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Everything posted by whirlwind

  1. i need some work will do pretty much anything
  2. straight flashed with no aid nessisary
  3. cliff hanger was the reason i started climbing, mostly cause i was hoping to hook up with some hot betties
  4. i'd go but i'm poor and weak and don't really know how to climb but i like looking at big rocks... mm..mmm rocks, God being poor sucks give me money and i'll climb with you
  5. i hate to state the obious but sometimes they slip if their low on fluid, sometimes you can get away with changing the fluid and filter and somtimes you got to go the hole nine yards. it helps to know what the problem is though
  6. mostly just messin with him i can get up harder stuff, not what he climbs though
  7. lol i got fat but lost most of it, just havn't been climbing much, and i was never very good on face climbs i like climbing cracks much better
  8. well i'm a idiot but i'll climb with you on thur as long as we only do 5.7's and 8's
  9. maybe, if i get a job by tues i'll go. (i have a interview on tues) wanna come?
  10. F# my spelling sucks
  11. urbest bet is home school the ground school info then get the permit to fly with an intructer for the 40hrs nesisary, their is a place in bellingham that charges 60 an hr for intructor flights so thats 2400 plus books and test fees
  12. whirlwind

    this suks

    that just hurts coming from you
  13. whirlwind

    this suks

    your right tex i though about that but, i'm in no mood to jumb into a leagal battle, i should however atleast report the incedent to the parks department
  14. whirlwind

    this suks

    yup gotta keep up with the slang their old timer
  15. whirlwind

    this suks

    ok so i roll into yos about 9pm on wen night and i drive around trying ot locate my friend that lives their, after stoping in camp 4 and cheeking the board for parnters (btw there was no posts) i walk out to my van to discover the back tire wistleing at me as all the air runs out of it and of cource my spare tire is also flat. so i decide to crash and take care of it in the morning when the tire shop opens and i can see what i am doing. bout 2 hrs after passing out i wake up to a very loud knocking on the window followed by a ranger that is acting as if i am a suspect in a murder trial, bableing some shit about how the sign clearly states that this camp ground is walk in only. after i explain to him i don;t have any camping gear and had a flat, (also btw there was a total of like 4 cars in the parking lot) he takes my licence and asks if i am wanted for anything then goes and checks, a few minutes later he comes back and tells me to drive my van over to the tire shop to which i said no , figureing my spare might hold air ( it had a slow leak) he finally agreed to drive me over and fill it up, but before i can get in his car he says he has to search me, now he watched me as i got up, i was wearing shorts with no pockets and a jacket. i just put up my hands, then i guess he feared the buldge in the front of my pants cause he grabed a hand full, but he didn't stop there he then proceded to grab handfulls of , still half asleep and shocked out of my gore i had no idea what to do , i've been arresed a few times, ok more than a few ) and have never had that happen. any way i got my tire filled and then he left me to change the tire in the dark needless to say i bailed shortly after getting the tire on.
  16. if i don't go to redrocks i'll go with ya
  17. i'd be intrested in going if i can get a piggy back ride down, i got a full rack, half a brain, and gas money but i've never been to red rocks
  18. gona be at smith and planing on staying up to a week as long as i find parnters, look for the blue chev van WA plates, or call me if you got my digits eric
  19. i'll be up their maybe sunday, if not mon for sure but i may stay the whole week, any one gona be there?
  20. not to be off topic to much but when you leaving?
  21. i really need to do some climbing next weekend, willing to do ANYTHING that moderatly resembles climbing, JT yos, bishop, red rocks,or where ever eric
  22. whirlwind


    my little brother died yesterday, he was rideing his motor cycle down the highway with some friends and he swerved to miss an object in the road and ended up off his bike, he then got ran over by another bike, right over his chest killing him instantly they were not speeding or meesing around in any way. i'm not writing this for simpithy i just want all of you to embrace the ones you love and make sure they know how much you love them, my brother's name is J.J. and i loved him very much. he was 23 married and had a little girl named Alexia
  23. i'd climb wit ya girly, but, well i'm in cali
  24. dam you guys suck looks like its me n you mr E
  25. well dam luke i hope things go well for ya in the 05', take lots of pics and stay safe brotha E.
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