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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss

    News Brief

    took him 53 years to figure it out? every child in pland knows it!
  2. This is probably a better deal than it sounds. Thinking of going for it myself. Hotels in Lilloet are dirt cheap, and you're paying for half the gas anyways. Probably climb harder/ more than you can imagine with Bob as your ropegun. you bet it is a deal. i get a cheap trip and a belayer and you get to climb a shit load of ice and be safe. and you'll learn all the tricks of the trade, something that any guide service will not show you. so interested parties pm me. And if your really lucky Glasgowkiss (=CrazyPolishBob) wont make more than 1 or 2 death threats to your person before you get home. 2 boots to the head, Bob. good one turd soup - not!
  3. bend it, no problem. also make sure they are tight enough.
  4. deepeing wall is more like 4/4+, but.... under normal conditions, i have climbed this thing when it felt like a spicy 5+. i have 2 grades in ice climbing: something i can lead or something i will not get on. i think more you climb, more clear this picture becomes for you. it's like in the movie "Pi", it's not the numbers -it's what between the numbers...
  5. the tatras are kind of shitty place for pure ice. the ice is usually soft and wet. where it's at is mixed climbing scottish style on frozen turf. here is a link to a new M9 i western polish tatras http://www.wspinanie.pl/serwis/200401/05gondor.php enjoy
  6. house of cards is not the route i climbed in winter of 99/2000. it is more to the left, there is a double crack at the end about 4". the rock is really crap, it's not worth the risk to get onto that one. highly unrecommended
  7. that text was published in alpinist #3. there were several parts missing though. i think the web version makes more sense. there were some very nice pictures in alpinist. will had some great shots from the climb too.
  8. i don't think so. they are the first team actually to summit via that face. that's for one. second, noone was plucked by helicopter off the face. team "brotherhood" did not go all the way to the top, that's for one. second- the articles that followed.... i mean give me a fucking brake. it was like "while i was jumaring up i was looking at the pitch and maybe only 10 people in the world could do it!" it was kind of wankfest. i don't think Steve had much to do with it, but that's the part of the deal. i know will and by no means he is megalomaniac. as the matter of fact it might be one of the hardest alpine routes on this side of the pond.
  9. so can layton eric and i crash in any room?
  10. ok, between layton and MisterE the weekend looks ok. i am still pissed as i had to waste a lot of time , but at least i'll be climbing
  11. check your illipsoas then if it hamstring. the agonist/antagonist relationship. plus check the strenght ratio of your quads and hamstrings. maybe also your gluts are inactive? hence your hamstrings work overtime. ciao- r
  12. anybody with small feet out there? it's a great deal! werd
  13. just watch the snow at the base of the NE face. there is a vast avalanche potential up there. entire glacier was littered with huge avalanche debris! also some bad slopes under the SE face, so know the conditions.
  14. This is probably a better deal than it sounds. Thinking of going for it myself. Hotels in Lilloet are dirt cheap, and you're paying for half the gas anyways. Probably climb harder/ more than you can imagine with Bob as your ropegun. you bet it is a deal. i get a cheap trip and a belayer and you get to climb a shit load of ice and be safe. and you'll learn all the tricks of the trade, something that any guide service will not show you. so interested parties pm me.
  15. or maybe people forgot what word commitment is?
  16. dru and mike read your pm's. maybe blue moon on rye is in? it has been pretty cold around pemberton for the past couple of days. dru, carls berg is in WI 4 condition right now if you climb on the right hand side, go and do it!
  17. my partners just bailed on me last night . too fucking busy with everything. looks like i am just fanning my balls doing nothing. what the fuck is wrong with people? MisterE can go for Sat/Sun, but he has no experience. anybody wants to check out summalo bluffs? (is there river crossing there?). i can go thursday of friday or both. all i can say, wankers everywhere....
  18. dru, what room # are you going to be in. my partners just bailed last night. MisterE can go for sat/sun, but not 100% sure yet. i was going to try to find someone for trip to summalo bluffs, they might be in right now. i don't think there is much avi danger there? (or am i wrong?). if interested we could chip in to the motel room. ciao- r
  19. Just ask for the room we are in, let's party!!!!!!
  20. if you pay my motel and gas money i will do it. just pm me and we can figure it out. ciao- r
  21. hehehehehe, i want to kick your ass mofo. i'll be there on the 1st in the evening.
  22. a pair of scarpa freney size 41 fs. very, very good condition, first $70 takes.
  23. Gee, sorry mtguide, i think you've spent too much time at high altitudes or you are just full of shit without any help. acually pt can dx and they do better job as far as working with injured muscles. your whole post is a bunch of pseudo - scientific spray, so stfu. aleve is not antiinflamatory.that's for one. second hip is not a complicated joint. the name proper is coxal joint btw. it's a ball and socket joint and it is one of the most stable joints in the body, virtually impossible to dislocate. pretyy much the only way it is possible is to have force applied to it while in a full squat (about as much your whole bs post is worth). it sounds muscular anyway, so what would orthopedic surgeon do anyway? (who the f... is orthopedist ?)there are simple muscle tests, that cost nothing. doesn't look like any bones were fx'd, so why would you order expansive x-ray (unless you want someone glow in the dark you kinky bastard) or mri? icing- you are dead wrong. there is no time table for icing. you ice till the area becomes numb, so more the tissue, longer it's going to be. it's a vasoconstrictor. just a thought on your point western vs alternative (to what anyway?) topic. just want to remind you that your trusted doctors are still prescribing cortisone shots and novocaine as a course of treatment for injured athletes. maybe you shoud read a story abour Curt Marsh and see how frigging effective these guys are- since they had to amputate his leg after a simple bone fracture. this treatment was performed by supposedly the best orthopedic surgeon in california. like i said- you are full of crap
  24. your pcp can request for massage and pt from gh. he can also request accupuncture for pain control. i will shoot you pm, so we don't have to discuss the specifics of your condition on this forum. ciao- r
  25. sounds like a hip flexor injury. taking nsaids won't do much for the condition itself, since it is muscular. as the matter of fact it usually causes weaker tissues at the end. find someone who does work with illiopsoas and knows how to treat it. it is not so complicated and usually they heal within a couple of weeks with proper tx. don't stretch it now, let it rest. just keep the hip moving. it is very uncommon to have an actual hip dislocation
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