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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. quote: Originally posted by chucK: OK, I was driving to work today down Roosevelt and there's this guy whipping back and forth between lanes, looks to be in a big hurry. Hey, has anybody had the XM Sattelite radio installed in their car? I'm thinking it would be great to hear commercial free music on the drive to the hills.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Jman: Did anybody watch Fear Factor last night? The host ate a huge cockroach!!! Chewed him up and swallowed the whole thing. I think that takes more balls than anything anybody here could climb, 'cause you're all a bunch of wussies! DIE YOU SCUM!!! ...unless, of course, you can eat cockroaches. The host was just trying to be cool so he could take home one of those hot celebrity contestants.
  3. We touched on this topic a bit ago here: http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=1&t=001763 Posting makes this whole site work and when you read a post and it brings up a question or observation you may have, you should post. Many times the question or observation isn't quite on topic and results in a natural drift in the thread. No harm done and in my mind this is far better than not posting at all. [ 03-12-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
  4. quote: Originally posted by MysticNacho: after . But for my non-bicolor, I use the tape method. Sure, it will wander away from the middle... Setting up a rap when the middle isn't where you think it is could be a mess...
  5. quote: Originally posted by jstreet: Sweet! Where is it? I think you're supposed to venture a guess before he gives it up.
  6. quote: Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter: Veggie,Would you not be concerned about the collateral damage to the O'Douls that I have in my frigerator? Left wing and O'Douls?
  7. quote: Originally posted by AlpineK: Drop away as long as they are well targeted with good intelligence behind them. Having allies behind us is a good thing too. Cleeshter fits this definition of a good target.
  8. vegetablebelay

    listen up

    quote: Originally posted by erik: another thing just as bad as people who concern themselves with others spelling and grammer...... is people who tell other people to check thier private messages........sheesh!!!!! Yeah, Max just told Allison to check her PMS!
  9. quote: Originally posted by vegetablebelay: Anybody heard from this guy? Is he a Rperitore-sicle or is he too embarrassed by being smacked down by Mr. Skoog? Maybe it was a fiendish troll...
  10. Not remotely climbing related (nothing on this threa is) but a wild set of pics nonetheless. http://www.netcopspsi.com/temp/towboat.htm
  11. I'm struggling with the same issue this weekend. Avy hazard will be high and with the low snow level access will be rough. One trip planned for Sunday has been cancelled so I'm in brainstorming mode myself.
  12. quote: Originally posted by trask: yup, so how was it? pretty baaaaaaaad? Well no, not really. In fact it was much more like this than like you're used to
  13. quote: Originally posted by trask: Are you kidding me? And after I told her one more time and it's back to the flock. Flock!?!?! Well, that explains that!
  14. quote: Originally posted by trask: why do you ask? Feeling lonely? I am now, your girlfriend just left.
  15. quote: Originally posted by ScottP: It's the upper part of a basalt flow. Izzat the light green or the dark green
  16. quote: Originally posted by trask: Not Ray, Alpine...think about it. Who's the master? Who's the ultimate spraylord bitch? Ummmm, I don't know - does he suck?
  17. Dude. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=23&t=000394
  18. Nice, I'll save the list for whenever I get a steady gurl.
  19. quote: Originally posted by trask: better throw in a couple fleshlites for good measure. Does Petzl make those?
  20. Artist granted right to an afterlife in arms of latex love A GERMAN artist has been given official permission to be buried with a blow-up sex doll when he dies after local authorities checked the latex material for environmental friendliness. Karl-Friedrich Lentze (54), has spent the past 10 years alone after separating from his wife and wants to be buried with his arms around his plastic passion. When Mr Lentze, who lives near Koblenz, made his will, he wrote that he wanted to be buried in his home town of Schwerin, near Bonn, but not alone. "I would like, with all due respect, to ask whether it would be possible to have an inflated sex doll laid to rest with me in the coffin," he wrote to the Bonn office for graveyards and burials. Once the German bureaucrats made their checks, they replied: "Everything that is contained in the coffin has to be made from materials containing just carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Our research has shown that the inclusion of materials made of pure latex would give no cause for concern." (Daily Telegraph, London)
  21. Don't go away mad Trask.
  22. quote: Originally posted by payaso: They were very nice and helpful the other week when they went out of their way to call me long distance twice to inform me that this closure would affect my plans on my Enchantments Backcountry permit application. They could have easily just thrown it aside. Pasayo, you are a tool. [ 03-08-2002: Message edited by: vegetablebelay ]
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