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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. I have noticed this with Eidelweiss as well. When I use it side by side with my mammut supersafe the Eidel will tangle itself, and the mammut won't. Sometime the two of them will get so twisted I think they may be trying to mate and make rope babies. A little diligenge will avoid this problem. My theory is this, the stiffness of the eidelweis ropes sort of prevents them from naturally spinning the tangles out while it's hanging. You can get the twists out by grabbing the end of the rope and twisting it in such a way that it is opposite of the way it's twisted and your rats nest will fall apart. At least this has been my experience.
  2. Anyone been up there lately? What are the conditions like? Approach trail? Descent trail? And how about pearly gates? And how about Condormorphine? Just Curious.
  4. I watched 9 people base jump above me while on green drag-on at index. Was this related?
  5. Sounds like we got ourselves a couple of armchair climbers turned armchair glacial geomorphologists...
  6. The proto's for the central park exhibit were made in right next to icicle creek. I remember seeing them and going 'what the fuck are those'.
  7. I was wondering about conditions as well, I would like to take the old lady and the dog to the top of a mountain, but can figure out which would be best in the current odd conditions.
  8. Or drink the feelings away...
  9. If I had a dime for every time someone asked that.... (Same with "using a gri-gri for solo aid?")
  10. Tranlastion: A word for cybergeeks possibly created by an even lowlier form of geek the d&d geek.
  11. 40 oz of beer is the only way to go
  12. That should be: or for the NW flavor:
  13. Yes there was a screwdriver. Maybe someone used it instead of camhooks (which are very helpful). I bet one "dem queers or dykes" left it there.
  14. Shit, I wish I could go.
  15. When are you headed down to the valley tex?
  16. Index! Where was everyone? Bigwalling doing what he does best:
  17. I luv the aliens. And if it were true, think of how many people use them and are fine. It would be like writing 'DEFECTIVE BINER: While leading I took a fall and the biner broke." As we all know everything in the climbing world is bullshit until proven otherwise by pictures (and impartial observers?).
  18. I stumbled across this great find on ebay. Good thing he discarded the 'used' pitons " ROCK CLIMBERS STARTER SET 1 PITON HAMMER 6 KARABINERS 11 WAFFERS 3 STREIGHT NOSE 4 WEDGES WITH RINGS 2 WIDE CRACK FOLDED. All pitons shown here are new and never used. I discarded all used pitons because they may have been stressed.Your equipment is your life.All pitons are hand hammered iron. Iron is better than steel because steel can be brittle in cold weather.The hammer has been up the sawtooth ridge many climbeS in yosemity and MT WHITNEY" Ebay Rocks EDIT: Added Description
  19. Speaking of ERIK, where is he these days?
  20. Yeah, down with heavy harness'. There are sooo many times when I am rock climbing when I say "gee, I wish my harness wasn't so heavy. I mean, I know I have 20 pounds of gear hanging from me, but if only my harness was 9oz's lighter."
  21. Trango is pulling out all the stops in their engineering dept.
  22. No sir, you must be joking.
  23. I have used gore floss , and other flosses for years repairing shit from packs to boots. Currently the sides of my trango s's are custom re-sewn by me, with floss. I haven't done it on a rope, but I am gonna try. And if you use mint floss and it's dark you can run the rope along your tongue as you are feeding it and know when you are in the middle. I learned how to do that from 4 years of outdoor retail experience and 2 Nols courses.
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