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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. arested a con artist today by "checking his butt" i think if police here did that there would be way less crime, " ur ass is dirtty son ur under arrest." actually they where looking for a tattoo that read "made in canada" and i shit u not. fing canadians, go figure
  2. um school! was planin on going down in the spring though
  3. lol. actually it was more like squamish, salt lake city, lover's leap, yosemite, lover's leap, yosemite, and joshua tree ... but as soon as i move my beloved stuff to telluride the creek is full on! All i got to say is u suck donkey nutts i'm so jealous
  4. what ever boner stick it in ur
  5. who said climbin out side was different then the gym http://www.outofboundz.ca/pictures/climbing.htm
  6. gotta love puppets.. atlast clinton had one of his heads straight
  7. whirlwind

    New SAT

    probly the U of BFE
  8. actualy every one had passed out includeing myself, later to wake up wit the spins, i guess throwin one back right before passin out isn't such a good idea either, the secound thing i learned this week end. keep ur eye on the prize though
  9. i dont know every one wants a bigger piece of the pie.
  10. to achieve true greatness the each individual must together act as one
  11. nah Bruce was and is the man
  12. i think i get what hes sayin.. the more people in a district the more the power the vote from that district so if the district counts thousands more in it than are eligable to vote, the vote is worth more than another district with the same amount of eligble voters
  13. "i said emotional content not anger"
  14. we should just count mexico's population, add it to cal's and call it good, then let em vote, hopefuly chech gets and they legalize weed
  15. i didn't puke on the inside dickhead and the outside was washed by the rain
  16. word.. thanks for the beer and good times everyone
  17. maybe
  18. want to play russian rulett with a dubble barrel? on ur turn u got to pull both triggers though. the ring of fire was sweet hula hoopin wit it sucked though oh and by the way spelling and propper typeing are for those of u with, time and or spell checks catbird
  19. ]I am A)really fing drunk B)really sick C)balimic C)a pansey that cant drink D)delusional, cause litter MD bottles are actually larger than nomal glasses therefore the same amount of trips back to the keg is not a good idea
  20. is it me or does the blue line resemble a penis.. on that note the party bus is just about out the door, off see the wizard, the wonderful wizard we call smith.
  21. make sure u use protection u never know where that rockets been
  22. yeah sure then thuogh a match to it cause its got to heat up the oil to shrink it to the pulley system
  23. cats right also if u can leaver a long wreanch in instead of your hand you can use the wreaches leverage to get it tighter. all else fail hit the fucker wit a big hammer.
  24. spoiled meat, too much purfume, cig smoke oh and sloppy secounds.
  25. not a god plan unless her broken hand is not her break hand.
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