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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Heinrich - How much of a problem is traversing steep, hard, slopes when the sidecut of a board only allows the tip and the tail to touch the surface?
  2. I got an older style X-15 cheap at Second Bounce in Fremont. The store has since moved and has a new name which you can find on this board if you search for it. I'd at least check it out.
  3. But sadly, there's not a cranberry rancher in the bunch
  4. You're probably right. Either that or it's a medical emergency!
  5. Careful Caveman - looks like Heinous wants you to climb on [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  6. Lots of Gapers today! Pro Popper and Matt have been on Who's Online all morning!
  7. If I'm hiking with poles, I hold them like a downhill skier going througg slalom gates. This allows you to push through thick brush and it protects you from brush your partner in front of you snaps into your face Another good technique to use when ascending or descending very steep brushy slopes is to actually grab the brush as you're going up or down in order to hold you to the hill. I think there is a technical term for this but the name of it escapes me now.
  8. And, since this was vegetablebelay's first ever appearance at a pub club, I should have at least been mentioned in the trip report. Bring back Dwayner.
  9. Yeah, I have no recollection of Panther being there but I did have a few
  10. I think there could be only one title for Mr. Larson
  11. Nice sig Caveman Here's Phat too: http://www.okayplayer.com/dilatedpeoples/expansionteam/
  12. Cool Erik, thanks for the
  13. True, true. It seems everyone that posts here usually gets what they want out of the site. Dan Larson asks about wand sizes and got a lot of good info; Stefan asked about guide books for the Alps and got a lot of good info, David Parker just asked about an obscure road near Cashmere Mt - I could go on and on. Sure, many times a little spray thrown in but if you're too sensitive to skip over a few non-productive(but oh, so entertaining)responses, you are using the wrong medium to throw out you're inquiry.
  14. I dunno - Heinouscling makes me think of laundry.....or batwings
  15. Yeah, but Pope and Dwayner are the same peeps so
  16. James, Vegetablebelay is not a term to be lightly thrown about or made fun of. It is an Alpine term - sport climbers like you could never grasp the significance
  17. You know there's only about 4 or 5 of us here anyway. I'm all the avatars that aren't Dru's or Caveman's.
  18. This is very similar to the Wild Things Ice Sack except no file pocket and anyway, files are really only to be used back in the warm hotel room surrounded by many beers
  19. I guess I'd probably have to ask too. I'll guess I'll save that one for later
  20. Film Saturation? Apertures? Auto-Bracketing? You guys are all a bunch of camera-totin geeks. And if you find a green disposable on the North side of Prusik in the Spring let me know - I lost it there this fall.
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