey douche, you should change your name to mike hunt.
  12. Not only you know how to speak other languages, but now you also climb! Fuck pretty soon we'll find out you are sending v15, 5.14OS and sending WI7 in the rockies in canada. if you know how of climbing is as good as other cultures and languages, you might want to rope up with "team fuckoff".
  13. No offense intended to Crazy Polish Bob, but your girlfriend must be pretty ugly.
  14. hookers and blow don't count.
  15. yet another weekend of rain and shit, even on the east side!
  16. 70% of people in this country are overweight or obese, hence almost three quarter of population are at high risk of developing cardio-vascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. There is NO HEALTHCARE SYSTEM that can sustain it! The only way the system will work is if there are more healthy people then sick people. If this ratio is reversed you have to switch to pay as you go system. And if people would stop eating shit and start exercising, the cost would go down. I bet more then half of you fuckers here have BMI over 25, or body fat percentage over 25%, which makes you a part of the problem. So if you want real change, start with real good look in the mirror.
  17. he is just trying to remember the taste of KKK cock.
  18. Oh, need a tissue? The only permanent thing was you getting fucked by your daddy in the toolshed.
  19. Conservatives are especially cute when the only math they can do relates to the money in their own pockets. The only math libs do relates to the money in others' pockets. you are a complete retard, the worst case. THIS IS REPUBLICANS, who built a system to raid other pockets- vide financial collapse of 2008. who was the president? Short memory facko.
  20. KKK likes it. He also indulges in gerbil spelunking.
  21. for all the "BIG GOVERNMENT" haters, and people opposed to taxes and government services, how would you like to live in Somalia? Because this is what happens when you don't have working state structures. Yes, you don't pay taxes there, however 99.9% of you loonies would not survive a day there.
  22. so are the kids, people choose to have them, the same the way they choose to buy a car. I don't have kids and somehow I don't complain that there is a school system. Why don't you also complain about all the fat fucks costing the tax payer billions, because they can't stop shoving food down their throats. That is the crux of the biscuit: everyone wants free choices, but don't want to thin about the long term consequences.
  23. in winter conditions a few years ago we were using 2x60m, but passed a lot of other anchors on the way. get euro death hook in case 70m is too short for double raps.
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