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Everything posted by COL._Von_Spanker

  1. Unless you actually intend on doing real work on your MAC, in illy 10.
  2. Do you have a Mac? What is that Hijack thing? Explain a little more about it and how to get it.... Rogue Amoeba The plug in's are filter similar to recoding and music editing software. Basically you run a media player through the Audio Hijack software and it can record. You can also use the filter and plug-ins to make a stream sound better while you are listening. So basically you can look at a playlist for KEXP, find a song you want, go to their archive cue up the time that song played and record it. But you basically get the quality of whatever you are streaming.
  3. Anyone know any good MAC music downloading software? Someone was telling me about one that come with it, you just gotta intall it. I recently found this new software that can record anything that streams of the web into a usable format. It's called Audio Hijack. It also has a bunch of cool plug-in's.
  4. Competative orienteering huh? So do you have all that wacky orienteering gear?
  5. sorry, this shits f'n cool.
  6. The Parkour is the art of movement, a new french sport created by David Belle and Sebastien Foucan. The objective is clearing all the obstacles which you have on your way, climbing a wall, a stair, a roof, or a tree; all in the research of an esthetic and original movement. People who practice this sport are called Traceurs. Training is physical, but also reflects a moral philosophy with it's own values. More than a sport, it's an art, an everyday lifestyle! It's kinda a cross between skateboarding (without the board) and ninjitsu. Basically, they are climbing and jumping around like a bunch of Super Mario Bros over there. How rad is that!? And they take themselves super serious about it. "Traceurs"... like secret agents or something. Man I love the Europeans! So progressive. All of a sudden buildering feels so two dimensional. I gotta start practicing my jujitsu moves again.
  7. I have the Hercules. It's stout tent, so you wont have to worry about the thing blowin' down. The one downfall is it's sort of a chore to get set up if you are anal about having the fly nice and taught. The reason is that due to the jakes corners the fly attaches in a number of places, which some will say gives one a lot of adjustment, but I say it make it harder to adjust. Since it's a two pole design the fly will touch the walls if its not guyed out (many tents are this way). The fly material is noisy in the wind. I like it a lot, but set it up a few time in the store if you can.
  8. Yeah, it's not like those conditions suddenly moved in on you or were totally unexpected. But whatever, I'd pound a pin if I had to save my ass(I just wouldn''t tell anyone)
  9. Silly old codgers. You all really date yourselve for even asking (not age but attituce). The simpsons made fun of this. Don't you know that slang terms don't have anything to do with their actual meaning when used in the slang context. Stoked Pumped Sick Dope Bad Cool Diet (Erik loves this one when sandbagging a routed for you) The fact that you even asked precludes you from ever using it in a sentence for anything other that discussing illness.
  10. How about Speedy Summit Dan?
  11. hopefully they wont be needed on that route next weekend. No skrrt skrrt please
  12. I'm just gonna assume that since they were wallowin' through snow the pins were necessary. But since I don't really know shit about aid climbing, my opinion don't count for much.
  13. That like what they did with german words in WWII and they were our enemies.
  14. I'm sure you will find plenty of people to join you. I would say I would go, but that's sort of a long way off. Welcome to the PNW and CC.COM
  15. Sounds like a monday climber would have been excited to see that much'booty' gear . Your crag plans turned into more of an alpine experience. So the wall is totally drenched huh? I wonder if the surrounding hills it will be melted out by next weekend (causing less meltwater on route)?
  16. Pint Glass Guiness Glass
  17. That place up on like 95th and Aurora has the specialty glasses for all the corresponding beers. Plus they have the motherload of beers (but I prefer Ballard market cause it's local). BTW: A guiness glass and a true pint glass are different.
  18. I'll climb with ya some time if ya want...
  19. It is true. I would have gone if I knew the Col. was going to be there. No you wouldn't have. It wasn't prettiest display of aid climbing. I'll be up there again this weekend, though not on city park.
  20. Yeah, uh I climb a few times a week and every weekend. Just don't feel the need to post a city park TR.
  21. I think some people have jobs, but I could be wrong.
  22. Use it as a keychain so everyone knows you are a climber.
  23. Irregardless is not a word unless you are a slackjawed yokel. "Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing. Coined in the United States in the early 20th century, it has met with a blizzard of condemnation for being an improper yoking of irrespective and regardless and for the logical absurdity of combining the negative ir- prefix and -less suffix in a single term. Although one might reasonably argue that it is no different from words with redundant affixes like debone and unravel, it has been considered a blunder for decades and will probably continue to be so." ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. SCI: Sux LOS: SUX Right now it's the new Supergrass.
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