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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. rudy,i can buy your argument. but then why argue about the grade. like i don't really care if rude boys was dowgraded to 13b or is scarface 13d or 14a. that's exactly my point, go do it, enjoy. the moment people start argue about grades.....then i say, who cares. grades should give you an idea what you can or cannot do. so the same people who use argument it is not about numbers focus just on the grades. can't have it both ways
  2. it's like cold florida with hills. same architecture same people. have fun
  3. wtf are you talking about 9 or 10a who cares!!!!! any criplle midget with aids and dozen donkeys strapped to it's balls should crank such a grade off the couch. what a bunch of bored wankers
  4. rodcherster, good point. it's not, that the fx was not showing, but the x-ray was inconclusive (in which case they should have taken another one, maybe using a different angle or it wasn't red properly. really, the sweling should not have an impact on the x-ray itself. x-ray will show almost none of the soft tissue, it will show bone. in a lot of cases it's simply a fact that md reading these things will work too long of the hours and they don't pay enough attention.
  5. rolfing is called structural reintegration. i have a problem with this modality, since they say it requres 10 visits. not 8 not 12 but 10. this is where the bs is since everyone will respond at different rate. my experience is- sometimes it takes only one visit, sometimes it takes 20 or sometimes it might be a chronic condition. the answer is the homework and self care. nobody can take care of your body,only you can. there is no magic pill formula or simple answers with chronic pain problems. i would recommend finding someone who does deep tissue work in your area and try them for 2 or 3 visits. you have to have some changes in that number or it's not working. a skilled practitioner should be able to access any soft tissue within 15 minutes or they are not doing the right thing. you should be sore for 24-48 hours after treatment, but not too sore. a lot of rolfers make people sore for days, which is not a good thing. imho sweedish massage as injury treatment is not worth much. i find active soft tissue release (S. Taws method), Neuro-Muscular Therapy and Daucek methods to be most effective. combined with muscle testing and good old MMA (muscle activation) should bring a relief of the symptoms within minutes of the treatment. having people over and over without improvement is just lame and it's unethical.
  6. is it broken or shifted? take some x-rays and talk to ortho. if not broken talk to chiro or pt.
  7. routes update. talked to Jia last night. shreddie is more like M7/7+. according to him there are some sloping hooks, sidepulls, so it is a full on pitch. 6 bolts lead to the ice. there is another climb in the left hand corner, just to the left of shreddie, in the same cleft. there are bolts on the first pitch and stubbies on the second. he said he might bolt the second pitch. also somewhere in this range as far as the rating goes. chris and jia did not top on the theft due to warm weather. so it is still an active project. the chimney on the bottom is supposed to have some fun mixed climbing, stubbies for pro. the rock leading to the final ice is a complete choss. this weather sucks! it's +7C in littlewet right now. things are turning into slurpie right now and a few more days of this crap and we'll have to start with ice from a scratch. the farm in blackcomb is in, at least a couple of days ago. there are several mixed lines on husume (sp?) butterss. according to a couple of sources leave your screws at home for these routes and bring your rock gear. as soon as it gets colder i will be checking these 2 areas and will let you know how they are.
  8. talked to someone who was climbing there a couple of days ago. shit falling down left and right, he was hit in the face by a rock. it's +7C right now, pray for cold or we'll have to start the season from the scratch.
  9. most likely biceps brachii short head. find someone who does soft tissue release, it will take 5 minutes to have it fixed. you can help yourself by pressing onto coracoid process of the scapula, that's where it originates. also work on your brachialis. your pronator/supinator might be off too. ice your arm/shoulder to stop muscle spasm. bend your elbow, press with your other thumb right above the joint (onto the biceps tendon) and with that pressure straighten your arm. do it 3-4 times and then work the whole upper arm with some circulatory massage. work also on the front of the shoulder, on your pectoralis minor and anterior deltoid.
  10. yea, contact this guy. his email is velcro@sheepshag.com
  11. holds are shaped by the shapers, so i would think you are running into infringement issues here. besides there is waaaaay more to making holdsthen what he describes. i huffed more resin then most of you monkeys. first of all, where are the milled fibers and chop strand? chop strand is what makes the hold not brake, when you tighten it. using just resin and sand will result in holds feeling like a pure plastic, the texture will get pluged up with slime and chalk and they will turn into piles of turd in no time. plus they will have minimum strenght, since there are no fibers in them. i would say, a copy-cat act od molding holds manufactured by legit companies is just lame. you are just ripping them off.
  12. bring your diving dear, as u guys are going to littlewet. it's going to be cunning like a runt.
  13. check www.live-the-vission.com trying to do too many things at the same time- my bad
  14. ade, you should try no deductible, easy to set tr on it. as everything else- it's not all that hard, you just need to learn new technique. like evrything else, it looks impossible at first and then it becomes more managable. for people trying to learn how to drytool- just hang a couple of tr's and figure things out. you'd be amazed to what ice tools can stick to!. little hint- use 2 hammes and even ducktape a tennis balls to avoid facial cuts.learn slow, pay attantion to details.keep your wrists and picks steady as you climb up with your feet, so your hooks don't skate off.the trick is to keep steady preassure on the tool as you gain height. sometimes what you can do is lead an ice climb and then tr the sides, using rock as much as possible. strength helps! do some pull-ups with weights. your gear and cloths are more then 20lbs, so you should be able to crank at least a couple with extra 20 on a pull-up bar. i haven't seen the "Farm" at blackomb, but along with rap wall they would be very good places to start. back in poland we used to go on back walls of the buildings with out icetools. so any brick walls, concrete or block would be good places to practice. ps on our way back to littlewet we saw the emergency vehicles. too bad about the accident.
  15. as clearly you can see the pic in the attachement is not my. i did tag only 2 cars and it was on sunday. Jia is cranking up a number of quality routes. i hope that the theft dt will be as good as the right rambles (though no send last sunday).
  16. besides a bit of bouldering there is no good rock climbing in b-ham. u have to drive to squamish or index (both about 2 hours) or to skaha (about 4). baker crags, rosario or mt erie are choss piles and suck ass. do as far as rock lexington would be far better choice for you sizzlechest.
  17. if you were here you could have 10" of fresh every day , powder i mean. ice in lillooet is pretty good this year.
  18. you guys have way too much time on your hands. - shit is just another example. this shit is soo funny. i wonder what would brian boytano do?
  19. glassgowkiss

    funny shit

    http://www.vlo.torun.pl/~julek/konioeliminator.mpeg check this out- this is some funny shit!
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