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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. any car with 210k is a piece of junk not worth much. in general they are rather spendy to fix.
  2. no fuck you. you supported this administration and their energy policy. so eat shit and live now biatch
  3. Not exactly the same--but at Mclellan rocks in Spokane--there is an entire wall (Pack Rat cave, i think) that is full of bolted cracks (most of which still haven't seen FAs). I heard that the argument was that since it overhangs so much (probably 20 degrees or so) that it was "too hard" to place gear on the routes. so here is your chance laddy- go and send them. as a fa you earn your right to remove any pro you don't see fit for the climb. show us you slop (superior lock-off power)
  4. pope, i can see your point if: -routes were not manufactured -it wasn't an old quarry in a first place maybe your energy should be focused on removing a bunch of metal from tunnel area and left side of lower wall. to me 2 inch rods with monstreus lognuts are way bigger problem then some bolts half way up. your thinking is on par with nps, where they go to detail about bolting on a road side crag (newhalem), forgetting to mention 2 artificial lakes, a road, multiple powerlines and a whole little town along with steam engine! your generation carved more pinscars (like mentioned by you iron horse- which btw i did lead to the top and you did not) then any trigger happy guy with a dril ever will- so stfu, as clearly we can see your superior moral high ground sunk well below sea level btw. if you have such big balls, so you need to show us length of your dick by removing anchors from a popular climb, have some balls and show us your face wanker. other wise you're just another chickenshit cunt
  5. you won't miss it since you don't climb. btw we are talking about some road side rock heap that used to be a quarry, to keep it in a right perspective, not some alpine peak.
  6. you guys must be desperate to post this on this website!
  7. glassgowkiss


    if i lived in lethbridge i would start smoking weed myself. full of memenites(sp?)- canadian version of mor(m)ons. as you drive through the sign should say- welcome to hell buy!
  8. is it possible to get gown with 1x 70m? thanks
  9. your closest option from calgary is prerie creek. it's about 45 minute drive (depends on time of the day and your location in town). grassi lakes in canmore would be also possible to climb in the afternoon. you can get all the info from several guidebooks (Bow Valley rock, ghost, sport climbs in canadian rockies). june it's usually mixed bag, sometimes it's possible to do some mixed alpine riggs (n facing and high up). there are 2 or 3 climbing gyms in town (calgary climbing center is one of them). mec will have a good selection of guides. you can also check www.live-the-vision.com and possible look for partners there.
  10. i think you have up to 2x 90 days with 1 mo in between visits. i don't think they check if you stay just for a few days at the time, however i did hear about cuple of cases, where people were deported back across the boarder. in any case- a lot of canadians start developing a big dislike to americans, due to lumber dispute, flighrt manifest aproval and such stupid things. anyway- i just wanted to put it out there, so one doesn't overstay the limmit. btw with computer system in place ALL your cross border travel is recorded.
  11. yes there is a limmit on staying at the campground. there are free places, i can shoot you pm. however your biggest problem is you can't stay over 90 days in canada. if you don't go over this limmit you'll be ok.
  12. we can expect however every woman to have a muff
  13. i was there on sunday as well. i think your outlook on avi danger is very optimistic. strangely enough Ice Nine fell off on sunday and we were baking (so were our screws) on weeping pillar. i don't think the temps were all that diferent on a route just a couple of clics away. a pretty good size "slough" almost knock my partner off belay (our rope released little snow field 8mx5m. however i am sure you have better knowledge of rockies snowpack then most of us fools. btw, it's not the big slope above the route you have to look out for, but the shitty little slope you have to cross to bypass the pencil pitch
  14. somewhere on this mostly useless site there was a GU mix recepie. somehow i can't find it now. and no i am not talking about your penis gu only about that stuff you take to make you climb harder
  15. my friends need a ride to Baker or other backcoutry areas WA/BC from Bellingham this week ( I have to work). If you have space contact me via phone 360.927.4861 or leave me a pm here. Thanks- r
  16. my friends need a ride to Baker or other backcoutry areas WA/BC from Bellingham this week ( I have to work). If you have space contact me via phone 360.927.4861 or leave me a pm here. Thanks- r
  17. my friends need a ride to Baker or other backcoutry areas WA/BC from Bellingham this week ( I have to work). If you have space contact me via phone 360.927.4861 or leave me a pm here. Thanks- r
  18. hey wankers- this is how it's done- Ondra's trip to Spain and France- 2 weeks: * Estado critico 9a (3. go, according to Adam 8c+ "NEVER 9a"), * Broadway 8c+ (4. go, Adam suggests grading 8c+/9a), * Travers de la Enmiend 8c+/9a (4. go), * L'odi Social 8c+ (2. go), * Blomu L3 8c+ (3. go, maybe 8c/c+), * La novena puerta 8c/c+, * El koala 8b+, first OS, sometimes this route is graded 8c, not by Adam :-), * Desafiando a Newton 8b+ OS, * Santa Linya 8b OS, * Bad Boy 8b OS, * Blomu L2 8b OS, * Sexhibition 8b OS, * Umpah - pah o entre a dos aguas 8b flash, * Los atletas de la roca 8a+ OS, * Tirrabolts 8a+ OS, * Plus dure sera la chute 8a+ OS (French region Baume les dames) . let's sum it up: 1x9a, 4x8c+, 2x 8b+ OS,5x 8b OS or flash, 3x 8a+OS. it's like doing all the hardest routes in N. America in 2 weeks!
  19. brand new SanDisc Ultra SD card 2GB. changed my mind on camera and don't need this one anymore- $30 includes shiping.
  20. http://emuse.ebaumsworld.com/watch/12265
  21. no, not everything you can see with pornoculars. and as the matter of fact you can't see how thick the ice is. that's the whole point. people should actually at least do the approach before they spray on bb. Dru- i remeber a couple of years ago you said Criptonite was in. so was NW passage supposed to be. an inspection at the base of the climbs showed whole sections of ice missing at the bottom. i can see if someone actually said- "from the road the climb looks to be in, but we did not approach it".
  22. from west coast ice: A request on the use of the English Language and the somewhat useless word “in”: This oft-abused term seems to be coined by ruthless individuals who have not climbed the route mentioned in the hope that some suckas will do the drive, approach, and poking around to see if the climb is actually possible. No offence, but some routes mentioned in the last few reports were clearly by people who have not even pulled out the binos, let alone gotten their noses up at the base of the route. Some really keen people (a.k.a. American tourists spending American dollars in cash-strapped Lillooet)) are driving a long way hoping to do some of these routes. A little clarity in such descriptions would be welcome, as opposed to the mysterious classic Coastal “hints” as to what is involved with a route. yea, I agree 100%. Last sat we waded across the river to Deep Throat just to find open water and something that could collapse under a weight of a climber.
  23. no- we have low budget and can't pay full price. floor space is enough...
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