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Everything posted by billcoe

  1. I've decided that dollar bills and T-bills are the wrong things to hold.
  2. I'm on the phone on hold to my broker right now. Betting the farm that treasury bill interest rates will rise. Yes, you should do the reverse and go long on T-bills with every nickel you have. Whew....rolling the dice here. Risky business.....
  3. ? Cordless Big Boy ?
  4. LOL, yah: or maybe in the shower...little sufferin is needed here. Man, that's some awe inspiring conditioning right there. Off the couch and up to the top. Bad assed.
  5. This is not the kind of question to ask a bunch of chumps strangers on an open forum. Use your judgment, discuss it with folks who know the area and who go there, and do the right thing. Most of us even know where the hell you are talking about and most likely have never been there. Maybe you leave it if it's a high profile area or used as a chair, and just top rope the sequence? PS, Dwayner, it's a f*Ckin STUMP. OK? A "Stump". Look that word up. Another bit of advice: after a hard day of climbing, do NOT knock back 4-5 cocktails and then go bouldering directly over uneven rocks with no crash pad or spotter...that's do NOT do this. Spring, summer, fall, whenever.
  6. Good video Jay...damn libertarians.... I'm convinced that the big issue of our day, of this century or more, is our lack of an energy policy and massive federal government overspending. Until we knuckle down and get it together, we will be flirting off into these forays to places like Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan to keep the juice turned on. Unfortunately. Utilization and exploitation of energy is the number one factor of what defines a high tech, wealthy nation state. As oil disappears, we will become even more like a bunch of fish swimming in a ever decreasing pool of water, and I'm convinced that it won't be pretty. The only choice will be do we do it before it bitch slaps the entire country upside the head, or not. As individuals, investing in gold, oil and other commodities, real estate and hedge funds that short Treasury bonds may be the only thing we can do to survive this coming financial debacle caused by the energy shortage and this massive federal spending craze. Gold is overpriced (vis a vis what it takes to get it out of the dirt), commodities are looking like Tulipmania in Holland, and houses are in the middle of a big dive. We're fucked. What the hell is left? Invest in climbing gear? See the price of ropes heading up? Who called that ? (hand raised here) Good luck my brobahams!
  7. You're cracking me up here Prole:-) thanks! mmmmm....Yellow cake....mmmm (picture of Valerie Plame whipping up the cake on the back of the package)
  8. I believe there is a mechanism for the commander and chief to commit our troops and it's no violation of the constitution. Certainly, as they have said, all the congressional leaders were consulted on this. The political insider infighting never got resolved on this Libya intervention. Allegedly, Secretary of Defense Gates (significant that he is a former Director of Central Intelligence and Deputy National Security Adviser) and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mullen both opposed this attack. It is not a republican/democrat issue as you seem to indicate. Lots of people of all political persuasions think we should stay the hell out of there. The first 15 min. are up and an estimated $100 million has been spent. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-greenwald/not-worth-it-first-day-of_b_838659.html Too bad we don't have any other priorities or better places to invest that scratch....and the millions soon to be flushed....
  10. As Larry may likely be the only person who has lived with a concentration camp survivor for years, I would suggest that he would have a better feel for what the man told him than anyone else here. Remember that there were hundreds of camps with lots of different configurations, and it was true that Auschwitz had that Arbeits Mach Frei (work makes you free) motto over the gates, but all of your babbling and topic shifting Rob, doesn't make Larrys thoughts or ideas any less true. In fact on THIS point, that "Everyone gets what he deserves" which was the sign over the Buchenwald gates as you say...he's suggesting that is here ...now....for us. ....so just turn on the news and go back to relishing our glorious march off to the 3rd war in Libya to right the wrongs in the world. "We will save the civilians from the predations of their own government." It must be true, every news channel is saying so. Todays HUGE news story is that we fired 110 Tomahawk Cruise missiles at Libya. Of course, none of those nailed anyone who didn't deserve it....did they? An interesting little bit of recent and current history that never seems to get played on the evening news: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War Note that this was the view from the inside looking out. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedem_das_Seine Rob, I'm not anti-military, don't believe that is the case. As far as protests goes, they protested WW1 and protesters were killed for it. Didn't do a damn bit of good. My Grandfather was a marine and killed Germans in WW1. He did it so that peace would come to the world and his son would have a better life. His son, my father, was in the 8th Air Corp and he killed Germans in WW2. The casualty rate for those guys was shockingly high. You can research the causes of ww2 to see how that trip went down. When my turn came and I joined, we finally had figured out that we shouldn't be killing Germans and the Germans were totally down with this. In fact, looking around the world at our little military excursions I've seen us head off too during my life, they seem to have all net losers. I mean for most everyone: victors, losers, civis, people standing watching the next country over, everyone. I volunteered and worked up at the VA hospital and there was plenty of Korean War vets who - seeing our trading with Red China, have a different feel for that conflicts value to our society as well. Ask yourself, is this new POS conflict worth YOUR son's life so that bubba down the street can keep commuting to work and squandering a disappearing and critical resource with his 12 mpg monster SUV? Of course, the large ancillary benefit is that some large US corporations will have record profits (that you pay for through higher taxes to pay off this adventurism while they book the new boatloads of scratch tax free via an offshore dummy corporation) You can get a piece of this action via your 401K. If you can answer yes, (ie, it IS worth it) then we can have a discussion. For myself, I do not believe it is worth your son or daughters life Rob. I don't think we should be enriching select corporations while indebteding the population for years to come over this. I dislike the government pushing the idea, via the constant news reports, that it is -and that this is a worthy cause. It's not. BTW, if you don't have a son or daughter, ask yourself this single question that I asked myself, my father asked himself and my grandfather asked himself: "Is this worth MY life". Therein will be your answer. This vid should help to define that idea for folks: [video:youtube]
  11. Haters gonna hate:-) LOL. It's about both health and performing better (or as the OP said "sending form"). Pullups can be one measure of how your muscles vs your weight are. When I was young, I was doing 5 sets of 12. As I'm not young, it still is germain to training hard. In fact, if weight is an issue or worthy of discussion, why is it an issue? Go from there. So...what's your pull up count:-0 BTW, all the 3rd grade climbers are outperforming me theses days, it's not about bragging, it's about doing better for yourself:-) Regards!
  12. Progress: Last night, same scale, 168, off 9 lbs. Pullups has gone from a single set of 2 to 2 sets of 6 now.
  13. Yeah, back when the head goon was building nuclear weapons, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/3335965.stm and had sponsored the Pan Am bombing -when we had money coming out of our ears, I would have felt substantially different about all of this. I think if you truly and genuinely identify someone like an Adolf Hitler wanna be in advance and a well timed Cruise Missile can fix it before several million innocents die, then that's worth pulling the trigger on sooner instead of later. Reagan authorized the strike to do just this and sadly all that happened is we killed Gadaffi's little daughter. Yet now things are different: Libya has relinquished their Nuclear and weapons of mass destruction development programs and we've wasted all of our treasure acting the fool over in the sand box, things are decidedly different. To say nothing of the fact that we already have pissed off most Muslims sitting on the fence over our good intentions. Those are my thoughts, certainly Hillary doesn't feel this way. http://amerpundit.com/2011/03/17/report-hillary-clinton-looks-for-exit-angry-over-obama-indecisiveness/ The war remains at home and it's all about our budget and Federal Government overspending spending like a drunken sailor craziness currently being discussed in the congress. IMO, this is the big win or lose for our country. Spending more military money won't win the election for Obama, the reverse will be true. He looks like a shoe in to win a 2nd term right now, but if we continue along this vein, as hard as it is to dislodge an incumbent who wants to stay in office, this will pry him out of office. Yet our country will be taking the hit if we can't resolve this crazy spending and balance our energy use/output. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-reich/why-obama-isnt-fighting-t_b_834472.html The US press keeps repeating the mantra that this will be over in couple of days...uhhh, yeah, sure dudes: I'm surprised that some of you will buy that bridge.
  14. If every US citizen had to pony up actual out of pocket money up front, say $30,000, to get this war started, especially if the costs included burying Libyan civilians we killed and caring for future disabled US vets, shit like this would never get off the ground. We would be better off served spending 1/2 the money we waste on military imperialism and adventurism around the world on gaining a secure energy source. An R & D adventure like the Manhattan project working on multiple things. You could toss the money out to existing private research projects even and make it simple. The Pentagon hires over 28,000 people who's only job it is to sway public opinion through the media that we're not assholes. That doesn't include the same thing happening in other departments of the government, the CIA budget for influencing the media as well, for instance. ..shit, we'd save a bundle both coming and going if we'd just stop being assholes.
  15. OUR COUNTRY NEEDS TO GET OUR OUT OF CONTROL GAS USAGE DOWN AND BALANCE OUR BUDGET! My opinion is that we don't need to be the worlds policeman and we sure as hell don’t need to stick our nose into Libya. Gadaffi and Libya are not in our national interest outside of the 2% of the worlds petroleum that they pump. Before we get into potential costs of that kind of intervention, look at almost any war we get into. Invariably we underestimate both the time and the costs that we will experience there. Both sides of the US civil war, for instance, thought they were looking at a week or two to get up there into enemy territory, kick some ass and get back home for dinner. Both sides! Both France and German thought the same going into the great war. Even our boys heading over to the trenches of Belgium and France in WWI had no clue what that was going to be. It was stench and rats daily chewing your best buddies flesh in ditch water that was more sewage than water. Periods of extreme boredom were punctuated by moments of extreme terror. Our current wars should be cautionary tale enough. Asscrackistan is looking to be an extremely long war and that is just a bunch of simple villagers with usually antiquated or underpowered weapons including antique .303 Enfields that they took off of the British when they kicked them out hundred years ago. Iraq cost so much more than anyone ever guessed that the shock should be enough to remind us to never ever get involved in any kind of imperial militarism. Spend a moment to look at paying for this stuff. Research what the cost of a single Jdam is. This country is broke my friends. We are pitching into the shit hole right now as I type this and there doesn't appear to be the political will to do the right thing. On another thread one of the left wing wing nut denzions who repeated plays a one note samba about the "regressives" suggested that the “ONLY” way to fix the issue is to increase taxes on the rich. It was too stupid and simplistic of a post to respond to as obviously that idiot never looked at our burgeoning and increasing budget deficit and increasing government spending. We MUST GET OUR OUT OF CONTROL FEDERAL EXPENDITURES UNDER CONTROL. AND we need to raise taxes, especially on the rich. Both things. That Obama doesn’t get this was clearly indicated by “allowing” us to keep an extra 2% of SS payments this year, all the time knowing that will create even more havoc on that program down the road which has already been criminally and habitually underfunded. We need to re-introduce the word “conserve” , gone with Jimmy Carter, into the political lexicon. A recent Pentagon sponsored report suggests that we might have been attacked economically with the intent on destroying us. At the time the study was posted, 2 of the 3 things had occurred to economically destroy this country. The 3rd is occurring right now. China has stopped buying US debt and is a net seller. Underlying this trip to bankruptcy court, we are borrowing that money from the Fed, a group of rapacious private bankers. They own more of our debt than any other country right now. And the oil crisis, whereby we continue to use more than every year, while reserves decline, will be hitting at some point right in the middle of this. That a perfect storm has arisen is not in doubt except to all but the most oblivious. It’s here...knocking on the door, you just haven't read it in the mainstream news cause the feds don’t want any one alarmed. We are fast running out of other people money to borrow and waste and the bankers now literally own this country's debt and our future. Jig is up, the Ponzi scheme that is the government's slight of hand budget is about to be found out. We don’t have the money to start firing missiles at Libya and we need to wind down the wars we’ve been engaged in and get stupid and wasteful expenditures down ....real real soon. We can prioritize and spend some of that military waste that we keep in our pocket on schools or energy research - or just let people keep it in their pockets, they’ll find a way to invest it that is better than anything the Pentagon will do with the $. Our deficit and borrowing is a national security issue of the utmost importance. If we can do that we have a chance of getting some of the increased government oversight and control off of our backs. Living in a police state is costly both in real money and in psychic costs. We don’t need either. We need to do everything we can as fast as we can to get our expenditures down and the budget balanced. Spend a moment examining the costs of our overgrown military: http://www.commondreams.org/view/2011/03/01-7 Best bumper sticker to keep in mind on this kind of bullshit: “I even oppose the NEXT war”....LOL. Stay strong my brobahams.....
  16. That is all.
  17. I wonder what that said....
  18. Ya got to let that festering cancer sore on your ass and all that anger just go brother...let it go.
  19. STF Lorpin socks Seirra trading post and REI. http://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=who+is+selling+%20STF+Lorpen+socks%3F+#pws=0&q=who+is+selling++STF+Lorpen+socks%3F&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=shop:1&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wf&biw=1920&bih=899&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d57722a22572de1d Welcome!
  20. You rapped down and stole a van? Woot! Keep stoke alive !
  21. Government jobs for everyone! Who wouldn't want to be part of the government overlord class? We can keep borrowing from the Fed to pay for them. In fact, maybe we should try to outsource all those Government clerical jobs to China. They'd be posting in spray a lot less than some of these guys, and as non-native English speakers probably be more legible when they were posting how superior they were as well. Then we could all live life's resembling a rich mans cat.
  22. You sure seem quiet on the demofucks and Obama's tax breaks for the rich Bob. Certainly will help in the race to the bottom, although they all have lots of other tricks up their sleeves.
  23. billcoe

    I'M IN LOVE!!!

    Mr McGuire Newt: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. Benjamin Prole: Yes, sir. Mr McGuire Newt: Are you listening? Benjamin Prole: Yes, I am. Mr McGuire Newt: Plastics ! New tag line: "Makes Nancy Regan look like a real woman."
  24. Great vimeo! Love that song too. Whats the route at approx the 4 min mark? opps, nevermind, I see you answered the bone same question.
  25. Fixed that. You guys thinking of the death of Michael Connell? He was the man testifying that Bush and company (ie, via his work) stole the Ohio election via computer fraud? In fact, he had been hired to do it. http://www.opednews.com/Quicklink/Ohio-Court-Considers-Unsea-in-Best_Web_OpEds-110112-348.html
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