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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Word up to that...
  2. Avy conditions are still a concern, unless you like probing for you gear (I've seen it).
  3. How are the Avy conditions gonna be?
  4. you sound like putz. JK
  5. I am teaching climbing to the kiddies at stone gardens again which means I have my membership again which mean I am training to get back in shape which means I need to do vertical laps which means I need someone to climb with in the evenings. PM me.
  6. I agree with Mr Rogers about Ballard/Phinney ridge area. Afordable and close to stuff. Especially Aurora which is pretty nice. And I can see the cascades from my bedroom.
  7. Doin' great wayne. How's about yourself?
  8. I am going in the morning (driving) PM me if you would like to go. I will check in the AM. I'll be up around 6:30 AM
  9. I'm starting to get rusty and want to go aid climbing tomorrow (friday 12/31) and or saturday (1/1). I know it's new years but I care not.
  10. I would like to Index
  11. Tell Me more about coffin roof?
  12. Our destination is salt lake city, but we are going to leave the city and go climbing/camping somewhere. Of course, the closer to SLC the better cause less driving=climbing time, but I am willing to drive cause zion is the shit. Basically I am trying to pool as much info as possible so I can get some climbing in no matter what happens.
  13. I am going to Utah the first week of June and would like to do some aid and free climbing. I know it's hot as shit there, but is it going to be too hot? Are there any reccomendation of area that might get partial shade. I don't have a lot of time and not going to do a wall, but would like to get on some aid routes. Any reccomendations? And maybe some easy(ish) solo aiding (I haven't scrounged any partners yet)? Bouldering is also an option. Thanks for any beta as I don't know shit about utah.
  14. Easyish aid at Index. Anyone in?
  15. I was there too suckers
  16. Yeah, I hear those burritos are good.
  17. Well, yes Acropolis has the steak and strippers and it's technically not downtown. But there are plenty of places that are good in downtown.
  18. DOWNTOWN PORTLAND... Wow, where can you do that? Headed to Mt. Torment Sunday, maybe cragging Saturday.
  20. Who said I turned out "all right"? Sphinx did, you idiot! What, did you forget your Ritalin today or something? Try to keep up, dude; we can't be taking up your slack all the time. Sheesh! Suck it
  21. Give me a break. Rocks are fun, although you may consider it boring. I spent Thursday nights every week doing lapidary work all through High School. It was fun and interesting and required quite a lot of skill and a good eye. Um, yeah, I rest my case. Did you also collect stamps and chair the chess club? Hmmm, I spent thursday nights gettin' drunk, stoned and partyin' with chicks. But boy, I'd trade it all for lapidary work. Well, good thing you turned out all right! Who said I turned out "all right"?
  22. Give me a break. Rocks are fun, although you may consider it boring. I spent Thursday nights every week doing lapidary work all through High School. It was fun and interesting and required quite a lot of skill and a good eye. Um, yeah, I rest my case. Did you also collect stamps and chair the chess club? Hmmm, I spent thursday nights gettin' drunk, stoned and partyin' with chicks. But boy, I'd trade it all for lapidary work.
  23. Dru, you're still bustin' my chops ;-). Ever since I was a kid, I've dreamed of hunting geodes. Unfortunately that was in California and I never found the time to go to Oregon to hunt for them. Wow, you musta had a boring childhood.
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