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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Hitler was Time's Man of the Year - in 1938. Stalin made the grade twice. that's fucking great! piece of shit magazine
  2. if this fuck is a "man of the year", why don't they give the same "honor" to hitler. after all he stabilized germany in the 30th and took care of the "jewish problem". after killing something like 1/2 of population in Chechnya he is on exact same path. great fucking choice. I bet in seattle particularly popular, since you fucks have a statue of mass-murderer- lenin
  3. no, that's Chris Geisler. And yes, he is climbing in ski boots!
  4. that the conditions are primo- that counts in mix/ice- one big fucking....
  5. sorry about this. however if you go on Husume you will enjoy the same conditions. This route in particular is a work in progress and I think it would be unfair if someone scooped us to it, particularly after the initial effort. I would encourage people and do mixed routes- since they are in fantastic conditions right now.
  6. all photos by Jia Condon and www.jiaproductions.com - check out his pics! i am not giving a location of this climb due to the fact it needs a redpoint ascent. however i would like to point out how good mixed conditions are. we also don't need to travel to the rockies to get out kicks this year!
  7. stuff like husume is in prime condition- a perfect training ground for alpine adventures.
  8. there is a shit load of stuff formed up around Whistler/Pemberton/Duffey. Mystery Roach Motel was leadable. also rambles are in, including eagles ears. white blotter was also supposed to be in (maybe). also husume butters should be in nice shape. the farm is not in and it is not looking it would be up for this season (no water).lower down breakable crust makes travel painful on the shins, but higher up it's not a problem. a new secret crag is being developed in the area- photo by jia condon
  9. more like a ton of snow! conditions will be dependent on how much snow falls after it cools off!
  10. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160187025763&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=006 waterproof camera with 3 batteries. In original box, all the software included. bid on ebay or contact me muscletx at yahoo dot com and i can end the auction early. $120 will get you free shipping and a backpack
  11. Martin, The route Steve Swenson and I did about 10 years ago is almost identical to your line. We did it after a cold snap as a mix line. I just look closer at the topo and your pictures. We started almost the same place as you guys, however higher, since there was a snow cone at the base. We climbed just to the left of the corner visible above the climber on pitch 1. I think the 5.7 pitch (#2 on the topo), we climbed an ice bulge to the left, but we ended up belaying on the same tree as you guys higher up.The very top looks pretty much the same as what we did. Of course almost 10 years passed since we did this route, so some of the details are hazy. Also some of the detail on the face might look a bit different, when covered by ice and neve. I asked Steve if this line was climbed. He thought most of the lines were done in the past, because of the proximity to Seattle. A lot of climbers, like Kit Lewis used this peak as training ground, however their ascents went unrecorded. This situation was reflected in Jason's and Alex's work on the guidebook, where it was almost impossible to trace all the details at this point. ciao- Robert
  12. yeah, right. like 99% of washingtonians know how to merge onto the freeway? or even use turn signals?
  13. let me wipe the spray off my face..... maybe it should be called Sargent spray..... a new route seems like a bit of a stretch... btw riptide is a classic, that gets several ascents a season...
  14. maybe you can share your tick list with us? I have climbed a fair number of lines on both faces and i don't share this opinion.
  15. I don't know what climbers see in this area? slaby gravel pit pretty much describes the place. and how can you get fit there? by pumping your calves on a run-out choss? sorry to say that, but washington is lacking climbing areas big time. this place is one of the worst i have ever seen....
  16. "... start hiking north, out into some remote area of Canada where you are welcome to try building your own economy of hunting, gathering and perhaps farming." hey poopbrain, last time i looked canada has the third largest oil supply in the world, they have largest diamond mines outside of south africa, better medical system. also last time i looked you have to pay $1.10 for 1 canadian dollar.
  17. what i hate about these programs are 2 things: -they treat people like morons and cater to the lowest most common denominator -the recycle through the same shots over and over in the span of the same segment.
  18. calgary, however the process takes about 12-24 months.
  19. shitfeather- you also should shut the fuck up.
  20. i don't have one (green card). that leaves you with your dirty ass- just like your mom- beyotch!
  21. look, for one pitch ice routes you don't need them. as the matter of fact it will be safer for you not to have them in case you fall.
  22. I like Will and I know he didn't have much to say about this program in post. However after watching it I must give it two thumbs down.
  23. Get new guidebook for red rocks. a lot of moderate longer routes went up. we did a climb called Birdland. 6 pitches of 5.7, bolted belays, set up for raps with 70m rope! also in arizona there are 2 places to visit about 1h30min outside of Flagstaff. they are called The Pit and Jacks Canyon. Bolted limestone with a lot of routes in 10 and 11 range. a mix bag of ratings- some give-aways, some not so much. the great thing about these places is that the camping is free for now. bring your water though!
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