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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. looks like ice in canadian rockies is forming up. i was checking temps from whistler ski area and it looks like there might be some ice forming around here higher up. it was -12C at the top of the lifts at9am and -6 this afternoon. couple of the locals from b-ham climbed a route on Colfax. which i don't know. anyway- game's on
  2. Looking for an older Fritschi Titanal II bindings. If you have a pair even if they need repair pls contact me via email: muscletx at yahoo dot com or ph 360.927.4861. Thanks ps. i am looking for a binding that can accept plastic boot, but also with a bit more performance then old silveretta
  3. laddy, you are mistaking 2 things. first of all- most of the killing in Iraq is done between the arabs themselves. the situation is very simmilar to one in former Jugoslavia after Tito's death. both coutries were an artificial creation, where several nationalities were stuck together- on the other hand they hate each other for centuries. fammily fudes go on for decades, so in iraq very often they just settle the scores. there is a big differance between soldier doing "taget practice" on unarmed civilians and shooting at armed militias. i don't dispute going to iraq was the right thing to do. on the other hand with hundreds of reporters you don't see the scenes you saw on the footage from tibet.
  4. for starters i don't buy this bs about not antagonizing china. that was the same rethoric used in dealings with soviets. and finally reagan told them to fuck off and they did. yes, you can change thing- first by voting. someone could write an official letter signed by cc.com condoning the incident. once i was told for eacch signed name they count 800 votes. also one thing i'd like to mention. this is not an isolated incident. this is deliberate and systematic extermination of the nation.
  5. don't know where Macs are made. for sure i'll be more cautious what products i am buying from now on. and at least i voiced my opinion. have you?
  6. i posted this link http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/610355/an/0/page/0#610355 not speaking up is endorsing it. in reality posters on this bord don't give a fuck about anybody, but yourseves.
  7. i bet it does make difference. we just choose not to demend or choose. look at cars. gas prises going up and sales of these mondo trucks and suv's are down. down enough, where all these companies started making models of smaller cars.
  8. "But what can we do?" simply ask a question in the store- is it made in china? if the ansfer is yes don't buy it. as an example-Alpinist- they just relocating their printing to china. i was going to subscribe it but at this moment i don't think i am going to do. as fat as buying gear- plenty of cheap options here. take technical clothing- www.montano.pl. better quality then Patagonia, Mountain Hardware or North Face. and produced in poland, not in china. take harnesses- you can buy Singing Rock or Rock Empire- produced in Czech Republic. Polititians are not going to do it for us- we have to do it. maybe we can make a list of climbing gear not produced in china. how about buying from wild things not from north face. by buying from china we are digging our graves. china is NOT a democratic country, never was never will be. i for one will start looking more carefully into whom am i giving my $$$ to!
  9. http://www.protv.ro/filme/exclusive-foot...grims.html#4265 this is a link to actual footage of chinese soldiers killing pilgrims. i don't think people actually hit by bullets had a good time dying in the snow. and we should look at facts that by relocating factories to china are endorsing such practices. we are endorsing it since we are funding it.
  10. http://www.protv.ro/filme/exclusive-foot...grims.html#4265 this is the link to actual footage of soldiers killing civilians. on the same token pretty much evryone in n.america (yes you canadians too) is endorsing this by buying goods produced in china. money talks bullshit walks. same with visitors. you go there and spend the money over there- the same thing.
  11. FS La Sportiva Makalu size US 7 (or Eu 40). Slightly used. No water treatment yet. They accept step-in crampons. $70+ shippning or BO. (if in Bellingham- Seattle area pick up can be organized).
  12. well, my idea behind posting this is to tell people not to make a mistake and not to buy the guide. money talks bullshit walks take aliens and their recall- i bet the result would be quite different if climbers went to the manufacturer. posting stuff like that on web pages is far more effective then trying to contact a producer of a bad product.
  13. yes the same one- fat and lame! i would expect for 45 bucks at least the pictures to be in focus! and not to include anything north of squamish is just as shitty as the whole thing.
  14. so i decided to get the newest copy of the squamish guidebook by mclane. so here is my rant. not only the thing costs a lot of $$$, but doesn't even include routes in chek. all the photos are b&w and some of the pictures are out of focus!! (check some of the panoramic pics from smoke bluffs area). this is lame, lame, lame. i recommend not to get this book to punish the author and publishing company for lame job they did.
  15. the good news is your pain has pretty much nothing to do with your disc. if you have numbness, loss of strength, loss of motor function, loss of body mass- that's the disc issue. do you have any of it? the pain is generated in your soft tissue by the nerve intrapment by the tissue. have your gluteus, iliopsoas quadtrutus lumbarum, rotatores and multifidus muscles worked on and 90% of people will improve in days. check your pm
  16. i am short on ca$h right now, but maybe i candonate some of my therapy? pm me his ph #.pls
  17. http://www.break.com/movies/startswiththekids.html
  18. glassgowkiss

    funny shit

    here is the link http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=8g...kwazpwskPiIT1h1
  19. http://www.zanik.pl/filmy/ you can download some cool climbing movies. pls do not try to download more then 4 at once
  20. glassgowkiss

    funny film

    wtf. i don't check the page for a few months and what i see- 3 spray forums? keep it up wankers, spray 3 times more. dru needs to clone himsef, so he can keep up. anyway- saw this movie on avid web page: http://fp.avid.com/fpcache/educontestvideo/D1FC65C7-8CA4-460C-9CF7-B901CE1D3137.mov funny as hell, should have won imo this is who won: http://fp.avid.com/fpcache/educontestvideo/997561F9-206C-4CBE-90FC-73CB38C20AA2.mov so jon,can we post movies here on your web page?
  21. http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/total_forecast/i...;lon=-121.55389 looks like fri/sat just some clouds, but no rain.
  22. need a third person to do some filming on sat at index. should be a competent leader 5.10 and up. should be fun. leave me msg here or call 360.927.4861
  23. my new climbing web page is not a clownpunch. check some action on: http://robertrogoz.com/climbing.html
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