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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Anybody @ Mile0 or 4 Pines This Sat night. we need a place to crash (and dry out). if yes, pls email me poliszbob at gmail dot com
  2. how about shelaq load eating jizz burping hippie?
  3. oh, yeah you forgot a little fact. 11 million people without any rights..... i am shure that a pinko puke like yourself would last about a week before you'd kill yourself in this "paradise" if you actually had to live there. and i don't mean as a tourist.
  4. first of all get the fucking job, a real job, so you don't have to spray at work fuckhead. second of all- why is it ok to show poeople blown up to pieces, but it's not ok to post a pic of some titties!!!! my friend is going through a divorce right now. his ex was showning in court a picture he took of their 1yo girl simply sitting on a potty as a proof my friend was into child porn! is this nation becoming insane?
  5. why don't you move to cuba or n korea fuckhead. i lived "the socialist dream" you cock sucking moron and let me tell you- it doesn't work people like you make me puke.
  6. http://www.koreus.com/media/breakdance.html no need to comment....
  7. ok rainbitch and poop. first of all nobody learned climbing from typing on internet. most of us don't give a shit weather you climb with or without leashes. i don't think leashless is any harder or more pumpy then with leashes (using modern tools). i think it makes more sense and less of a cluster. on mixed ground it's much easier to clip and unclip the tool from your harness. as far as for using tools- big myth. the only time i dropped my tool was when i had them sitting on the ledge and a chunk of ice from above knocked it down. since then i always clip my tools or stash them behind a pillar. when i started climbing many years ago ambilical cords were a norm. when we figure things out, like now poop and others there were many people saying it will never last. it's the same with leashes. guess what? the cords are the thing of the past and nobody uses them anymore. the reason i ask poop for his climbing resume is simple. leashless tools are rather new thing. and it looks to me like mr opinionated bastard didn't get his fingers cold in the recent season, so i take it he is speaking on the subject out of his ass
  8. just friggin go and experiment on tr and see what works and what doesn't. simple. as for poop he is the master of theory, living in the glory of the past. tell us wanker what ice routes have you done in the past 2 years?
  9. pope, all i can say- you are one stupid fuck. end of story.
  10. http://www.smog.pl/wideo/1026/ruch_uliczny_w_indiach/ that's how traffic should look like
  11. yet another boring climbing video. http://www.tvmountain.com/fr/Video.asp?id_video=89
  12. fuck off and don't waste my time you piss drunk loser! everyone knows my name- how about your idendity jizz gurgler. mr leaky- short school bus ridding hockey helmet wearing genius- on a school yard everyone called you ed- special ed. now go and fuck yourself before i really lash out on you you weak pathetic pussy
  13. here is my advice to you mr licky-check my gallery you dolt. then you know who i am.then go and lick some balls. on the other hand i know you are rather pathetic wank.
  14. And adding troops will solve this how? I love how big gov't always has this solution to every failing program: spend more. i love like you change your tune. i remeber your opinions in favor of this stupid war. so SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT! you voted for him! now eat shit and live!
  15. someone should chop your balls, so you don't reproduce you stupid fuck.
  16. my thing is: #1 NG sunk down to the low level of journalism, one step above National Enquirer.wonder why the article did not present some other facts from the era? messner was just a part of this whole group of people. he has his place in history. imo he (along with habbeler) were also the biggest and most shameful self-promoters ever. this are two stories, some of us still remember. story #1 N. Pillar of Eiger. for some time this was the great objective, #1 problem of the era. there were many attempts on this climb. finally a team of 4 polish climbers went and did this route. a few days later messner and habbeler went up and did a zig-zag route. they admitted to see cigarette butts on ledges (Lalkajtys was a smoker). next day newspaper reported n pillar of eiger- first ascent by messner/habbeler. of course polish team objected and the whole story broke. and this is a true story from the polish FA party- Szafirski. during the meeting of the climbers messner said: ok, we climbed n pillar and you guys climbed "Polnische weg".... story#2: after 1st one day ascent of Eiger messner was quoted to say:" the greatest climbing achievement, never to be surpassed"... #2. some time ago, in the article on Everest- somehow there were a lot of firsts, but not first winter ascent! like i sais, one step above national Enquirer
  17. up till now i thought NG was a reputable mag with some substance to it. like i said- untill now. i changed my opinion after reading article about messner. what a load of shit! greatest climber ever! give me a fucking brake. more like a great self promoter. i think the whole article was a piece of shit journalism without a shred of objectivity. here is some names to consider: Kurtyka/Schauer for G4 west face Piotrowski/kukuczka for S face of K2 Fowler/Sounders for Spantik kurtyka/Kukuczka for Broad Peak traverse (all peaks) Alex McIntire Pierre Beghin Walter Bonatti Fred (more Fa's then any mortal ever-period!) Loretan i am sure the list should be much longer.
  18. as seen on tv doesn't look much different then when we did it a couple of winters ago. it is steep, but offers good rests. btw it is one of the better pitches around these parts. how did nw passage look like? we drove by on the way to the rockies, and from the road looked like it had some ice on it.
  19. mike, looks like you are up to date on literature. as the matter of fact there is a great article in the latest issue of massage journal (publication by AMTA). i'll try to scan and copy it and post here in the next few days, there is no easy answer. in general cortisone or NASIDS don't do squat as far as resolving the issue. neither does rest. from my own experiience the best results are brought by manual therapy combine with neuro- muscular retraining. and a lot of patience.
  20. also consider this. if you are willing to spend somewhere in about 10K you can fly to germany, buy used mercedes (like 320 van), stick shift/diesel and transport it over here for about 800usd.
  21. somehow as soon as you cross the border the highways were clear of snow. every friggin time! and let me tell you- washington state isn't cheap to do business. so i wonder what the fuck are these taxes going for if they don't buy basic equipment?
  22. 5 inches of snow and the town is shut down. went to 2 stores and they were both closed. what a bunch of wankers.
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