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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Have fun suckas...
  2. I also had one of the best fuckin' weekends ever and I didn't climb a god damn thing, andthe only exercise I got was . Rock and roll 4 ever...
  3. There is a good boot path through the snowfield, and the schrund shouldn't be too tought to get across, though be sure to get up there early before the sun starts to get on the upper glacier causing wet slides. Ticks...Ticks...Ticks. If you move fast like EriKa than you won't get any. Seriously though. No snow whatsoever.
  4. Yeah the previous season of Buffy where Willow goes evil was the best. This one is slow. Good call Fern.
  5. The coulee will be a fucking madhouse, I made the mistake of being there during a dave fucking matthews concert. I'd rather pay than deal with the coulee. Plus you can always score whatever you may need at the pay camping....
  6. Last episode next tuesday. I'm certainly watching it. I watch two shows, Simpsons and Buffy.
  7. Hey, I bet Frenchmans Coulee wont be crowded at all, cause like no one know about that place right?
  8. I'll bring the tunes....we have power right?
  9. Or I can't climb because I'm so sore after my date with your mom.
  10. Hey E-Rock, Nice sig to one of your previous posts, 'R Mutt'. Went over all these close minded dumb fucks heads, especially Kurt. Anyone ever seen the documentary about the running fence? Suck it haters!
  11. NICE! But there gonna be installed in Central Park. SEE EDIT
  13. I'm in.
  14. 1. You are a liar for the sake of argument. 2. That wasn't what happened, you weren't there so don't pretend you know what you are talking about. 4. Two pins were placed 5. I don't think I have ever aid climbed when it's not raining, I'm not made of sugar, I won't melt, and btw we spent the night up there for fun If you are so inclined to continue the conversation, which it seems you are, why don't you call me at work, so at least you can talk about it with the person that was there rather that making up a bunch of horseshit, of do you have the balls to... Geoff My work 425.402.6237
  15. Oh, well, then, hey, wow, gee, whoa, huh, must be a GOOD CLIMBER. c'mon spill it, which rock and Ice?
  16. hey I thought we were climbing may 3 ya jerk
  17. Hey, you totally set yourself up for that... I got busted there so many time in highschool...but magnuson always rocked. And the cops don't a;ways come down there so you can stay later than 11:30. My best memory at magnuson is two girls fist fighting over a guy at a keg partay. She just up and decked the other chick in the face, none o that scratching and pulling hair shit.
  18. you mean at woodland park....
  19. notably why? because it turns the whole issue into a cowardly troll? uh huh. Well, actually he did do a bunch of namecalling, calling the "anonymous" nailor a bunch of nasty shit even though he knew it was ehmic. Then she steps forward and volunteers information. Folks should state their opinions once and get off their fucking high horse and her fucking back. Exacty why I started talking shit in the first place...
  20. Wow, were you there? I don't remember seeing you...
  21. I heard he got fired...
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