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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. No, you can't on-sight the same pitch twice. WTF?
  2. One is the weather, second- walking/shwacking to climbing ratio is bad, third the rock quality is so-so compared to other places. If I have 3 or 4 days off I usually will try to leave and go somewhere else. If I only have 2 days and the weather is good I choose Index or Squamish, because I am not wasting my time on drive/hike time. N Cascades are not a world class destination in summer, but they would be really good for winter training.
  3. WTF? OS is OS, which on multi pitch route means ground up, no prior attempts, no falls to the top. I don't know how climbing a route in second attempt can be called OS?! The point is that if you climb half way up, and you re-climb the pitches, you'll have knowledge of the terrain, hence you'll be fresher. Here is a link I am referring to: Greenland "It rained hard and they were forced to make a terrifying retreat, trashing static ropes and making a difficult series of abseils in cold and miserable conditions. Previous trips to this region had enjoyed stable weather, but this year it was unusually unpredictable. The three later walked to one of the high points on the island, where they got a mobile phone signal and were able to contact Upernavik for a weather forecast. The report was not promising, but they decided to make another attempt, this time travelling light. Above their high point lay a loose pitch of E3, after which the climbing improved with great rock and protection on the headwall (E2). The route was completed in a 12-hour push and named Drowning in a Sea of Light (800m, 20 pitches; E5 6b C1). Apart from the 30m aid section on the fourth pitch, the entire line was climbed free and on-sight, with no bolts or pegs placed" Sorry, let's end bullshit and hype in route reporting. Probably a great route and valiant effort, but this type of reporting is not honest.
  4. the best beer is the one in your hand!
  5. Nobody is prosecuting anyone. People, get off your high horse and face the fucking reality.
  6. I don't think so, there is a huge difference between producing something and designing something. Machines don't design cars, people do.
  7. Why is this ignorant cliché acceptable even in the "Spray" section of cascadeclimbers? And why am I the first to object??? Really! Thinking like that led to Auschwitz. P.S. There are plenty of "poor" Jews. cliche is your west coast passive aggressive politically correct bullshit. and I call your comment about auschwitz a total bullshit. Most likely you don't even know or talk to any Jews here in the US, so STFU. Like historically most of Poles can drink your sorry ass under the table. That is a fact, doesn't mean everyone in Poland drinks. Jews historically produced more successful businesses, they probably also hold more Phd's then an average WASP. These are the facts. so stfu you ignorant idiot.
  8. Whys is acknowledging that someone is good at something a slur or slander? Jewish folks probably opened more successful businesses then any other nationality in the history. For one, they tend to stick together and support each other- no matter what. Second, they know how to talk to customers. Go to fucking New York, walk into B&H Photo and see how many non- Jewish stuff they have? Yes, they are all over spectrum of economics, but I would say as nationality goes, they also pretty much are above average intelligence. You can shove you west coast passive aggressive political correctness bullshit and properly give credit, where the credit is due.
  9. the only real interest white trash americans have is drinking shitty beer and cornholing their kids.
  10. Jews were always historically good at one thing- making money. Not for the past 10, 20 or 30 years, but for 2 thousand of years. And they know perfectly well, that the current system is not sustainable in the long run.
  11. Cabin Fever from Boundary Bay Brew and Pothole Porter from Squamish
  12. glassgowkiss


    My premise is essentially that I abhor those that have the bumper sticker AND those who loose their shit over them. One is a pretentious fuck and the other an ignorant troglodyte. pretty much sums it up. people should start taking more fuckitol.
  13. pedophiles are also great people I have heard, as long as they don't play with your kids. wtf? a racist is an ignorant fuckwad, not some great person, period.
  14. And Obamacare fixes that how? You first. Start somewhere with a lot of fat fucks, like the deep South. We'll eagerly await hearing how that goes for you. Universal care coverage will not fix it at all, but the point is that blaming premium cost increase has nothing to do with healthcare reform, but everything to do with epidemic of fat fucks in this country.
  15. Ivan, I make it simple, because in most cases it is simple. At this day and age you'll have to be one ignorant fuck not to know some basic food facts. And you don't need a gym to control your weight. A lot of people who work shit jobs burn a lot of calories just by working. I see a lot more fat choads in any office settings, then on a construction site. Now walk into any hospital and look at the staff- most of them are overweight, some obese. A lot of them have medical degree and make $25-30 bucks an hour. Yes, obesity is a complex issue, like the crap that is added to the food (GH, antibiotics, BPA), but most folks don't do squat about it, don't even attempt. They just come up with another excuse. Too busy, too poor, too rich, too something. I simply don't buy it. Even look at the airports what people will buy as far as food choices go. If people truly cared about their health and weight, they would be up in arms and they would be forcing changes needed. But school lunches pretty much look the same in reach and poor school districts. The truth is that people DON"T FUCKING CARE about their health. So the cost goes up.
  16. inefficient is the health of general population, with 2/3 being overweight and 40% obese. How many fields require 30-40K debt for a 2 year degree? Usually PA will cost in access of 80K and MD in access of 200K. Premiums will increase, regardless of the reform or not. It's because people choose to get fat. If you want to complain about cost increase- walk up to any fat fuck and tell them they are costing you money.
  17. what people don't realize that a simple appendicitis will cost you about 20K, if you don't have any complications. One day on post-op floor is between 6-8K, while ICU will run you at least 30K per day. One reason, cost of education. even an RN will leave you with 30-40K debt.
  18. We should keep using asbestos so that the miners aren't out of a job. wer should also keep led in the gasoline and paint. hey, while were are at it, let everyone drive without car insurance.
  19. not sister, they are married (like kentucky style)
  20. Me too, as the matter of fact most likely it will leave me jobless, since 90% of my pay is tied to insurance companies. However universal coverage is a must and is the only way to go long term.
  21. I agree, stated long ago 2 party political system is a joke and needs to go. However I will still cast my vote for Obama, since I don't want to have someone in the office, who is openly hostile towards me.
  22. The funniest thing is when the website released just the part, his response was to release the whole thing. When I watched it, I was just speechless. So now do you see why some folks are fuming about it? Now, do you still want him to represent you, more importantly, this country?
  23. I suppose it is pretty ridiculous to riot period; unless you do it in someone else's country. Why fuck up your own shit. I have never understood that. or shoot people in a church. or blow up federal buildings, because you hate the government. or go into a movie theater and blast people away for no reason whatsoever. I don't think we have a perfect record either. Yep, I suppose it wont be long before we are shooting RPG's at other nations' embassies and murdering their ambassadors with automatic weapons because of a cartoon of Jesus. Oh wait, that will never happen. I don't know why you live here if you loathe it so much. I don't loathe living here, but I am pointing out the hypocrisy of pointing fingers at others, while we also have shit stinking in our backyard. Anyway- I doubt attack in Benghazi had anything to do with the film, but looks more like soviet retaliation for kicking russians out of Libya. It was too coordinated and too precise to be random.
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