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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i'll "work" it off
  2. i would like to state that you all so now that i'm in ur good graces, anyone have some money i can barrow?
  3. whirlwind

    for minx

    nah tiger stripes all the way bro
  4. i show u mine if u show me urs
  5. whirlwind

    for minx

    i prefer to where a thong over poly pro its supper lite and keeps the jewles warm while allowing for heat to escape off the buttux
  6. whirlwind

    for minx

    whats the point of wearing a kilt if you put undies under well i don't have a kilt so i free ball in shorts that was th point
  7. whirlwind

    for minx

    i got to buy one first, i'm all about the free ball action though.
  8. whirlwind

    for minx

    weak there are no kilts for bungie jumpin i wonder if there got one wit a build in harness for climbing or sky diving
  9. sweet lookin line in utah i imagine?
  10. sweet that narrows it down to like 99,999 other types
  12. yeah but what do qubizies look like?
  13. well endowed i belive
  14. yeah where, i wAnt to tell those fucks they can fuckin fuck off
  15. why do all action heros where tights. i think bush should where tights then he'd be a true action hero and i might even vote for him, as long as his package is smaller than mine.
  16. i'll give ya 5 pounds to wank on
  17. it would actually be intresting to see bush do a british style parlament dabate, he'd get his ass worked so hard the boy would actualy apear to have riden horses his whole life, and the world we would see exactly how much inteligence he has.
  18. choss choss choss ...... its all just scrap from the tradmans table
  19. squamish boulders are choss that have fallen off the chief. therefore boulders are bottom feeders, they get the left overs
  20. Whatever?!? We just open the cage, take the trad climber out and make him cook us dinner...then we put him back after he does the dishes... Word, sports climbers don't give a fuck, yo! Smack them crack slackers up and make 'em carry your stick clip is how the DFA posse works it. They start to get fussy, you just give 'em some tape and they keep themselves occupied making tape gloves for the next two hours, an' if they try to leave, you just clip one of their Birkenstocks to the third bolt of Toxic where they'll never get it back. And if they want it back? Hell yeah, they're cookin' you dinner if they want that shit back, 'cause you're gonna have to climb up there an' get it for 'em! Fuckin' A right! toxic sounds hard for u sport climbers, us trad climbers would just top out on some cool crack and rap down the route to get it, then cook some shit up on the old colmen, while u all enjoy cold chily straight out of the can.
  21. Preasure washer, with extended nosel?
  22. whirlwind

    today I...

    no rust on it bud plus i had to have my shot before they realesed me from the kinnel
  23. whirlwind

    today I...

    i'm fine and it wasn't that bad, just funny as hell so i had to post it. no bloody foot prints just a clean paper cut
  24. http://therussler.tripod.com/dtps/brick_incident.html
  25. whirlwind

    are they real?

    got to go in a delete the search engine that self loaded on to ur computer, if u go to add delete programs ul see it i forgot the name i think is it locater.
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