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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i use cm (the one with swinging hanger). they start much easier and you need to clean much less ice then for bd.
  2. did you enjoy the sloppy seconds? if you crave more i have some tuna on the stick
  3. glassgowkiss

    what's up

    sunday, dry, nice cool day at index and not a single car at the parking lot!!! wtf, did people stop climbing?
  4. no view finder and 38 mm lens. looks like canon s80 is the top of the line. also i was told to use a small water seal bag inside camera case. actually the main issue with camera being waterproof is a little lcd screen.
  5. yes, i looked at these before. this is a major drawback- doesn't have a view finder. you have to use little screen to make a shot and the screen is a major energy vampire, specially in the cold. so taking a camera like that to alaska would be out of the question. i am leaning more and more towards canon powershot s70 or there is a new one on the market- s80 with 8.3 mp
  6. anyone used canon s70 or s80 in the mountains? it's not a weatherproof camera, so i wanted to see if it would work. what are tho other options- wide lens plus a view finder plus weather proof plus over 7mp. can't find the right match- any suggestions? thanks in advance.
  7. your vast climbing expertise shows again. this is one of the most retard posts i have ever seen in reagard of ice climbing. and your comments about "bolt trails" are based on what? can you tell us the routes you are talking about? and what's your winter cv?
  8. climbing without leashes is better, faster, more covinient. after climbing for the past 2 seasons leashless i am not going back. as the matter of fact on the most of the harder pitches i did on mushrooms they save a lot of energy, since you can switch hands and you don't have to do extra swings. yet again poop your opinion sucks donkiey dick.
  9. climbing since 1980 makes me also quite old skool. but i get the newest ice gear as i can. the technology changed. new technology makes you suffer less, you can stay warmer, climb faster and with more ease, so you can get up on harder routes. btw sobo, anyone can climb WI4 with straight tools, try to get on some WI6 or 6+ and see if how you do
  10. fucking a, this is the cover shot for my web page
  11. if you looked at this pick you'd know it's not me on memorial crack, but yes i did it. that doesn't mean you are not fat.
  12. i hate to start this spray, but what a bunch of double standart cry babies you are. same people oposing gondola to the top of the chief, drills and blots in the alpine now is crying foul when you can't drive your 4x4 to the base of some climbs?
  13. http://www.whistlerblackcomb.com/weather/forecast/alpine pretty soon husume will be in
  14. do you find my signature offensive? fuck off.
  15. no- fat people make good soap
  16. we are morons. we elected him again! btw- i also like the idea of some 36y/o woman running immigration office. she even doesn't have a law degree! and yeah- the head of FEMA was a horse sealsman! and fuck yeah, let's nominate someone for a supreme court judge who never worked as a judge! and someone who is religoius nut! http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&am...iers_religion_1 now we know
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051005/ap_on_re_us/boat_overturned now i want to see, how average 140 lbs is? it's more like 180lbs for all you lard ass fat slobs. natural selection at it's best. we need more accidents like that to get rid off all the fat people. i hate fat people.
  18. this clownpunch crowd is hopeless. just keep jerking off. have a nice day. good job ob doing half of the route and bailing.
  19. if you took off your hiking shoes and used your rock climbing shoes.... climbing is about style.
  20. this thing can be done clean, no need to hammer and destry the rock (real crap in a lot of places). it goes at 5.11a A1, can easly be done in a day.
  21. well, with cold temp at night even in b-ham some of the ice routes on Colfax might be forming. i was looking at whistler web page and it was -3C at noon on the top of 7th heaven. this is simmilar altitude as colfax.
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