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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. 2pac
  2. very cool bud, welcome back
  3. ahhh shit and i just ordered my 2nd set of "hooked on phonic's" tapes...
  4. fucked up picture but fairly easy to find out what happened. old truck was passing in corner jason went head on paul bailed off his bike into the ditch and poor bo tryed to pass on the outside and hit the other truck
  5. i might be able too... will call tomorrow morning if i can
  6. funny thing is they put up the two stadiums in a hurry which also happened to create more traffic problems
  7. muffy said:"people fuck up in the hills and mountians.... always because luck was not on their side." why do they call it gettin lucky then? oh and btw maybe spilf is collin
  8. whirlwind

    My Deal...

    what did you say somthing mike? all i saw was climbing bla bla bla climbing bla bla i like climbing bla bla ect. good stuff though
  9. whirlwind

    ummmmm BEeer

    heres some intresting info for ya hops is very high in estrogen, therfore beer with high amounts of hops also contains high amounts of estrogen. although small amounts is ok, (for men) hops is actually an anadisiac, and high dosages result in lowered limbido and posible growth of "man boobs" (just kiddin) this explains alot no wonder most brew pubs are laid back where as bars where the best beer you can find is Busch ice tend to be more rowdy. so my question is how much hops is in your beer there TG? and you guys where worried about luna bars
  10. whirlwind


    batman word to the dude in tights
  11. whirlwind

    Burn Out or Rust?

  12. thats funny shit
  13. whirlwind


    Wisdom is like a box of chocolates.. no one has a full box,and what little wisdom we have, gets eatin up by impulsive cravings
  14. gneis-->pbr sex--->masterbation running outside--->stareing at the cuttie on the tredmill infront of you climbing parner--->belayslave rap--->r'n'b waterprofpants--->JORTS
  15. the funny thing is that when castro dies his brother is likly to take his place and he is a bigger tyrant than castro also if the US hadn't put a trade embargo on cuba the cuban people would be in a much better situation. people also forget that the people Castro overthrew where worse than castro himself. Castro refused to allow the us to influence cuban politics, in other words castro belived in comunisum and the US feared comunism, and still does, so we closed off the boarders with the trade embargo trying to force castro to undo the comunistic style goverment. personally i give castro some props for not allowing the us to influence cuba, but i don't agree with much else that he has done, i do however think its time to end the embargo on cuba and open up travel and trade there. but thats just my 2 cents
  16. whirlwind

    oh canada

    problem is canada and the us are so intertwined that the us's mishaps are bound to effect canadians at some point in time, but before then the "lunie tunies" in us office are making the lunies and tunies worth more though
  17. kinda funny, personally i think basketball is one of the better team sports when you team is actually a team, and not a bunch of show boatin ass munches btw baseball is boring as hell, I fall asleep playing that fricking game let alone whatching it.
  18. is it considered drinking 'n' driveing if the engine is off and your pushing your truck with a beer in ur hand and 4 empties in the bed of the truck? i hope not but if it is i think i can out run em... i guess we'll see
  19. keg stands anyone? 'n' what more could a guy ask for? oh and climbing too... TAKE!TAKE! TAAAAAaaKE!!!!! aaahhhhh woo thanks i think i need another kegstand TRing sure takes alot out of a guy
  20. whirlwind

    If it's true...

    i think it's bs as well, i dislike Bush but can you imagiane any phyciotrist giving confidential information to any one. 1) he'd lose his licence (cource he'd sell a shit load of books) 2) he'd get sued and lose all the money he made from the books but who knows
  21. that'd be a change, don't you ussally pay for it?
  22. "..and just like the prodigel sun i return/ anyone steppin to me they get burned/cause i got lyrics and you anit got none.."
  23. oh you wantted to climb my bad
  24. didn't go to 11worth last year but smith was a good time,
  25. well with so many guys and so few girls there is bound to be "ropes" everywhere
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