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Everything posted by vegetablebelay

  1. Indeed. Take 'em home and wallpaper your living room with them!
  2. Ok, then check this out (safe for work).
  3. so explain why the speed limit on the interstate goes from 70 in Washington to 55 in Oregon. does crossing into Oregon make you that much of a worse driver you need to slow down 15 mph? Oregon won't even let you pump your own gas. Oregon people are stoopid.
  4. Thanks Yeti and thanks for signing on - we were all wondering what topic was finally going to bring you out from anonymous
  5. Preferably a newer-model bike trailer that can haul one or two kids.
  6. This one got me this morning. http://www.king5.com/localnews/stories/NW_050803WABnorthgatedeaths.36535ffc.html
  7. PP - Down with your segregation objectives! We need more harmony in the community - it's all climbing!
  8. This was a recent report of Graybeard, but not the NF. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB2&Number=176788&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1
  9. What else do you need to know?
  10. Yeah, it was nice to finally meet you Trask.
  11. Keep your panties on Erik, it's not over. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=3EDEZ3XAZTBMCCRBAELCFFA?type=topNews&storyID=2691354
  12. We all know what you stated = 15 pages worth.
  13. Probably has sumthin' to do with your ridiculous SUV stance.
  14. Check out Second Ascent in Ballard.
  15. So, given that your eye tissues will probably change as you grow older - how long does the fix last until you have to have them done again?
  16. They wouldn't have been anywhere near Boulder Basin on the Frostbite Ridge route.
  17. I'm scared to go to the site to look at them.
  18. I think that site was just about all of DFA's material - what now?
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