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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Maybe I need to start catching the tuesday flu.
  2. But talking smack to a know it all is not. Sierra Designs Old skool "windshirt" which is a what people used to call a nylon wind breaker. It works good if I don't sweat too much. I recently got one of those Arcteryx soft shell, rain jacekt hybrid's and wore it all ay in the rain at index aid climbing and it was fine. Contrary to what nols dude thinks you aint gonna die if you don't have the right windshirt. And usually if it's raining hard enough to say, "damn it's really raining hard" you are going to get wet regardless because anything burly enough to keep you rally dry will rain on the inside.
  3. People arguing about the intracacies of clothing is dumb.
  4. City park is a good first solo because of the bolts.
  5. cut down on the harry pooter
  6. I guess I won't be watering my pristine manacured lawn this summer.
  7. Haven't you read FOTH!! You should bring the ten essentials.
  8. Has anyone seen Ron's movie about aid climbing? I guess he has some technique that totally different. Lambone talked all sorts of shit to Ron on RC.COM
  9. I enjoyed it but thought is was total pulp. It had potential to be really interesting, but then descends to a book that it written to be turned in to a movie.
  10. Well, your mom and I are splitting a campsite so you are welcomed to join us.
  11. Zenyatta pitch 4?
  12. Anyone planning a trip to the valley in spring? If so when? and what's on the list? discuss....
  13. They also used to have one at the sporting goods store across from northgate years ago. Ideal gym would have 55 gallon chalk pots. Seriously though, it would have adjustable crack a la danimal's home gym. edit: I meant the skihill thing.
  14. So this is probably the reason all the resorts are closing.
  15. You need one of these then. http://www.wmironwork.co.uk/rollover_crate.htm
  16. Anyone going tonight?
  17. I returned my petzle aiders to REI cause they suck. They even take back climbing pro. As far as I am concerned, 100% satisfaction garanteed means just that. If I buy a smart wool shirt for $80 and in a year it starts to have runs' in in and comes unraveled, then I am not 100% satified; so back it goes.
  18. I hocked my ice gear for drug money. edit: so if anyone want to give me their tools and a left cloudvail ice glove (i can only find the right) I would go.
  19. Looking to go aid climbing at Index this Saturday; if the weather isn't too shitty and if I get over this cold.
  20. Cptn. caveman and I saw/heard a slide that was full depth where there wasn't much snowpack. It sounded more like a slow moving mudslide, boulders grinding and tree limbs slowly breaking...we ran very fast.
  21. Frenchmans coulee is what people who are sort of in-the-know call it to sound cool to the folks at REI. Person A: "...yeah, I'm going climbing at Frenchmans coulee" Salesperson B: "really, where's that?" Person A: "Well it's near vantage, in fact some people call it vantage" Salesperson B: "Cool dude. Would you like to buy some fleece gloves PERSON C: GO BACK TO FRANCE FREEDOM HATER!!!
  22. I'll be at SG tonight if anyone want's to climb on ropes. Look for baby blue t-shirt or PM me
  23. SWEET! An eight year old used rope.
  24. Stone gardens does tend to have the clique factor that someone mentioned earlier, especially among boulderers, but not in that lindsey lohan/mean girls sort of way. But it can be annoying when there are 7 dudes sitting there working their latest V8, and you want to climb something. I do like there atmosphere there. But I am biased 'cause I work with the kids there too.
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