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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Lummox is cool with me. This place is getting too dry as it is.
  2. vegetablebelay

    Fat Pig?

    I think Sphinx is Tomcat and for what it's worth, the Fat Pig avatar just hits too close to home...
  3. Watch out for Bigfoot - lots of sightings in the Blue Mountains!
  4. Lots of AT discussion in the GEAR CRITIC forum. Good comparison of the bindings HERE .
  5. Wow, how fast things change!
  6. Don't stop there! I'm sure there's lotsa other stuff you guys hate!
  7. I don't have any info on the road, but I think you should just rent a pair of snowshoes and head out there. They are cheap to rent and it would suck to get out there and need them and not have them.
  8. Sounds like he brought an ice axe and a rope he didn't use. Probably had boots and gaiters too I would think.
  9. And Sundog has joined the fray!
  10. JoshK, they are already paying more in the form of gas taxes. You're trying to go the wrong direction - we need less government and less taxes.
  11. Doubtful that CBS hears "werd" much - more likely it's "turd" or "nerd"...
  12. Well, you can't eat history. First things first. No use cryin over spilt artifacts. Islamic leaders will probably issue some fatwa telling people to give the stuff back.
  13. The Iraqi people will benefit from oil production a hell of a lot more than from antiques and old bones.
  14. Well you've certainly got the cynical, anti-everything attitude Jim does - I say GO FOR IT!
  15. What's weird is that Sphinx is a reincarnation of a banned individual, but is vehemently attempting to get someone else banned entirely. Ha!
  16. I think it's more and more clear that the only suspect capable of this atrocity is our own Catturd.
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