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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Well in all seriousness, do talk to your eye doctor to see what he/she says. Also, be sure to bring a pair of prescription glacier glasses because after all of your planning, you'd absolutely hate to have a trip screwed up simply because of some problem with your contacts.
  2. Will he be running for the communist party this time?
  3. So how's the foot now anyway AK?
  4. This from the one guy who amongst all the lefty posts here, seems to think this guy is somehow valid.....
  5. Coincidence? http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/04/11/snoop.dogg.ap/index.html
  6. And a note to Sobo and JGowans, DENALI IS HIGHER THAN RAINIER!
  7. I used contacts on Denali until 14k where I switched to prescription glacier glasses. I can't recall the specific reasons I was given for not wearing contacts higher, but I think I didn't want the lenses freezing to my eyeballs
  8. Last Sunday on a trip up to Surprise Lake and beyond, there was a tricky log crossing that you had to sit and shimmy across on your butt. First guy goes across and gets to the other side ok. Second guy goes across with me right behind him. First guy goes to help second guy up and ends up falling in head first with his pack on. Completely submerged! Hilarity as he jumps up with a wide-eyed look and starts back across the river to get out on the side we just came from! Regained his senses enough to turn around and get out on the right side.
  9. Or Vegetablebelay... oh, wait...
  10. Way to be on the ball OW. That exchange was only about 5 hours ago and was joined by Erik at the time...
  11. Hiking along a snow covered trail that was melting out in the spring when I came across a downed tree sticking out across the trail. I stepped on it to cross it and it launched me like a catapult about 10 feet in the air and I landed flat on my back. I'm so, so thankful I wasn't staddling it when it went!
  12. Don't you two have kids or husbands to mother?
  13. Well she's all scared off now idiots!
  14. You're probably right and all the quotes are made up for propaganda.
  15. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,83704,00.html Arabs clustered at TV sets in shop windows, coffee shops, kitchens and offices to watch the astounding pictures of U.S. troops overwhelming an Arab capital for the first time ever. Feeling betrayed and misled, some turned off their sets in disgust when jubilant crowds in Baghdad celebrated the arrival of U.S. troops. "We discovered that all what the [iraqi] information minister was saying was all lies," said Ali Hassan, a government employee in Cairo, Egypt. "Now no one believes Al-Jazeera anymore."
  16. I felt the same way, but after an hour or so it was clear that their statue-collapsing skills were on par with their repelling-the-enemy skills and it just wasn't happening. We need to get the word out that the regime is dead, so it was good to get it down before the sun went down there.
  17. Cynical. What an ugly world you guys live in.
  18. Thankfullly, the cc.com nation-building team is on the case!
  19. No shit. JGowans, save some of that cynicism up or you'll run out before Bush's next term!
  20. Dark days for the lefties indeed.
  21. Trees are climbing, but branches are aid.
  22. Actually I did and your link does nothing to refute the initial post from MtnGoat, yet you're using it to try to hammer him.
  23. Fuckin A, get it straight! MtnGoat is talking about 20 missiles, you are talking about barrels found South of Baghdad!
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