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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Call a spade, spade. If you exclude 47% of people from the pool, what do you have left? There is a difference between saying that in PA people are sticking to their religion and guns and saying 47% of people are not my concern as a president. That hits the core of the democracy. No, I lived in a totalitarian country and I know where this behavior leads.
  2. I am not in 47% and between federal, ss and medicare tax I pay roughly 28% of my income to the man. Let's see what romney paid? last 2 years he paid 14.5%. So who the fuck is he to tell me about contributing to the society?!
  3. to me the most ridiculous comments were slander of hispanics. Particularly that they took his sorry ass grandparents, and allowed them to stay. I guess it takes a real asshole to slander the very people, who helped you out in the first place.
  4. Meh, I like where your head is at but this isn't such a great idea. The president isn't really supposed to be a representative as much as members of congress, and anyway sometimes 100% commitment to popular opinion isn't a good thing -- that's why most countries use representative democracy rather than pure, 100% individual democracy. Popular opinion can be a scary thing sometimes. I see your point, so maybe basing the congress pay on median income would be a better idea. Which for them would mean the higher median income is, the more money they can make.
  5. I also like how anti-govenment Ryan is. Except he never worked outside of the government, which makes him a total hypocrite. I would like to see the actual pay for both congress and president based upon approval ratings. Since congress has about 20% approval rating, their salaries should be cut 80%. Also no outside income should be allowed. working in legislature is a full time job and it should be treated as such. these assclowns would be figuring solutions very quick. talking about no skin in the game.
  6. yes, he earned it old fashioned way- stole it from poor and gave it to rich.
  7. No it's not the truth you dolt. People make too little to qualify to pay. It means large number are students working part time and taking student loans. Another group are retired on social security- most of them paid taxes far longer then you lived, asshole. Another group are working poor, or people with large families, who get tax credits. They pay social security, medicare and other taxes (like state income and or sales tax). Let's see tax returns from Romney himself, wtf- accusing people of not paying- where are his numbers? Oh yes, let's not forget the military. People who are on active duty, in war zones are released from paying federal income tax- they should pay!
  8. I don't give a fuck what was his motivation. If he said it, he is thinking this. I think racial remarks were fucking over the top. I mean every mormon is a racist by definition. A "religion", where you have to get re-born as white to be able to go to their heaven!? Let me repay a favor by saying: mormonism is a cult financed by extortion, and promoting racism and fucking underaged women.
  9. We have a problem with mass shootings (there's about 20 a year), but overall violent crime in our country has gone down, and it's pretty unlikely you'll get shot at one of these crimes. I'm pretty sure it's a lot more dangerous to be in Libya or Egypt right now. would fucking hope so! however you pretty much have no chance of getting shot in western europe. yes, you have to be careful everywhere, muggings, robbery and assault happen even in small communities like Bellingham. And saying it's better then in Libya- that is setting bar pretty low. Also it depends how you define "mass shootings". If you take into consideration all the drive by shootings, that also kill general population that number will go into hundreds. I think there is about 1000 people a year killed by firearms in the US (that includes accidental shootings).
  10. glassgowkiss

    Romney tape

    I am sure it was posted multiple times. I think the whole thing is even more sick and ridiculous then just the remarks about people "paying no taxes". For a year I did not qualify to pay federal income tax. It's because i was in school taking student loans. No, I was not born into a rich family like Romney, everything I have I worked for myself. So for someone telling me I don't matter, or my concerns don't matter is a slap in my face. I am also glad he stated he is a racial bigot. For someone to say out in public that "blacks and latinos are a problem" is just plain ignorant. Sorry, you might get some votes if you were running for KKK leadership. Here I extend my middle finger to you...... asshole! http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/09/watch-full-secret-video-private-romney-fundraiser
  11. I suppose it is pretty ridiculous to riot period; unless you do it in someone else's country. Why fuck up your own shit. I have never understood that. or shoot people in a church. or blow up federal buildings, because you hate the government. or go into a movie theater and blast people away for no reason whatsoever. I don't think we have a perfect record either.
  12. I am doing fundraising for my gas tank to Squamish! Can anyone help??!!!
  13. glassgowkiss

    RIP 9/11

    I think the crux of the biscuit is that there are no "ordinary Afghans". What people don't understand is that countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, are artificial entities with no chance of success. The only reason preventing these abortion falling into complete chaos were iron fist dictators. In Afghanistan you have 2 official languages, plus you have a large population of Uzbeks, Turks to name a few.
  14. glassgowkiss

    RIP 9/11

    i reckon you can tell your friends whatever you want - irrationality is at the heart of history, and you'd be proud to play your part i'll warrant - in your case, i'm not certain how eastern europe was ever america's to "sell" nor how we could have imposed our will upon marshall stalin even had we been seriously inclined to do so perhaps we're straying from the original point? was it that irrational to, after 9/11, provide military support to the afghan northern alliance to evict the (unjust, as you say) governmetn of afghanistan, which had knowingly like OBL do his thing there? seems hard to argue against, but any military force, however nobly wielded, kills innocents. Dig, dig, ding, we have a winner! yes, Eastern and Central Europe was no interest to the US, so pretty much in Yalta there was a line drawn, essentially dividing Europe in half. There were plenty of ways to persuade stalin and soviets from abandoning their claim on these parts, but none of them were followed. there are plenty of historical books regarding this subject matter, so just read on that. The point is, that an average Afghan had nothing to do with hosting terrorists on their soil. There known cases of beheadings for listening to the music, and pretty much in a country where someone is pointing a gun at you, you do as you are told. Like it would be a nonsense to blame average US citizen for fucking over general population of countries like Poland, Slovakia or Czech Republic, it's a utter nonsense to blame Afghans for what happened on 9/11. But we didn't attack the "average Afghan" -- we attacked the taliban. The guys we're killing over there now are also not the "average afghan." As Ivan points out, any military action will kill innocents, but our military is definitely more cautious of collateral damage now than during, say, WWII. The point is, the average afghan is not the one lobbing rockets into our bases and getting shot at by marines. I'm not a fan of the afghan war but you and kevbone sound like idiots going on and on about how we're just randomly gunning down every tom, dick and harry over there in the street like bloodthirsty wolves. I'm pretty sure you guys are full of shit. The truth is bad, but there is no need to make it worse with hyperbole and ignorant comparisons to Yalta Actually, you are full of shit. It's actually ordinary Afghans shooting at the bases, then go home and eat family dinner. What you (and most Americans) fail to understand is, that these folks were in some form of military conflict for the past 1000 years, war and fighting invaders is a part of their culture. Therefor this conflict is and always will be impossible to win. And drawing lessons from a history books is the single biggest failure in this country. Seems like 95% of people here have memory span of 5 minutes and keep making same fucking mistakes over and over again. Like I can't fathom why "trickle down economic" is still an option and legit claim in newest political circus. It did not work in the past 30 years, it never will. Yalta is a prime example of such thinking , and this lesson is being repeated over and over. This country has zero long term foreign strategy and short term gains always seem to tramp any long term logical moves.
  15. glassgowkiss

    RIP 9/11

    i reckon you can tell your friends whatever you want - irrationality is at the heart of history, and you'd be proud to play your part i'll warrant - in your case, i'm not certain how eastern europe was ever america's to "sell" nor how we could have imposed our will upon marshall stalin even had we been seriously inclined to do so perhaps we're straying from the original point? was it that irrational to, after 9/11, provide military support to the afghan northern alliance to evict the (unjust, as you say) governmetn of afghanistan, which had knowingly like OBL do his thing there? seems hard to argue against, but any military force, however nobly wielded, kills innocents. Dig, dig, ding, we have a winner! yes, Eastern and Central Europe was no interest to the US, so pretty much in Yalta there was a line drawn, essentially dividing Europe in half. There were plenty of ways to persuade stalin and soviets from abandoning their claim on these parts, but none of them were followed. there are plenty of historical books regarding this subject matter, so just read on that. The point is, that an average Afghan had nothing to do with hosting terrorists on their soil. There known cases of beheadings for listening to the music, and pretty much in a country where someone is pointing a gun at you, you do as you are told. Like it would be a nonsense to blame average US citizen for fucking over general population of countries like Poland, Slovakia or Czech Republic, it's a utter nonsense to blame Afghans for what happened on 9/11. As the matter of fact, a big part of the issue was a vacuum created after soviets pulled out in (final troops left in 1989). While US US spent billions of $$$ fighting a proxy war with soviets, this county did nothing to help Afghanistan in the post soviet era. So fuck you for your initial statement, I stand by my words.
  16. glassgowkiss

    RIP 9/11

    you are just a bag of shit! i am sure that people who were getting beheaded for listening to some music had much to say in the matters of that government. fucking get a clue fuckwad. it doesn't have to be "right" to be true - the people of a nation reap the folly of their fellow citizens - i'm pretty certain there's more than a few historical examples of this phenenomen? Yeah, like selling Central and Eastern Europe to stalin and soviets by Americans in Yalta. On that token i should tell my friends there to beat the shit out of every visiting yank, because they are responsible for 50 years of soviet occupation, mass killings and general misery- great logic, isn't it? like i said- get a clue.
  17. glassgowkiss

    RIP 9/11

    you are just a bag of shit! i am sure that people who were getting beheaded for listening to some music had much to say in the matters of that government. fucking get a clue fuckwad.
  18. "The next time some would-be adventurer tells me he’s doing an expedition to raise money for a cause, I’m finally going to say what I’ve been choking back for years: “You’re not going on your trip for charity, you’re going because you want to. Stop pretending to save the world and just go.” Some kind of fundamental dissonance kicks in when hedonistic adventure gets slathered with pretend altruism. A typical fundraising pitch might go something like this (details changed to protect the guilty): “My goal is to raise money for charity X by becoming the Youngest Saskatchewanian Woman ever to climb Mount Everest.” Right off the bat this hits Level 3 on the B.S. scale, which measures an expedition by the number of words used to qualify the potential achievement. (“Youngest Saskatchewanian Woman” makes three.) So let’s rephrase that proposal: “My goal is to go on an expensive guided expedition to accomplish something that’s been done many times before, so it will be easier to raise funds if I also appear to be making the world a better place.” From here:http://explore-mag.com/5784/adventure/adventures-without-a-cause
  19. You mean like in Thailand after a massage? no, like your mom.
  20. Fuckers would think twice about starting shit with some Muslims with nothing to lose; that I can assure you... So you should think twice about Romney/Ryan ticket. The whole bullshit about going to war with Iran makes my skin crawl. I can guarantee, that going into Iran would make the whole war in Iraq look like r&r on a beach.
  21. and this is the crux of the biscuit.
  22. Kinda Apples and Mushrooms... follow the money.....
  23. amen. and we also send people to wars, we can't win, then later we give them shove and say: you are on your own. I was an opponent of going to Iraq, but the shit people who return are going through is just fucked up. I think returning to draft would be the remedy.
  24. so maybe call it cascadeclimbers and runners?
  25. Slavemason, Nashville Pussy.
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