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Everything posted by billcoe

  1. Emirl?
  2. Wolfgang Puck?
  3. billcoe

    Excellent Analysis

    too many words, what did it say I wonder?
  5. Yer making it difficult to be my usual selfish, solo climbing stuckup alone self. Might have to show. Except I said I'd be at Beacon. Gotta show up and say hi to a few folks (like Gary Rall and the hound though) You OK if I go do real climbing and then come by for the free beer and social hour? What time you done? God I'm an ass -sorry. ps, Oly, without the multitudes, everyones climbing experince should be higher, try not to sound so hurt.
  6. Hot damn Johhny, yer paying attention!! Whatdareya turning 24 now Brie?! CONGRATS! LOVE THAT MONKEYFACE PIC TOO! You look like you're in control, like a real climber with the tape and all - and everything! Awesome stuff. congrats again on the b-day, but pretty soon you'll start ignoring them like the rest of us old folks.
  7. Not to mention the crazy amount of forigoners too! Is there time to do some laps tonight at R Butte before it gets dark? I think I'll do some bouldering as a minimum tonight and could use some company if anyone is interested.
  8. Hey, you guys trying to start a cometing thread? This thing HAS been going for sometime now right:-) HERE
  9. You show me yours and I'll show you my 8 !!!
  10. At least you didn't show up ranting about your annoying drip again CBS. Nice Mike, thanks for the heads up.
  11. Bryon, would have loved to had your company, but keep the head in the books and you'll be able to buy your own climbing area soon. Have fun, study hard.
  12. billcoe

    NO shit!!

    Damn that's funny stuff OW! I'm gone 3 weeks and look at what I missed.
  13. billcoe

    Yuppie ass holes

    Not so: but you wouldn't believe me if I told you about it!
  14. What huh? Damn, guess I gotta get out more often so I can understand all of this. Never been to the circuit enelson, sheltered life live I, say I. BTW: the gym Jones link says: "Gym Jones is not a cozy place. The work itself selects for character. With the support of a like-minded group, dedicated to The Art of Suffering, commitment assures dramatic results. Gym Jones is a private, invitation-only facility. All candidates must petition. If you think you have what it takes come stand on the porch." Pretty safe bet they'd kick my slacker ass out of the door in 2 min flat if'n I ever got in. Suffering? Crap, they got a line for suffering?
  15. DRU Said: Re: Peter said: (Not to be a jerk but so many things stated as fact on cc.com are really so far from the truth that it's scary. The only person I believe on this site is Dru.) OMG Peter!
  16. billcoe

    Yuppie ass holes

    Andrew got banned? Wow. Pretty much could climb circles around about everyone who posts here with an exception or 2. Maybe he was a bit too nasty eh? I don't think that Brownose will need to worry. Everybody hates yuppies (defined as "Young Urban Professional"). Abiet, most of the users on this site are yuppies. They are in deep denial of this fact though so he'll be fine I'm sure. Like moi. I use to be a Yuppie, but now I'm too old (not Young anymore) so I too can hate the bastards with the rest of you with a clear conciouse. Guess I'm a Olfpie. Which must acrynoym out as "Old Fucking professional". My neighbor tells me that some goddamn Peregrine is attacking my cat last couple of days - so I have something to complain about too. Course I can get a new, younger model cat for free. Hmmmmmmm.
  17. Copy of Kellies post from Acess issues so it won't be forgotten and buried. ______________________________________________________________- "Climb Max and the Circuit are getting on board. There will be a BBQ for all volunteers and FREE BEER! Join the Access Fund for this bi-annual clean up. Date- October 8th Time- 10 am-1 pm Where- Rocky Butte is located about 1 mile east of the 82 & Fremont interection. Park along the road across from the City Bible College Trash removal, route cleaning, and ivy pulling all need to be done. Volunteers must be 16 years old due to ODOT regs. Bring a wheelbarrow if you have one, and any rakes or loppers for ivy removal are needed. Some climbing gear provided for route cleaners. We'll be out there rain or shine. Lots of swag and prize raffle. Many thanks! Kellie Access Fund RC- Oregon Edited by elaine (09/20/06 09:06 AM)" ____________________________ I'm so there. Anyone else?
  18. You said free beer? See you there Kellie. ____________________________________________________________ About 30+ showed to pick up the glass, condoms and yank Ivy. It's a trueism that many hands make light work..or something like that. Best turnout ever. CC.comers seemed under-represented with Knottygirl, Hemp22 and possibly one or 2 others, seemed like there were some Mazamas who showed up who make me look young.....great to see Thomas Miller and Bob McGowen again too. Started raining just as Climbaxe folks Darren Stone, Logan and __________ (insert name of other Climaxe owner dude who really did the serious BBQ work here) started bar-b-q-uing on top. A raffle was held for some Climaxe stuff as the smoke started to curl skyward and the tops were popped. One more reason to buy your gear from them in case you needed one. Great folks. They support us, we should support them. I think I've got to do a better job of networking as I didn't meet the Circuit folks who might have been picking up crap instead of yaking and chatting. ps, got my highest sting total at the Butte today with 8 wasp stings approx 30 feet below the base of Video bluff, which today had recieved the honorary title of Vacumn Cleaner Bluff. A small consolation prize was tearing my shirt off, throwing it on the ground, and stomping on a bunch of them which seemed tangled in the polarfleece. Big time props to Kellie for a fantastic organizing job as usual.
  19. billcoe

    Good Reads?

    I'm traveling now and have enjoyed reading the Daniel Silva novels someone else brought along. Also, thanks to the person on this site who earlier recommended "King Leupolds Ghost", great book. Good luck with the rehab.
  20. If I could rate posts this would be tops for sure.
  21. Great TR John! Love to see such great stories, may your lives both be blessed with all the things we find good, long lives and many summits. Happiness to you all!
  22. As of now you are no longer a "rat in training" but a full fledged rat. Good work Rat, and thanks for the update. Even if it does means the gene pool gets weakened if that dude breeds.
  23. Namedropper! PS tell me who that is sometime will ya?
  24. Joseph still sometimes hauls these damn things around and actually and shockingly finds and uses placements. Here's a pic Ujhan Davisson took of JH's first piece on the second ascent of "The 3rd Rail" which Joe led out at Beacon last month. I have a few of these which have lain fallow and unused in my basement for 20 years. (I don't think they've made them for about that long?) My buddie Andrew Trzynka would call them "Death N Ups", which may have influenced my thoughts on them as pro for free or aid. One of the weaknesses of the pro which Joseph addressed via a modification was the tendency of these little F*uckers to catch on every little rugosite as they are hanging straight down off your rack via a sling. The wire you see sticking out in space off the piece above, JH swaged onto it and is for racking only, it effectivly flips the pieces upsidedown on your rack and keeps them from hanging up and effect placing themselves while you are you climbing (thus anchoring your from making upwards movements!). Later development that Bridwell did was to saw off one side of the "pick". This kept aid leaders from having the back part of the sharp end rip into their eye if it blew while they were standing on it. Peckers and beaks are still made to this day. I like climbing with Joseph, and he pulls these damn things out occasionally and uses them in a bold, yet surprisingly controlled and safe way. Anyone else still using them?
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