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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. was that after you nailed his mom...
  2. I never disagreed with you... That's the funny part and why I started talking shit, even when everyone agrees you keep on goin...and going...and going...
  3. Ahhh yes.. My work here is done. And I don't have anything intelligent to say, but thanks for asking. If you have anything to add that you haven't already said adnaseum feel free to do so. And spare me the leave no trace lecture, but I know some cub scout that would be happy to listen.
  4. let me know if you need a house sitter...
  5. I guess it went over your head. I'm calling you a chestbeater and an rock ethics policeman, I never said anything about whether pounding the pins was right or wrong so fuck off.
  6. That is the funniest thing I've seen on the web in a long time...
  7. Hey Lambone, I must not have gotten the memo about you being promoted to chestbeating ethics police, can you re-send it? So now that Crazie Jamie sent Artifice clean I'll be happy to watch you climb it clean... it's just some easy hook moves right?
  8. you're that desperate to hang out in t-town? zoinks! Yes I am.
  9. I have tickets to the christina Aguilera and Justin Timerlake show... Awwww Yeahhhhhhhh spray on that for a while suckas
  10. That deserves to be rubbed in his face...
  11. ...the sloop wasn't "too late" when it was brought up...
  12. It was fixed trust me. And I didn't leave it. And I think we told you...but for some reason you seemed to have forgotten...hmmm I wonder why... Rock empire cams suck... E-Rock, another face with a name, nice meeting you too. I knew you were joking, I especially dislike those bands. You forgot cheryl crow and that stupid fucking wanna soak up the sun song..
  13. Funny, If I ever found or stole CD's those are the ones that I would immediately throw away. Built To Spill-"Ulitmate alternative Wavers" and "Perfect from now on" Dj Shadow- Endtroducing Mike Watt- Contemplating the Engine Room Shins- "Oh Inverted World" that's all I can think of for now.
  14. COL._Von_Spanker


    1. Irish coat of arms. As of a few weeks ago my 3 siblings and I have this. The last to get it was my 39 year old sis. 2. Three filled in circles. The ultimate (reasonable) statement is on the neck above the collar, or on the hands. This says if you don't want to hire me cause of my tattoos than I would have wanted to work for you fuckers anyway. I would like a neck tat below the ear and a full sleeve on my left arm.
  15. Drill Instructor: How tall are you private? Cowboy: Sir! Five foot nine, sir! Drill Instructor: Five foot nine? I didn't know they stacked shit that high! You tryin' to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere, huh? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: Bullshit. It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your momma's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress! I think you been cheated! Where in the hell are you from anyway, private? Cowboy: Sir! Texas, Sir! Drill Instructor: Holy dog shit! Texas? Only steers and queers come from Texas, Private Cowboy. And you don't look much like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down. Do you suck dicks? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: Are you a peter puffer? Cowboy: Sir! No Sir! Drill Instructor: I'll bet you're the kinda guy that would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you. The full version is for Tex...
  16. that's a bible quote...
  17. like (ben)jamin... Jah mon
  18. NO, it's when you are soloing while you both holding on to the same ice tool. It's a great way for couple to solo together.
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