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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by W: VB-Sure I've had some long posts, and I don't care if you don't read them, I don't expect everyone to be interested...just don't call me a liberal if you simply don't understand what I'm trying to say. Not that I really care, but you don't know me at all and the world isn't so black and white. I'm not sure how I got singled out here since I've never had any real discourse with you, but thanks for your opinion. My apologies W - I meant to include the winky guy but overlooked it. I was simply trying to throw out an example. Perhaps I should have followed the advice I gave to Biff above! [ 03-16-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  2. quote: Originally posted by Biff: My guess is that by far, this site is male-dominant. And I'd venture to guess that, due to the large number of icons inferring alcohol use, many of these men have substance abuse issues. Here come the flames.... So in the world according to Biff, if I use it equates to substance abuse. I wonder what he thinks this one equates to Biff, you should do your free writing on Word and paste it here when you've had a chance to think it over more. Norman, have you ever driven a car on the freeway and noticed all of the aggressive drivers out there? These aren't all aggressive or mean people, but when you place them behind the wheel it's the darndest thing - these usually nice caring people will cut you off and give you the finger! It's the same thing here - welcome to the world! Welcome to society! For all of you whiners on this board, is it too hard to scroll past posts from authors you don't want to read? I scroll past almost all of W's posts because they are usually 1000 word liberal diatribes. If that is too hard to do, there is another site PBS styled climbers site that I think you would enjoy much more.
  3. quote: Originally posted by trask: So starting Monday, trask will not necessarily quit spraying, but instead will try to be less caustic and gross. P.S. For any smart guy that may flame me for saying this, I say, "Up Yours". Bye Trask.
  4. quote: Originally posted by lizard brain: Hmmm....I see that you've only been registered here for a few weeks. Are you moving in here and telling everyone to change the long established environment of the site? Just curious. PM ALERT
  5. vegetablebelay

    67 online

    quote: Originally posted by Dru: Ok everyone who reads this, plan on being online at noon tomorrow (Friday) and lets bust that record - get 100 people online or something. That would mean we'd have like 75-80 guests!
  6. So when are we gonna get a Quebec forum for the ice route reports from Quebec.
  7. quote: Originally posted by joekania: thanks, zeno! No Joe, THANK YOU!
  8. quote: Originally posted by Thrasher: I tell you what, I spray wherever the heck I want. So get back in your cubicle. "Thrasher"...now that would make a good name for an avatar of a recently departed spraylord.
  9. vegetablebelay


    Did you spell on the application like you've done in your post?
  10. I'm having trouble with this post. I've read it a couple of times and I can't make sense of it. Is it just a 12:30 am thing?
  11. Male Strippers Take Note: Female Customers Grope More VICTORIA, B.C. (Wireless Flash) -- Guys, if your current job doesn't grab you, become a male stripper. You'll get grabbed all the time -- but not always when you want it.That's the touchy truth from Fawnia Mondey, author of a new book, "Stripper Success Secrets" (Skyline Services). She says dancing for a female audience is physically demanding in more ways than one. For instance, some dancers have to wear a rubber band on their sex organ to ensure their Full Monty stays full. That's not all. Mondey says female customers are very grabby, sometimes squeezing the dancers' privates during performances. In addition, ladies are bad tippers and very picky, wanting strippers with perfect rhythm AND a perfect bod. As a result, Mondey says many straight male strippers prefer gay clubs where the customers tip big but aren't so hands-on.
  12. I'm sorry I missed it. It looks like you guys were having a heck of a time!
  13. quote: Originally posted by moron: Any of you guys play golf? I'm saving golf for when I get old. That, and sea kayaking.
  14. Ok, after reading the incident report on the NWAC site I retract my statement above giving the guy the benefit of the doubt. It's apparent he wasn't being very smart. A buddy and I were out on Sunday and were surprised at the depth of snow over the hardpack there was in the backcountry versus at the trailhead. We turned around way early that day. [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  15. quote: Originally posted by moron: Quit objectifying those poor young women! Or at least get a pic that doesn't cover up all the good stuff... Objectifying!?!? C'mon the grand prize is for the girl who wears next to nothing. [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  16. Another vote for West Ridge of North Twin Sister. I've done it twice and I'm sure I'll do it again this year - no rope, a little exposure, exhilirating bike ride to the car. Nice trip.
  17. WTF!! I'm the only poster on this thread for this entire day!!! Could this thread really be dead?
  18. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: After a year plus on CC I think Greg has distilled the true essence and wisdom generated by CC. Ok, he can be a rope lead now.
  19. quote: Originally posted by gregm: There ya have it!
  20. quote: Originally posted by slothrop: Veggie, where did you see the incident report? I looked at the NWAC site and the most recent thing I could find was a report on two guys whose tent got buried near Source Lake at the end of January. I just got it from the current conditions on the site. ericusanet pasted the excerpt up above. I was probably more swayed by the posts saying he was a skiier, but I couldn't find the story at seattletime.com, or king5.com to verify it myself.
  21. quote: Originally posted by Beck: NEVER heard of a man not standing up for his wife and waiting for a lawsuit, who cut his balls off? Her? Duuuuuude, take it easy on him. He's been down in Colorado all this time.
  22. quote: Originally posted by DLunkman: What are you going to do? Shoot us? LAFF And who the fuck cares if the Germans have a word that has community and team in it? Pipe down 'til you're a rope lead.
  23. To be fair, there is a route up a SW ridge of Granite Mt. that people use in the winter to avoid the obvious avalanche gullies the summer trail crosses. If the guy was on this ridge believing he was ok then maybe one could cut him a little slack. Not knowing this guy's experience or where on the mountain this occurred makes it hard to judge this person for real.
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