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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. I would guess that if you talked less smack you'd receive fewer bloody noses. Just a thought.
  2. vegetablebelay


    2 RBI's for Glen. Scott'didas would be the winner hands-down.
  3. quote: Originally posted by rbw1966: A bit late in the season no? Must just be going up to the park.
  4. FYI Sorry, you are on this member's ignore list. You cannot send a private message to this person. ยป Please use your browser's back button to return.
  5. quote: Originally posted by Dru: The tooth is not Rainier therefore it does not matter if they climbed it or not. send me a picture from atop the big hill only, to get my attention... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=12;t=000381
  6. Are we gonna loot REI? I think this thing should be held down in Olympia at the Capital or out in the mountains someplace like Snow Ck Trailhead.
  7. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: You guys need to decide for yourselves how selfish you really want to be. There is nothing wrong with being selfish. We exisit to gratify ourselves in every way. Thing of Americans as being the gluttonous (SP?) people of the world. We consume more resources than any other country in the world. We pollute more than any other country in the world. This probably means that we are mostly thinking of ourself. We are destroying the world as we do so but no one seems to be trying to stop it. This is why I do all of these great outdoor sports. It is too easy to just live a normal life and it seems like climbing, skiing, fishing and music is what challenges me the most. I can also take it to a level that few people are capable of bringing it to. I am not an elitist, just passionate. Beautiful man, and all this from a guy who bolts cracks.
  8. quote: Originally posted by jkrueger: Of course, there is nothing in this world that makes me feel more alive than that feeling I get when I think I'm going to die! Sometimes, things get a bit scary, and I wonder "why the fuck do I do this?" And then I remember "oh yeah, this is why!" I would even go so far as to say that climbing is better than sex! Climb safe! It's gonna be quiet at the dinner table tonight....
  9. quote: Originally posted by Son of Caveman: Heh PolishDog -- You're speakin' the truth brother. Problem is, everyone hates the Grim Reaper. Man. I've read a ton of fuckin stupid statements here, but some stuff is posted here simply to show where people belong on the hierarchy. TOOL
  10. quote: Originally posted by crazypolishbob: hey veggieboy, you are boring- sums it up. did you read or you need to go bacck to school again? the point of this whole thing was that people now have this notion that they can get rescued. look at the baker last week. the same thing. shit can happen and will happen. the problem is whaen it's easly preventable and causes more torment then necesary. and the fall out of the whole situation is that we'll have more regulation. after all the public doesn't want to cover costs of rescues like that. so the next thing we will have a $100 fee for climbing on rainier or hood or any other peak in washinton. so when you complain about it to you parner forking off another check payed to usfs or nps think about some stupid idiot who strated the whole thing. Not sure where you decided the point was no longer lives lost, but impending regulations on us because of this tragedgy, but I'll go with it. People who aren't climbers will ALWAYS have an issue with funding with climbing accidents. The accidents most will have a problem with won't require negligence or recklessness, but simply the fact that these accidents occur in a setting where 90% of the general society never will tread will create the problem. That makes our defense that much tougher. Our fight is not amongst climbers who decide one is more eligible for rescue than another, rather our fight is with general society who does not value our passion like like we do.
  11. CPB, You sweet talkin' me? Dude, your tired, hard ass, Darwinism, B.S., I'm tough and everyone who dies isn't, survival of the fittest, I'm so cool, I can climb stuff and those guys couldn't, those guys shoulda, those guys shouldn'a, I call and ask other climber guys cause they know stuff, I post tuff stuff and nobody knows me, you guys are all gapers and I'm not, I'm blabbitty blabbitty, blabbitty, blabbbbbbby is only serving to end my Sunday on a
  12. quote: Originally posted by sk: That thaught occured to me as well Veggie Yeah, there's always been a taste of anger, but only an obvious few with VENOM
  13. quote: Originally posted by crazypolishbob: Blah, blah, blabbitty, blabbitty, blahbby Agent Orange is dat you? I thought you were booted.
  14. quote: Originally posted by Norman Clyde: Unfortunately, it sounds like they attempted to descend Liberty Ridge instead of the Winthrop/Emmons. I haven't read anything that made me jump to this conclusion.
  15. http://www.king5.com/topstories/NW_053002ORNmt_hood_hikers.1871fd1.html
  16. quote: Originally posted by Self propelled: We were up there this past week and the folks without passports were definitely hassled more than those with passports. A Passport is just the Isuzu Rodeo with a Honda Emblem on it. Same vehicle otherwise.
  17. quote: Originally posted by MysticNacho: crikey! Was this the same storm TG got caught in? TG's was a week ago.
  18. quote: Originally posted by michael_layton: [QB] Got a massage from Agent Orange today. QB] You crazy kids...
  19. For some reason sk's autosig bugs me. "I must make a system...."
  20. Back that thang up...
  21. Maybe I listen to too much rap music but I was expecting an entirely different picture. [ 05-24-2002, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  22. quote: Originally posted by Lowell Skoog: I disagree with Stefan that all motorized activities are equivalent. Helicopters are far more intrusive because of their speed, range and visibility. I think Mike G. and the Rainier Park Service would disagree. They believe helicopters have much less impact than do snowmobiles and are the only motorized vehicles allowed on the hill.
  23. Seems kinda funny to hear him call it "our" fee demo program, but I guess it is....
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