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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Cold up there now, -10C for a high today.
  2. I didn't hear of any while we were there, and if you did hear of one it wasn't me
  3. That sounds right, but I didn't see the name in the book. It has 3 bolts on the rock, then some really thin, sketchy patches of ice before it gets thicker near the top.
  4. I was up at the fest this weekend. It was a good time and low key. I got to see a guy from Dru's posse climb the mixed route to the left of Icy BC on Friday. Dude was out of screws half way up and ran it out to the top Had to have been 30-40 feet of runout to the top. I had to throw away that pair of underwear I wore that day and I was just standing on the ground below.
  5. For the record, I was one of many who said all snowmobilers are bad.
  6. It's all true... you must head North my friend....North I tell ya!
  7. Whatever Matt the Lillooet 1/19 1/20 thread was right on as far as conditions, and why can't you have a little faith in beta from a guy named Rat?
  8. quote: Cpt.Caveman I heard one can buy trim for cheap in Thailand You mean rent, right?
  9. Where can I buy a ticket for this long awaited meeting of the minds?
  10. Eric's got good taste in music - I'm starting to like the Ozo CD and I've only listened to it twice.
  11. Is that the Wild Things Belay Parka?
  12. Ummmm Trask, he's been a moderator for your last 497 posts or so.
  13. CascadeClimber, I was Lambone's belayer on Shriek and it took us just under 2 hours from the car til we were climbing the first pitch. There are a couple of steps on the approach that make you pause a moment, and there was that damn river crossing.... The helmet test came on the second pitch
  14. I think this has been hashed and rehashed in the threads entitled: "Community? No," and in "Spray detracts from this site".
  15. Lambone, Looks like you and me could be in the same boat. I'm down, and I can drive too.
  16. He'll just sign on as one of his many avatars
  17. 2999 and holding - I think Caveman is feeling the pressure of the 3000 post threshold.
  18. Huh? Wha? No SPRAY for the Caveman?
  19. And don't forget your avalanche balloon! http://www.provinz.bz.it/avalanche/ski8e.htm
  20. I have never climbed any portion of the Tooth - South Face included.
  21. Yeah, this discussion is about tonights Pub Club, but it is a weekly event Tuesday nights.
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