they got a lot of sand too. and a language that sounds funnier than french. arabs don't make shit and complain about people who do. if they suicide fighters want to die fighting, let's pput the fuckeers in a battle cage and charge admission. with the profits we can buy a little spread in canada so arafat can live among ppeople who appreciate him.
it's interesting that when i drove a ford pos with the side windows all busted out, nothing was ever taken from my car. but when i got an upscale lockable type, i got ripped off. thievery sucks ass
so trask, if you're in the boat insurance business, maybe you can explain other marine weirdness. why does MAN have most of its mechanics and the only west coast distributor (cept for acapulco) in the seattle area?
i used to work at a ranch in new mexico, and the 4wd ford trucks we used lasted about 40,000 miles. hard driving will screw up any vehicle. so what if the unibody cars are disposable. their cheap and built to stay that way. haha
sumpin like "do you smoke" is gonna cost you more than a climbing habit (and cost ya in more ways than life insurnace). the limited term shit is the way to go right now.