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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. I like HB offsets, are the RP's much different? After using the BD stoppers I prefer them over my metolius ones.
  2. What are your favorite stoppers? (Sorry about the climbing related post)
  3. Another
  4. More Shots
  5. Why did they lock the blah blah blah blah..dans a liar...blah blah blah
  6. Yeah, he' gonna get the slide right in the back of the hand.
  7. Front Page Photo taken from a chinook.
  8. This was sent to me from my bro in Kuwait. He is a photographer. "Yo, here is what you look like if you don't shower and can only use baby wipes to clean. Peace, Kevin"
  9. Late enough, it's a bar.
  10. Poor Allen; he's not even here to defend himself.
  11. COL._Von_Spanker


    spanker is also making a concentrated effort to include the area of the upper thigh just below the crest of her rear cheeks spanker is used a great deal by youngsters who stay overnight under a cover in a spacious cockpit spanker is an excellent choice for novice spankers and spankees as well as for seasoned
  12. Sloop=Good. Unless yer one of those crybabies that has to have everyone around one table
  13. I like em. I use two of 'em and a fifi for gettin in short, that way I don't have to loosen them when I get into the second step. Also If they get twisted and you try to get them really tight you can get annoyed, so just make sure they dont get twisted, or don't try to get them supertight and use your fifi for hanging from the piece. That's what I have recently figured out.
  14. How was your lead D? Did you make your partner clean it? Yes Index. Fun stuff.
  15. I like how the picture makes it look like the whole thing glows and right next to it, it says the ends and middle glow.
  16. I aided it in the rain and the crack was dry most of the way, though I got wet. Belayer go wet.
  17. city park stays dry in the rain.
  18. Shit yeah there are glue on's. That one route on the road cut with the roof and the hanging chain has a stack of glued holds to pull over the roof. It's like three stacked together with epoxy. I think the route is overture; or it's an extension on overture.
  19. a whole list of reasons. If you become a power user you will understand. Many professional still use AI 8. But I do like everything else about it. It's not Jaguar that I have the beef with, it's Adobe.
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