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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. you are on the best way to be tossed out here as well.
  2. yea, you nailed it. douchey just discovered that if you play with your dick, white stuff squirts out. he just has a really hard time figuring out that doing it in public is not viewed upon favorably.
  3. like 70% of fat asses is not enough reason for you?
  4. No, I talked to a couple of people. The video did not make it, because it it was about female riders. Yes, it's hard to cater a story line to a 15 year old, who thinks cartoons are great. I opened a couple of issues of "Dirt" mag- it's way worst then climbing press of the 80's. There is one picture of a woman riding. Not a single picture of a woman in any of the hundreds of adds. Maybe nascar or dirt bike scene are only few sports more sexist then DH biking. Watched 2 women doing Crabapple hits in Whistler, along with the guys, one of the m busting table tops equal to any guy out there. Do you even hear about it? it's a bro-bra industry, kind of stupid nevertheless if you limit your customer base to 45% of the population. No, it's not the point of my rant. The point is, that any activity where a fat fuck can do ok is not a real sport. Yes, aid climbing is not a sport either- same principle.
  5. Dabbled into the whole down hill biking for the past couple of years. And this is what occurred to me while carrying a heavy pack, while working on video project. DH biking is filled with lazy punk ass teens, it's a "sport" based upon skill only. Anyone can get down, no matter in what style, but point that bike down the hill and you are going (even if you brake hard and go slow). Yes, you can brake bones if you go fast. Well, with climbing it is the opposite- if you don't have the juice, you are not getting up.
  6. voting ends on Sat at midnight.
  7. I decided to do a shameless self promotion and ask for your votes in a video contest. My wife and I submitted a 2 minute trailer about female mountain biker (downhill) in Whistler. You can open an account on pinkbike, or login with your facebook account. Our trailer is called "Let it go". IT"S THE THIRD TRAILER FROM THE TOP (AGNES) Here is the link to the voting page: VOTE! Our teaser made it to TOP 10. Time to vote on our video teasers to help us to compete in The GoPro Dirt Diaries film event at Crankworx Whistler. If we will make it t the TOP 6 we will complete a 6 minute film to be shown at the massive live event at Whistler Olympic Plaza to a crowd filled with the who's who of the bike industry and to be judged by legendary mountain bike filmmakers. To vote you have to register on pinkbike.com Registration is very easy and all you have to do is sign in with Facebook! Please, support Women's freeriding/downhill mountain biking and vote for "Let It Go" teaser!!!!! And tell you friends to vote for this teaser! Support a fellow climber!
  8. Perfect Strangers was also simultaneously the greatest and the worst television program ever created. Balki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That shit was horrible. I bet Kevbone licked it.
  9. Go Penn State! Oh wait..... Go to State Pen! That's more correct
  10. We still need a military. The problem is we try to do way too much with it (worldwide bases, multiple wars) and want the most expensive toys of every flavor imaginable (bombers, interceptors, aircraft carriers, missile systems, etc) China spends exactly 10x less on military and somehow they are not in immediate danger of being attacked. If you adjust for inflation we are spending more money on military then during WWII, and lowered taxes- how the fuck is this supposed to work? Not only there is a spending issue, but there is also revenue issue. One way to address the military issue would be to re-instate draft. Politicians would be way less likely to send people into harms way. The other cherry is the remnant of the Bush and paying to pharmaceutical companies without negotiating the contracts. Crazy! You could close a huge financial gap just by doing this single thing alone.
  11. Hey, Amen KK. The title is wrong. He spent more then anyone, his rate of increase is just the smallest. Which if fucking crazy considering all the entitlement programs that he has put into effect. It should me much higher. If you attribute the stimulus to Bush, and then consider the backlash that got, yeah, Obama got a lot of pressure to slow spending, so it makes sense. I thought Obama would cut spending on the wars and roll back tax cuts. He's done neither. In my perfect world the size of gov't has an upper limit (that we've frankly gone over) and what differentiates the parties is HOW THEY CHOOSE TO SPEND THAT FIXED AMOUNT OF MONEY. The pie is sliced and diced differently, that's all. Furthermore, in times of surplus we would not just spend like crazy (except maybe to pay for long-neglected things like infrastructure). Now you are talking like a democrat.
  12. Voting will start on Friday! Login to pinkbike with facebook account and cast your vote please!
  13. Sounds like you don't have tendonitis, but you bruised periosteum (which is the living part of the bone. Bruising of the bone can be extremely painful, and it can last for several weeks or months. A blow to a junction of tendon and a bone can cause avulsion fracture, which also can last several weeks to get better. Self diagnosing hardly works (you know subjective/objective), so I would suggest actually seeing someone for proper diagnosis, so you can apply proper treatment.
  14. My wife and I, made a little trailer: gurls, gurls, gurls till about 2 years ago DH biking was even bigger sausage fest then climbing in the 80's. If you like it, press Facebook "like" button located below the film.
  15. douchey, can you create your own insults or are you a total total dumb fucking clowpunch incapable of any creative process? so far: reposts: 2, creativity:0. looks like one sided game. I was going to post pic of your mom, but you beat me to it. good job salty breath.
  16. Hey douchey, just posting pics on of climbing on tr kind of shows lack of mineral, don't you think? I don't even know what mineral means yet, so I think I'll agree with you. I forgot that we aren't allowed to TR on CC. Do you have any pictures of yourself being a waste of carbon? Toss that in your french-canadian signature. Ahhhhh Oui! I have pics with your mom, does it count?
  17. Hahaha, too funny! Most of you probably didn't even know, that till about a few days ago, people working on fire crews were considered "seasonal employees" and had zero benefits, I mean zero! No health insurance, no retirement, no benefits whatsoever. Obama just signed executive order to change that (he is such a commie), I am sure Romney would try to void that first thing at the office.
  18. Hey douchey, just posting pics on of climbing on tr kind of shows lack of mineral, don't you think?
  19. Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch. Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying... yeah, look me up in whistler or squamish, because now i spend more time there.
  20. Oh, btw- overheard in a store today we are already suffering from a drought!
  21. Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch.
  22. and where the fuck are you getting your paycheck from? a private company?- you are a small part of a 700 billion a year liability called "national defense", which btw is 10 times the number China spends on. Yes, make it in a private sector first, then mouth off, you hypocritical moron.
  23. I don't think local tribes kept a written records. You mean white history? because it would make like what- 75 years? When you look at the natural history, these eco systems actually relay of fire, so wtf are you talking about? your mentality is on parr with morons, who build on flood planes and cry foul when they get flooded.
  24. Oh quit your whining assintake. all your anti-government rhetoric boils down to all talk and no action. if you guys would live by what you preach, you'd organize a fire brigade in colorado springs and put the fire out yourself. but instead of showing your minerals, you cry like a little baby that the very organization that employs you and you serve (and hate at the same time) did not bail our sorry ass out. you are just a total hypocritical wanker. now fuck off.
  25. The only yanking I see is your hand on your 3 inch dick publicly jerking off; you seem to like so much and practice it frequently here. on the top of that you seem to have mentality of a 12 year old, who is unhappy that he has to brush his teeth. Sorry you IQ is low enough, you have hard time putting two and two together. If you cut budgets and let firefighters go, don't complain your house might burn down. happy clownpunching asseyes.
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