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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. read and spray
  2. Would you fucking go after Dec 21 and send the fucking thing, so we don't have to continue this four page public jerkoff?
  3. glassgowkiss

    Hey Joe

    I love this part about 7:20, finally call it as it is. [video:youtube]watch?v=5nWs3KVNW2s
  4. evil dick! [video:youtube]watch?v=CZHkkLBOrvE
  5. what a douche fixed it
  6. your mom?
  7. in my 30 plus years of climbing, a vast majority of accidents I have seen or heard of, were mostly due to human error. I am not interested in bashing people, but hearing about mistakes, usually helps me to avoid them. In the last 2 or 3 years I started using helmet on all gear climbs. At this day and age helmets are so light and well fitting, that they don't really effect the performance on even hard climbs. Hope he recovers well.
  8. [*] [video:youtube]v=siu6JYqOZ0g&feature=youtu.be
  9. Actually it does matter. like Donini said some time ago: "style matters". Climbing is a type of sport, where we don't have a bunch of referees watching what we really do. So honest reporting is a key. It used to be a golden standard, where after a writeup in Mountain Magazine, there used to be a 3 sentence summary. Now it's blogs and reporting garbage, where the reporting party will always claim "we were misunderstood". This leads to bullshit ascents, like "Golden Lunacy" in Greenland by Kaszlikowski and Kubarska in 2007. The description in magazines (Alpinist, AAJ) made it sound like a fucking unreal epic. The team travelled 80 km by sea kayaks with all the gear and then climbed 2000m route (1500 vertical terrain) on one of the largest cliffs on the planet. The route was graded 5.11d, with a lot of climbing in 5.10 range.This was the report they submitted. But there were enough inconsistencies to trigger Polish Climbing Federation investigation. They actually send a team to repeat the route. First of all, there was no 80 km kayak odyssey. They chartered a boat and used sea kayaks to cross a 2 km bay to the base of the climb. The climb was indeed almost 2 km, but the crux was not 11d, but more like 10b/c, and the whole route had only 5 real pitches of climbing- the rest was low 5th class, which was either soloed or simul-climbed by the repeating party. No so big epic after all. In the era of instant media, satellite phones, internet and blogs, we have more Maestries and fewer Doninis. I think pointing out liars is all we have left.
  10. The whole OS and free is bullshit: Read this: http://mtnequipment.blogspot.com/2012/09/report-nw-greenland-expedition-2012.html They bailed even before the rain, so the route was climbed on 3rd attempt.
  11. helmet or no helmet?
  12. yeah, but mostly they have a law degree...... just saying. Less than half of both houses of Congress have law degrees. You gotta stop getting your world view from the back of a matchbook, dood. For a guy who rails against the Republifuk's anti-Age-of-Reason agenda, you're not all that data driven yourself. Fuck off dumbshit. This is the breakdown: 168 members of both chambers have law degree 83 has MBA 27 has no college degree 5 has Associate Degree 17 have medical degree MD, DO 1LPN So by far the biggest chunk belongs to the lawyers, which make 44% to be exact. So on contrary to the bullshit you spewed, I am wright and you are wrong. None of them list Political Science as a degree.
  13. poop up camper? wtf?
  14. yeah, but mostly they have a law degree...... just saying.
  15. We might have the best schools or colleges, but the educational systems seriously lags. And by educational system I mean students, teachers, school administrations and most importantly parents. I mean if it was my kid going for political science (this term is so oxymoron, almost as good as Polish Intelligence Service), I would at least say :"Are you out of your friggin mind, and I ain't paying for it!" I really love, when people go for international business degree, but don't learn a single language. We have very good schools, but shitty system.
  16. How the fuck do you figure we have the best institutions? People have to get off the treadmill of hype and bullshit and see what is happening in other parts of the world. Why is it that Japanese kick our asses in auto production and electronics? Constant hearing about how this is the greatest is like hearing addict saying that there is no addiction problem. What used to be great about this country is that if they were problems, they would get acknowledged, addressed and fixed. Saying something is not good doesn't make you un-patriotic, it makes you wise. One of the reasons this recession is lagging as it is, it's because of lack of skills. And this is because people choose to major in political science or sociology, and then they end up working as a barista with 100K in debt from student loans and fuck all worth of a degree.
  17. I'd say and just try it, even if you epic it will be fun!
  18. Must be a canadian thing, eh? Drew practices for "canadian redpoint". Give'r hoser, eh?
  19. Yes, but not a 3 pitch route, which is exactly my point. If they said, they OS all the pitches, not the route, then it would be a correct statement. Calling a route OS is bullshit. That's what they are saying. You are just a dump Polack. Try reading this in English. They climbed all the pitches onsight, and except for one 30m pitch aid pitch, all free. Pretty obvious. If you had less sand in your vagina and got laid more often you wouldn't be so worried about this. Canadia 1, Boland 0. BTW, it's not the climbers making any claims, it's the media outlet who put together that website.
  20. Moderator, please move this to spray. My apologies for not starting it there in the first place.
  21. I think you developed hearing and cognitive problems after you started turning yourself into a salt lick. Did you catch any purdy one? Let me ask you this- after you catch a sheep do you kill it or do you shag it? I have heard you kill it..... first. Safe sex in Chillwack- you don't get all scratched up. Polish Bob's Home for legless gerbils... The officer: "Mr Sprayshaw, what is this bong doing here?" Mr. Sprayshaw: "but officer, this is not a bong, it's my gerbil canon".....
  22. I think you developed hearing and cognitive problems after you started turning yourself into a salt lick. Did you catch any purdy one? Let me ask you this- after you catch a sheep do you kill it or do you shag it? I have heard you kill it..... first. Safe sex in Chillwack- you don't get all scratched up.
  23. Yes, but not a 3 pitch route, which is exactly my point. If they said, they OS all the pitches, not the route, then it would be a correct statement. Calling a route OS is bullshit. That's what they are saying. You are just a dump Polack. Try reading this in English. They climbed all the pitches onsight, and except for one 30m pitch aid pitch, all free. Pretty obvious. If you had less sand in your vagina and got laid more often you wouldn't be so worried about this. OK, let me re-phrase it for you: It's aboot style, eh? Like if you giv'er on each pitch, but you bail, no on-sight for you, eh? Now do you understand this, eh? I translated it into canadian, eh?
  24. Yes, but not a 3 pitch route, which is exactly my point. If they said, they OS all the pitches, not the route, then it would be a correct statement. Calling a route OS is bullshit. That's what they are saying. You are just a dump Polack. Try reading this in English. They climbed all the pitches onsight, and except for one 30m pitch aid pitch, all free. Pretty obvious. If you had less sand in your vagina and got laid more often you wouldn't be so worried about this. Yeah in canadiastan, maybe. No, what they are saying is that they climbed entire route on-sight, not all the pitches OS. On a 20 pitch route is a massive difference. Well, most likely you never climbed 20 pitch, technical route. What is so hard to understand, if you are so bright? Stick to sheep fucking.
  25. Yes, but not a 3 pitch route, which is exactly my point. If they said, they OS all the pitches, not the route, then it would be a correct statement. Calling a route OS is bullshit.
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